BBC breaks story on breakthrough paleontological discovery... social justice activist goes on nuclear Twitter rant about white man and "Eurocentrism".

204  2019-03-30 by UnexpectedLizard


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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Europe didn't fucking exist when the event in question occurred. Humans didn't fucking exist. Just…

I used to know a woke PhD student in 2005 (!) who didn't believe in evolution because the Indians he studied told him they'd always occupied North America, and they didn't like the theory. Probably the root of this whole deranged rant. Dinosaurs existed. Which is hilarious.

And we're going back, now, there was no "SJW" war on the Internet, he was just a pathetic douche who'd latched onto woke principles because he couldn't really think, or produce a PhD dissertation, unless he embraced this magic ethos which allowed him to generate gibberish text his hack University staff would thumbs-up.

In retrospect, what I didn't see was how viral the woke thing is, in giving dignity, authority and power to people who aren't smart. That is seductive. And even more unfortunately, laughing at the circus freakshow of these people's mental contortions is also seductive. Hence where you find yourself here and /u/the_reason_trump_won.

Wow. Well said. Get back s-slur posting you r-slur.

I had an old Reddit account with 100,000K karma I deleted because I was ashamed of everything I'd written, like when I worked for an Internet marketing company. Not ashamed like it was humiliating, but it wasn't actually proactively intelligent. I own this comment.

Do you have u/longpostbot blocked or something?

Learn from #Metoo, it's not actually a long post if every sentence is rewarding tabloid slander.

That post came in just under the limit. Imagine not being able to eyeball exactly when longpostbot kicks in.

It's literally 2/3 of limit.

Good post tbh. shout-out Utahraptor, largest Dromaeosaurid known

Fucking Mormons

What are you on about! Indians rode dinosaurs! Racist scum.

the Indians he studied told him they'd always occupied North America

And exactly the same places too. There was never any migration on the American continent until the paleface came and imposed it. Remember that the "First Nations" were the first people to have ever lived on that spot of ground and definitely didn't replace earlier populations.

Just like the bantu who totally didnt kill bushmen in southern africa!

what I didn't see was how viral the woke thing is, in giving dignity, authority and power to people who aren't smart. That is seductive.

Giving people unearned status is human catnip. if you want loyalty give someone something they know they didn't earn and without you they would lose.

And we're going back, now, there was no "SJW" war on the Internet, he was just a pathetic douche who'd latched onto woke principles because he couldn't really think, or produce a PhD dissertation, unless he embraced this magic ethos which allowed him to generate gibberish text his hack University staff would thumbs-up.

The real purpose of universities isn't to train rigorous thinkers (except in a few degree programs). It's to train teenagers to write a little better than they did in high school. But they have to pretend they're rigorous.

That's why Jordan Peterson is a threat - his neo-Jungian crap is a solid threat to the more boring critical theory / post-structural / postmodern drivel it competes with when it comes to writing reams and reams of bullshit. And at least Jungian crap can approve of a common framework for thinking (the canon + apparently now Pinocchio), learns from the past a little, and isn't boring as fuck.

A lot of what Peterson says sounds very post-modern as well. For instance that there's some absolute relationship between utility and truth, or some relationship between evolutionary psychology and Jungian archetypes. I mean it sounds like nonsense to me.

It's over for dinocels. They didn't consider the indigenous people whose land their fuckin 70 million year old bones might end up on


Yeah but apparently the idea is that anything that mentions the geography of the Dakotas should focus on the activities of indigenous peoples, not whites. So like if a white person discovered an alien spaceship near Fargo then reporting on it would be racist because like there are so many natives whose stories we could be telling instead.

Yeah the only natives that existed back then, were dinosaurs


Her future employers are going to be so pleasantly surprised when they google her name and find her twitter account. Also there's something really ironic about that 'woke' bio and then concluding it with a paypal link.

Also there's something really ironic predictable about that 'woke' bio and then concluding it with a paypal link.

Fixed that for ya mate.

It’s for her soros bucks amirite

> Future Employers

She'll never leave academia. She'll leech off of the American Universities for the rest of her life.

Lol no way is she gonna get a faculty spot

They gave her a doctorate. If they won't give her faculty afterwards, that means they're inherently betraying their own doctorate program.

Besides, she's postdoc -- doesn't that mean she's already faculty? I thought postdocs taught classes.

Tonnes of doctorates, not tonnes of spaces

lol not how it works. Post doc's rarely ever teach classes and they are paid shit. Only reason anyone with a Stem PhD would do a post doc is if they are trying to get a tenure track facility position(which is is extremely hard), otherwise anyone with a brain goes into industry.

Academia is unironically the worst possible career option. Crack dealer and unemployed and banking on yang are better career decisions.

Plenty of professors make over 100k a year, and they get the full summer as vacation.

yeah, in their 40s after working 60-80 hours a week for decades and then getting lucky to actually get tenure unlike 90% of the people on that track.

Meh, I'm almost done with my PhD, no regrets.


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I read the whole thread and i still don't know what it has to do with dinos. /u/cdace this (woman slur) wants to take our dinos from us ;(

Because white people were doing paleontology on stolen Native American lands, you fucking bigot.

Her comments would have made some sense if it was an anthropological discovery. I'm not quite sure how "interviewing the natives" would help a paleontologist. Maybe she got confused 🤷‍♂️

Want to know why the only academics in that twitter thread getting upset and agreeing with her aren't paleontologists and geologists? Because they're not fucking retards getting upset over shit they dont understand completely outside of their wheelhouse.

Should someone tell her (predominantly) white geoscientists are doing research on native lands 6+ months out of the year for the last 100 years and we're generally pretty respectful and get along with the tribes?

Also what is a paleontologist going to ask the tribe? "Hey do you guys know of any really well preserved death assemblages of megafauna precisely on the K-Pg boundary never before seen in literature which you aren't familiar with?"

This is fucking absurd, especially coming from another academic

Are you sure there isnt some vague fable said by some drunk shayman that hey can shove into this story

Also what is a paleontologist going to ask the tribe? "Hey do you guys know of any really well preserved death assemblages of megafauna precisely on the K-Pg boundary never before seen in literature which you aren't familiar with?"

Pretty sure there is someone in her comments who says pretty much that.

we're generally pretty respectful and get along with the tribes

Did you just say "I have a black friend"??? 😠😠😠

Nah just that most tribes are cool with us because we're the weirdos only interested in the rocks and not their cultural artifacts or managed game reserves. You also usually have an agreement to provide the tribe with your findings (about whatever, often unimportant to the tribe) before publication.

Unironically though, thank you for preserving the heritage of our world that belongs to all of us. o7


As a paleontologist, I think she's just butthurt her job doesn't involve digging up dinosaurs with a cowboy hat on.

Native paleontologists had already discovered those remains hundreds of years ago. The w-slur man decided to rediscover them himself instead of hearing about it second hand over a friendly bowl of peyote.

This is very disrespectful in native culture.

Injuns don’t deserve respect. They didn’t make guns, germs, or steel. The tide of history should have rightfully eliminated them to nothing more than baseball mascots and characters in westerns.


You can respect people and appreciate the very real contributions they've made to our society without pretending that they were experts on paleontology, a science that relies on being plugged into global communications networks. Also trying to make out Jared Diamond to be a racist 😂😂😂 like did you read the intro to that book? Are you trying really hard to prove that you're a millenial/zoomer?

I appreciate Neil Diamond’s contributions fully while recognizing his academic shortfalls in some areas. I think it is understand within a modern intersectional framework that it is the known scholar Andrew Jackson who had the hottest takes about Tribecel Americans.

I think we have a new meta-satire character

I'm not quite sure how "interviewing the natives" would help a paleontologist.

The Native Americans lived in harmony with dinosaurs and used to ride them into battle peaceful LGBTQQA2S++ parades.

Until the whites genocided both of them.

Seriously, pick up a book some time.

Indigocels were on Dino land

From reading my take away is she basically has the same “decolonize science” argument you can see on YouTube with South Africa. Instead of the “Eurocentric” approach to why dinosaur fossils are there we should ask the native population if they have any myths about it and what their opinions are in how the dinosaurs got there.

native population if they have any myths about it and what their opinions are in how the dinosaurs got there.

Why? I mean if someone who studies native American culture wants to than sure, nothing wrong with learning about past cultures.

But theres nothing scientifically relevant to asking native Americans "So what do you think your great-great-great-great-grandparents would have thought about dinosaurs?" unless they said they were out on the earth by divine power to test their faith in which case EVOLUTIONISTS BTFO INTELLIGENT DESIGN FTW 💪💪💪

They don’t really care about it being scientifically relevant. The purpose is to say that we should focus on other cultures because they aren’t white colonizers. That was why I brought up the South African point is because they were trying to argue that their myths and legends about things like gravity are more important and correct compared to people like Edison and Newton.

I think what it is is that sometimes the Natives found dinosaur bones or fossils and made up a mythological story about them, they came from "the thunder horse" or something. Maybe she thinks any story about dinosaurs should be prefaced with that.

Anyone that tweets that much in one sitting can’t be mentally well.

Anyone that tweets that much in one sitting can’t be mentally well.


Sounds like someone didn’t get funding this year.

Sounds like she's advocating for ethno-nationalism of the Natives to me. Sure, they can have Dakota for all I care.

They shouldnt be allowed to have the white mans horses though

And no casino.

Only because it has a ton of oil lol. The state is 90% white though.


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Of course at the end of that rant she posts her paypal lol.

I remember thinking that the world was slowly progressing and getting better year by year

Technology is, and in a couple decades technology will finally allow us to simply put up gates around all us useful people and set the killbots to no mercy mode and let the problems sort themselves out.

all us useful people


“I hate Capitalism”

“Pay me”

It's over for dinocels

If a doctor has this much time to tweet all of that useless shit then you know they’re not an important doctor

JFYI if you’re not Indigenous probably better not to like or RT this thread, even if you just mean solidarity/sympathy/care.


The logical conclusion of intersectionality is solipsism

No, it's the ultimate minority of the individual. More isolationist than solipsistic.

The wokeness ate her brain

Isn't wonderful to see really educated and intelligent persons being complete morons.

really educated and intelligent persons

[citation needed]

I like the term "high IQ retards". Don't get it twisted, these people are probably pretty damn smart, but being smart doesn't mean you aren't retarded, a lot of the time it just means you're better at justifying your retarded beliefs. Jonathan Heidt talks about this in some of his works, really interesting Psychologist and spearheading a movement to increase diversity of thought in academia.

I want to point out that North Dakota is 89% white, 9% native, so much for indigenous land.

dude, she is angry that the whites took the indigenous land and are digging for dinosaurs..

I'm pretty sure the pioneers didn't steal the land for dino bones, they were just a bonus.

do you think those injuns were the original settlers on that land lol?

Yes, that is what they think. Ive had it out with one before. She argued that they are the direct genetic descendants of the first people to ever settle that land. And that they had occupied said land continuously for 8-10k years. (This is re the natives that live near clovis)

Making an argument that is so fucking stupid that your opposition cant help but insult you or stare in disbelief is a pretty solid strategy irl.

of all the insane twitter academics on a white guilt trip I think this is the most insane one

She's just yet another sly fuck faced actual white savior who woke washes her bullshit, fetishised, "wise Indian shaman with all the knowledge" trope, by using the right words and putting "antifa" and "decolonizer" in her bio.

It is obvious as all fuck to non-mayos in the rest of the world. Literally every educated person has to grapple with the "our great ancestors had everything figured out" nonsense. What the moron in the Twitter thread doesn't realize is that these opinions are often highly "non-woke".

2019: "We must abolish White Paleontology!"

1935: "Wir müssen die jüdische Physik abschaffen!"

I don't see a lot of difference.

The fact that we never used "Jewish physics" to nuke the Nazis means we don't actually live in the dankest timeline.

If only the cowardly krauts held on for a few more months...

I hope that dank timeline involves an aircrew of only Jews dropping “The little Goy” on Berlin while having stars of David painted on as roundels

2019: "We must abolish White Paleontology!"

The people saying this are mostly white and should be eliminated.

For some reason im blocked by this person, so if anyone could give me a rundown on how much more of a shitshow this thread went id appreciate it.

Ask a fucking indigenous person you gawd damn slag.

If you weren't retardedslur the you'd know you can open the link in an incognito/private browsing window that you aren't logged in from to read the fully-public post

That person has a Doctorate.... Modern universities are nothing but degree mills.

never ever give someone more respect because of a degree, give them respect for what they actually accomplish, you can pretty much just buy degrees.

This land is not your land, no matter what your first grade teacher told you.

I eagerly await the great native uprising to reclaim control of the United States. I predict it will start and end with journal articles that exist only to get used as Policy Debate evidence and longform twitter rants that take 3 hours to post.

They havent handled modernization very well at all.

She’s titrating cum in that pic


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This is incredibly incoherent, I'm having a lot of trouble finding any narrative that makes any sense at all.


But not if you're wh*te

Boom boom shack a lack a lack a boom.

Why does she have a paypal link in h*r bio.

Of course there’s s PayPal attached

Imagine having to go through life being like that.

Antifa, decolonizer, scientist. Enrolled Kanza (she/they)

Who'd have guessed

2019 and trying to impress morons with the mundane concept of epigenetics. Couple that with a pic of her using a separating funnel and we’ve peak galaxy-brain on our hands.

Of course it's a fucking white chick

She’s injun or obsessed with them at least.

One of my favorite anthropology professors continues to make it very clear that visiting professionals almost NEVER discover a previously unknown site. People live there. Indigenous folks already know. If you engage respectfully, they MIGHT tell you about it.

toss the noble savages a six-pack and ask real pretty and they'll welcome you into their tribe. what the fuck

I really hope she gets her way and every scientific announcement starts with a piece about the unrelated drunk indians nearby

Land isn't something you get to treat like garbage except for when it can be of extractive use to you.