The Prince is rinsed!

107  2019-03-31 by ironicshitpostr


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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I think he gets bored with his r/d-rama alt when it's slow and he starts shit at chaposhithole. It's magnificent.

I swear Prince Kropotkin stalks this sub obsessively lmao.

One time I posted a thread on r/d-rama linking to some PK posts from 2 years ago. But I deleted the thread quickly (like within 2 minutes) because I didn't find it funny enough.

Later on, when I went back to the PK posts, they were all deleted.


See the Snappy archives, his posts were visible when I made the thread. So essentially, for the 2 minutes my thread was up, PK saw that shit and immediately deleted his old posts πŸ˜‚.


I'm persuaded there is a gang of autists behind PK.

I would believe this. There's no way such an immense amount of autis​m can be contained within one person.


Two people with the combined IQ of a particularly ambitious plant attempt to prove their intellectual superiority

I used to read the Blaze back in the day and there was this dude who didnt just comment on everything, but would engage with literally anyone who said anything to him. I forget the name, but they had the unibombers Weird Al-looking police sketch as an avatar, on a couple of occasions they openly acknowledged that like 20 like-mined people actually worked the account in shifts and coordinated in irc. PK reminds me of that to a tee.


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Okay where was he wrong?

Idk I just wanna see if it gets deleted

Make a thread about it

Try making an r/drama thread about it

πŸ€” What if you tried reposting the thread with a title that has his username in it?

To add on to my point, his other r/d-rama comments are still there. That means, it couldn't have been that he ran some sort of comment-delete bot that wiped his old r/d-rama comments.

Instead, I'm 100% sure he saw my thread in specific and deleted those comments out of embarrassment.

The dude is obsessively online.

Asking chapo to ban tankies is like asking drama to ban fgts. There'd be like 3 posters left

the great patriotic posters alarm was sounded and now all able bodied posters will answer the call

Imagine an able-bodied person posting in CTH.

I certainly can't imagine able-minded CTH posters.

You advocate for corrupt bureaucrat control which is obviously not worker control. Life for the average Soviet worker sucked while life for the average Soviet bureaucrat was great. A similar pattern held sway almost everywhere else stalinists had power, and for that reason.

Do you know how many innocent and random people were thrown in there? The overall prison population of the USSR was fucking huge at times.

😍🀩😍 Love u P_K.

This tbh, prince may be a fragile vindictive petty sly lil anarcuck...but at least he wrecks tankies.

I literally never met a boomer in Poland who wouldnt reminiscent about them or someone from immediate family being oppressed during commie regime (except Police members)

Wonder if chapo has any eastern bloc users


Aka the country that was adamant that they will wreck both krauts and ruskies, and ended up being spitroasted by both.

Ackshually Poland got so caught up in hating both, they forgot to ally with one of them

left unity!

ftr I will pray for his cause - Tankies are truly terrible.

o7 braver than the troops!

Godspeed you! Liberal Prince

Come home Prince, we have shiny new boomers and fugees that we will watch you do battle with.

You know this is where you belong.

pizzashill vs. pk should be a pay-per-view

Holy fuck. I was LITERALLY going to edit my comment and say I would pay $15 to watch that, but then I realized they are both anti-Drumpf and I don’t know what they would fight about.


I though pizzashill hated communists just as much?

You probably know more than me honestly. I know some D-slur canon but πŸ• spergs I’ve seen don’t get me going. I assume he does.

they disagree on basically everything except that trump is bad I think, but i might not be up to date on pizzashill canon

Pizza2k19tm doesn't like trump, oddly enough

He's still anti daddy

Thinking Daddy keeps the left from infighting.

No I know. This would just such a bizarre mismatch in every sense. Without the flashpoint of Daddy idk how it would start.

The left, uh, finds a way.

An immutable truth as I’ve found. πŸ˜žπŸ‘ŒπŸ»

How about the definition of incel?

That would be a hell of a start. I’ll pay $20.

He'd hate it here, what with all his right wing lolcow counterparts banned. Only nmx is left I think.

What ours lack in quality they make up in quantity though.

is this the part where we all yell at you for five minutes before going on a landlord hunt


PK aside, how does your average CTH Tankie think that they will every reach the critical mass necessary for a revolution when they literally hate everyone?

Reactionaries βœ…

Conservatives βœ…

Centrists βœ…

Now libs βœ…

Liberals βœ…

Non ML leftist βœ…

That covers like 99% of the population

Its like it mostly about larping as a revolutionary on the internet, not about having any meaningful impact on the world.

They don't actually want a revolution because then they'd have to do actual work.

Stalinists and actual tankies βœ…

You forgot something.

The only good thing about an actual commie revolution would be watching chapos be the first against the wall.

It's hilarious that he thought that would work.

half these people are right-wing trolls or r-drama people doing bits



Implying we'd sully ourselves. I personally hire small asian children to troll chapo for me.

GPT-2 bots are cheaper

Could leftists be shitty? No, it must be the d-slur-nauts.

I have 15 Gujarati children in my personal troll farm on their Windows XP machines pretending to be socdems and liberals in ChapoTrapHouse comments.

On the one hand, PRINCE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Who's going to btfo libs now??

On the other hand, if he really is a counterrevolutionary traitor he needs to be gulaged.

Chad btfo

r drama people doing bits

Doing bits lol. The lame attempt to use comedian clique speak like bits is one of the cringiest parts of that sub.

based and redpilled chapo mods


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ur dumb lmao

I see you're a chapocel. It's a copypasta based on the original, saying that /r/drama is full of nazis. So I edited it to say that /r/CTH is full of tankies.

ah ok c0ool. heres a playboi carti snippet enjoy the rest of your day