/r/Israel goes completely mask off, fantasizes about total genocide of Palestinians

6  2019-03-30 by tsetnocamrak


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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/u/depressedwoman seems like a real treasure lmao

Palestinian population has been steadily increasing at healthy rates both inside Gaza and inside Israel

It'S GeNOcIdE!

I'm saying they're calling for genocide, not currently implementing it!!!!!

They haven't, aren't, but unironically should.

hmm. not fun to argue with shameless evil

One guy calls for genocide, receives no upvotes

All Jews want to kill Palestinians!!!11!

Excuse me, where do you think you are? Radical centrist policy is to eliminate them all inshallah.

“full mask off”

obvious joke

chapo tier

/r/Israel goes completely mask off, fantasizes about total genocide of Palestinians

tbh who doesn't?