I just discovered a subreddit that makes /r/GenderCritical look like /r/MensRights. Ladies and gentlemen, let me present /r/TheFairerSex

143  2019-03-31 by fernguts


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Lmao the absolute hatred for bussycels

A couple lolcows but low subscriber count so no drama.

The posts themselves are pretty dramatic.


'when I ask Google for porn, Google gives it to me???

'the fuck????'

Imagine unironically thinking futa and trans are the same.

I feel like there has to be some back and forth for drama.

Retards agreeing with retards is interesting for a time, but it gets boring.

Someone's going to have poke them.

removed because Reddit admins are being erratic and it could be seen as brigading.

Nothing posted there is wrong, tho.

Too true. I can't wait for the maleocide.

You don't even need sperm to create offspring, just fuse two eggs together. Maleocide now!

Maleocide now!

This should be official /r/drama policy.

I will watch this cesspool grow with all my love, big potential.

lol those user names:







The stereotypes write themselves

I recognize some of them, of course the "purple" women of /r/purplepilldebate end up the biggest misandrists on Reddit.

Femcels fascinate me for some reason. I understand why some really ugly, socially inept, and just plain pathetic dudes have given up but femcels are a little more complex. Their disorder seems stronger to me just not as violent. There is some real primal resentment in those subs.

In the past most of the women ended up as nuns or "courtesans".

Based on these usernames I can scientifically and empirically conclude that all of these people are sub 3/10 irl












It's beautiful. I love this but I'd also pay to watch this place stirred df up.

This seems like my kinda subreddit.

Dang! ...and I thought Nazis were unreasonable.

Why is that sub just a series of circlejerky titles with no actual comments?


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Night of the Long Penises when


Sauron's army in Lord of the Rings would look fairer than them.

It appears to just be the same 4 or 5 people posting over an over and not even commenting on any of the threads

It really says something when the only person that isn't there to shit on men, and it's actually trying to encourage woman, it's called menhater666