Can a britbong explain to me wtf is going on here?

73  2019-03-30 by Bluewhaleswimmer


The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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The effects of inbreeding.

Deluding yourself won’t change the fact they dabbed on your people Muhammad

How dare you insult the prophet.

I couldn’t think of an indian name

Forgive me











C'mon son!

Britbongs aren’t used to screaming and pushing all the time like Amerilards and Chinamen do. They’re only allowed to show emotion once a month during sessions of Parliament, and they take full advantage of it.

I looks like something JK Rowling would make up.

She did, in fact, make it up. Why do you think the UK is going to hell in a handbasket rn?

not enough surprise homosexuals to be her work

Actually, all of parliament is g-slur, and Teresa May is b-slur!

But no one's shitting wherever they want.

This looks like they're minutes away from hurling feces at each other

Ah. Parliament. Essentially, they scream at each other until they agree with each other. The house of commons if I remember correctly, used to do the same. But wearing gowns and wigs.

The house of commons if I remember correctly, used to do the same.

that is the house of commons.

That is the House of Commons dumb dumb



He's asking them to do a voice vote first.

If the vote is undeniably louder in one way, then it passes without needing to call a division. For instance, if the voices shouting 'Ayes' are much much louder than 'Noes' then it passes right away.

A division is when members leave the main chamber in order to have their votes physically counted. My understanding is that they go to opposing sides of the building in order to vote 'Aye' or 'No'. So an MP who would want to vote 'No' would go to the 'No' lobby, and his vote is counted as 'No' when he walks in.

seems to me like british politicians should more opera singers and football hooligans to make their side sound louder if the "noise" is what decides decisions

Voice votes are also done in other assemblies such as in the US congress:

I see, thanks for clearing that up.

But yeah. The British parliament though, unlike the US one, has lots of jeering going on when MPs are speaking.

I actually find that really fun, and supposedly Churchill preferred such a combative atmosphere too:

Lol @ silly britbongers chimping out so much 🐒

But it's entertaining. I love seeing politicians fight.

For example, see the Taiwanese parliament:, they throw chairs at each other 😂.

Absolute based! 🤣

I'm really digging the new tilted laughing emoji meta

The normal one has lost most even ironic value to me. The tilted one is new and fresh and unknown to the normies.

Plus the tilted one allows for this combo 🤣👆


A division is when members leave the main chamber in order to have their votes individually counted.

There's no way to vote, ya know, in the chamber?

For one, the chamber itself does not have enough seating for all the MPs. I think it can only fit about 400ish when there are 650 MPs. So not all MPs are in the main chamber when the voice vote is initially done. Those MPs would later participate in the division by going to the appropriate lobbies.

But there's definitely talk of implementing some sort of electronic voting, but it's difficult as the chamber is too small to have dedicated seats for each MP.

Build a new parliament building you tradition obsessed simpletons.

Having 150 MPs sit out means they can hide their less functional alcoholics.

Joke country tbh bring back monarchy

At least the UK is required to film this shit unlike the EU. We don't even know what goes on there

Almost as embarrassing as Trump.

US Congress: basically any senate scene from the star wars prequels

British parliament: sports bar on Superbowl night

WHy would you stream your government on twitch? Also lol @ the limey emote

the descendants of inbred aristocrats mimicking old traditions