School Shooting Supporting NRA Is Really Getting Fucked In the A Slur by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who ordered Banks, Insurance Corporations to deny business to the NRA. r/Politics is celebrating with schadenfreude towards the gun loving domestic terrorist Lobby.

20  2019-03-30 by GodOfDarknessWine


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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While President Obama was a boon for NRA donations, Presient Trump’s across-the-board pro-gun stance has caused the group’s income to plummet by $55 million, The Daily Beast reported. The organization suffered an $18 million loss in 2017 after losing $46 million in 2016.

Daddy fucks over the NRA, unintentionally. Good.

This makes a lot of sense when you realize the NRA is primarily a gun sales lobby and not a gun rights lobby.

They tend to lose tons of money whenever a Republican is in office because they can't fear monger and make a bunch of shit up about how the government is gonna take their guns.

I love guns, but I'd never donate to the NRA. They're a cancer on American politics and have been for a number of years.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend. I really have no desire to own a gun. I am pretty big on the idea of being able to own one. The problem being I am in one of those very blue states where ownership comes down to the look of you. What you are pushing is full of heart but not a great take.

This makes a lot of sense when you realize the NRA is primarily a gun sales lobby and not a gun rights lobby.

It actually explains everything now.

This makes a lot of sense when you realize the NRA is primarily a gun sales lobby and not a gun rights lobby.

Sort of? Its definitely the place where gun companies are going to kick some money because they are the most nationally recognized organization, but guns really aren't big business. The real goal of a gun manufacturer is typically to land a military contract, otherwise you're just trying to sell a low-margin item that comes with a ton of regulatory overhead.

Think about how much you make selling a rifle for ~600$, vs selling a single jet plane for ~90,000,000$. Its just a crossover point for conservative interests, the military industrial complex, and survivalist weirdos which creates a very frustrating network of single-issue voters. And that's why the NRA is the boogeyman, and not people who actually have the money to influence congress.

nra mommy isnt gonna be happy about this

I couldn't care less one way or the other about NRA but

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat who last year directed state regulators to "urge insurance companies, New York State-chartered banks, and other financial services companies licensed in New York to review any relationships they may have with the National Rifle Association."

.. is 180 degrees opposite of "free market". I mean, that's Government directly intervening against an organization for political reasons. Textbook Soviet Russia.

Somehow, I don't believe someone saying

Free market baby!

... at /r/politics meant it ironically. Ever!

I'm happy whenever the state can oppress a malicious lobby group that for years has fought to sabotage any gun regulations/restrictions ever, especially after a mass shooting.

If the American Government fucked Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Monsanto, and others over, that's a good thing.

I bet you're absolutely seeeething over the NRA getting California's magazine capacity ban struck down. Is that what this is about?

No. I'm gloating at the NRA.

That's fancy way to spell COPE.


If you could read you'd probably be aware Cuomo is going to get his ass blasted on first amendment grounds over this one. So I'm not sure what I have to seethe about?

If it makes it to the Supreme Court. I'm glad they are getting squeezed.

Imagine actually giving a fuck about liberal boogiemen. I saw your other post complaining about this one. You're definitely not seething.

urge insurance companies, New York State-chartered banks, and other financial services companies licensed in New York to review any relationships they may have with the National Rifle Association."

It depends on what is behind "urge".

.. is 180 degrees opposite of "free market".

Not more than your landlord "urging" you to not bring women to your apartment. Lolbertarians and republicans would wet their panties in this case about how "voluntarily" this is.

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Guncels on suicide watch

The state essentially orders you to close down

”hmmmm what say le rethuglikkkans now after the free market ran its course xD”

Boy do I love agenda posting

It's a r/drama tradition.