/r/Poetry mod dukes it out with users over whether they're evil misogynistic fuckheads

142  2019-03-31 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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All poets are f slurs and also r slurs.


What a bitch. Heres one of my favorite poems

The autumn leaves are falling like rain,

Although my neighbors are all barbarians,

And you, you are a thousand miles away,

There are always two cups at my table

Sweet 🥰🥰🥰




Mod that ho

What kind of pathetic life do I have to lead to be a hall monitor on reddit?


I missed the memo, is poetry just anything now?

I'll tell you right now

The one thing I truly know

Poetry is gyay.


if you space it,

like this,

it's poety.

Rap is also poetry don't @me

My new bitch yellow

She blow that dick like a cello

Fuck her and then send that bitch home in a metro

-Famed poet Lil Yachty

Anyone that would be a good poet just writes music instead, so the medium has been drained into a circlejerk that is usually vaguely political.


video down, f4ggot

Its over for Eurocels

k-action all f-slur p*wermods

kiss all fancy pbermods


To be fair, Bukowski was shit. I am an alcoholic myself so I feel like I would know if he was good.

Even removed the bot that commented that the drama thread exists lol

They're onto us.

The reason feminism is maligned is the same as the incel movement. The loudest voices do not discourse outside the lens of their anger.

Can you think of a time in history where it would be better for a woman to be seen as fragile or a possession rather than dead? Even when women were seen as less than men, they were not treated like slaves, usually.

Women were rescued, spared, or supported when men would be ignored or killed. Technological and cultural advancement has made this an outdated idea, but in a society where risk taking must be relegated to the men for the survival of the tribe/village/nation/etc, then it makes sense that misogyny would occur. It was never ideal or honest, but it has saved lives, culture, and knowledge.

Arguing about word meanings with a poem that old is, frankly ludicrous. It has a beautiful and meaningful message, and if you prefer, change the phrase to "nobody has the strong man" so it is "misandrist" and enjoy. I'm sure Charles Bukowski won't mind. He's dead.

Using ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟ ʜɪsᴛᴏʀʏ and not the revisionist, everything was sparkles and sunshine stuff? That's a good way to get your post deleted by salty M-slurs.

Poor yerunkle was first banned by that poetrix and then had his post removed from srd for lack of drama...

Bless his tormented soul

poetry lmao

Who'd ever imagine the mods of /r/poetry to be trembling SJWs?

how can a Reddit comment smell like cat pee

Pro life tip, friend – stop treating women like a prize to be "won", or an object to "get", and you'll probably find you have a better handle on how to begin stronger, lifelong relationships with women.

That fits pretty well with the concept that you never 'have' a woman, it's just 'your turn'.

Pro life tip, friend – stop treating women like a prize to be "won",

Unironically the moment women stop being the sexual selectors then men will stop treating getting a good woman like a prize. Men compete for women, women select men. If you get selected you won. Winning and getting something for it is called getting a prize.