r/politics in shambles over Joe Biden getting #metood.

7  2019-03-30 by Ghdust2


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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This sub is astroturfed to hell by establishment Dems

oh yeah loooove disunity

I wouldn’t even do that type of shit to my wife. I’d still feel creepy sneaking up to smell her hair, grasp her and give her a kiss. That’s just not ok behavior in any context.

lol you cant sneak up on your wife and plant a smooch on her head? what a pussy

Biden invades personal space, but wrote the violence against women act, so I'm gonna go with he's just annoying, and not ill willed

uh oh, the natives aren't enjoying that one

I wonder how much the GOP paid for this article.

I love /r/politics fights

Thomas Jefferson owned and raped slaves, but wrote the declaration of independence, so I'm gonna go with he's just annoying, and not ill willed

I wouldn’t even do that type of shit to my wife. I’d still feel creepy sneaking up to smell her hair, grasp her and give her a kiss. That’s just not ok behavior in any context.

Tfw you have to sign and email mandatory consent forms to your lawyer whenever you wanna bang your wife.

Here I am grabbing my wife's ass, no way this guy's married

it's like, if your wife bends over in the kitchen and you don't grab her as, are you even married???

No you aren't it's accepted and expected that you totally grope your wife

I love seeing that sub imploding

There isn't going to be a Democratic candidate running next year, is there?