The Rightwing of the DSA Left

111  2019-03-30 by MaleficentWoketard


I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


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I’m not gonna read all this but did he call Chapos nazis?

Kind of, but mainly he called r/stupidpol nazis

Are chapos. Transgirlmusilmpocfolx? If not they be naziing big time.

Nah this is a chapo coping that other chapos think identity politics are a distraction.

Standard "don't talk about ecnomics, we gotta focus on intersectionality!" agitprop the financial-industry-occupiers have been pushing ever since Occupy Wall Street.

Medium is where people whose ramblings are too insane for Buzzfeed/Vice write their stuff.

King Achelelexus is where he accept anything else but "white boys" in the club and if anyone tries to reach out to other groups like women or LGBTQ they try to shut it down to stay safe in his little bubble of believe.

Typical giantbomb fan.

Featuring drama’s very own seattle_bussy_lmao

I spoke too soon, they booted me from their discord bc a few were upset I am a magacel. Folks on the extremes just can’t usually handle difference of opinion ime. I’ll say the majority are cool and chill though.

I like the sub because point out how mayos expect minorities to do dog tricks for them

Well they should


That’s a very succinct way of putting it. That’s exactly why I like it, they bring a bit of honesty back to leftist ideology.

I like the sub because they point out how mayos expect minorities to do dog tricks for them Strasserism is bestism!


haha gottem

tbh I used to post there regularly but then one of the mods very earnestly argued that socialism and marxism are the same thing and was talking about modding people off the sub for having views incompatible with marxism and it was so stupid that I had an anuerysm and died

anyway did they get less retarded?

I gave up on trying to argue with people about their political views on Reddit.

But to answer your question, no, they are just as retarded.


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fucking lmao

Yeah I think that was a my last attempt. I was like, oh shit, finally a political group that at least sort of meshes with my political beliefs and then I got blasted with that ray of concentrated 'tism and it knocked me back into the shitposting abyss from whence I came.

RIP my attempt at political seriousposting 2018-2018


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Oooo I got called the t-slur didn't I?

radical feminism is identity politics and literally incompatible with the point of the sub

Homeslice already told me you didn't get less retarded, you don't have to come demonstrate

They booted you cuz you were dumb.

Tbf, that's also the reason they gave for booting me so lol

Two /r/familyman regulars, I wonder if there is something nefarious going on 🤔

It's a good show!

That’s my favorite show, watch it with my grandson

Yep. This big-brained genius screenshotted some Bernie Strassers jokes and decided I was a real-life Nazi, lol.

Certain leftists have had their brains so rotted by idpol that all comedy edgier than Dad jokes is so problematic that they can't even right now because omg they ran out of spoons doing emotional labor.

It's for the best tbh. Otherwise the commies might actually start organizing & working together.

What lmao

Congratulations, you are the new face of the Fashy Left.

and that's a good thing

Dramas resident nazbol gang gang 🤣🤣

Well, Seattle 4 truth was a schizophrenic who got caught up in right-wing conspiracy theories and killed his dad, while seattle_bussy_lmao is a radical centerist who got caught up in podcast culture and made sweet love to his dad. Both are cautionary tales really.

Have you met my dad?

You would, too.

sub going private in 3 2 1

Lol no.

Socialism and idpol go together like chapos and common sense

He looks like the barista that I never tip, lmao


He looks like Pizza Shill but not quite as soyish.

Seems like a pretty shitty hitpiece to me.

It is shitty. Idpol started with professors who weren't very smart who still needed to produce content for academic journals. Intellectual mediocrity is part of its DNA. Also why this guy hates Max Blumenthal and Glenn Greenwald, they actually have intellectual talent and would Jason Bourne his ass in a deathmatch. Even if I disagreed with those guys, I wouldn't debate them. It'd be like debating Noam Chomsky in 1995 or Christopher Hitchens in 2005.

Does this guy only go on reddit and is #shocked every time he finds a new community?

Actual quote from this article

even claim the working class is majority white.

They act like they are claiming for racist reasons and that it's not true. The working class is majority white, it isnt rocket sicene, whites are the largest racial group so of course there would be a large working class. White people are not Asians where they are all wealthy.

The author does a galaxy brain justification for that actually:

Many flat out deny a racial diversity within class structures & even claim the working class is majority white. A claim like this only makes sense in a country like the United States, that’s 75% white. But such a nationalist approach to socialism reinforces the underlying sentiments of Donald Trump’s “America First” slogan.

You see, there's a billion working class people in Africa, vs 330 million Americans total, it's nationalism and ethnofascism to deny that Africans should have a larger say in the US politics than Americans themselves.

Alex Jones was right, the globalists are trying to take us over.

Homoglobal superstate when?

If you want to quash an idea, get someone everybody hates to say it loudly.

That's fucking hilarious.

It was at this point that I stopped reading.

[Lmao this guy has failed english major written all over him]

Can’t even grow a full proper revolutionary beard.

failed english major

is there any other kind?

Yeah I was being kind of redundant

lol I just completed requirements for my English M.A. yesterday 🤙👌👌👍👍👍👌🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙄😥😪😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Does he eat his moustache for lunch every day? Why is that thing so patchy and horrible?

He looks like Trotsky if Trotsky was low T and dying of AIDS.

Lmao that description should be in his twitter bio 🤣🤣

It's a shame they're still commies, otherwise /r/stupidpol would be good people.

In their very recently completed demographic survey, like 3% identify as conservative / “reactionary”. Social democrats (teh evil liberals) are a significant number as well, though I think a lot more just ID as democratic socialist.

Dr. Pavel, I'm DSA

You're a big mod


You’re not my friend

Perhaps he was wondering why you would shoot a movement...before monetizing a podcast for neetbucks.



So I’m really stupid, but did he just post a screenshit of someone telling a Maga Boomer to fuck off as evidence of racism? Can someone that read it explain what he was trying to convey with that paragraph? I would think he was being ironic, but he already said that was bad. 🕵🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

You're 100% correct. He was talking about how /r/stupidpol is racist and never deletes racist comments and his proof was somehow a /r/stupidpol poster telling a [deleted] racist to fuck off.

Magnificent. You can’t make this shit up. It’s like no matter the input, they revert to the same 4 or 5 thought-scripts.

lmao so far 73 people logged into medium and "clapped" for this ret[slur]ded quote-mining expedition

Notice how he talks about class reductionism but puts race reductionism in quotes. Says a lot about how not left wing at all he is


Democratic socialists of America. Their most notable accomplishment is raising $200,000 for people injured in the Charlottesville protests and redistributing it into their own pockets. So basically exactly what true socialists should be.

Do you have a source? I hadn't heard about this

that happened

Watch this ONE subreddit of ONLY 5000 people piss off every other leftist and LIBTARD known to man!

Which one are you?

Divine of course.

Eww. Doesn't your local bath house have a "no fatties" policy?

No, but they should.

this shit sucks, im not in even one of these tiny-ass screenshots

Imagine being a so far left fundie (all class, no intersections) that you get called right wing.

Something, something, shoe..