I Need Some Friendship Advice
42 2019-03-31 by Jamesshocks98
So I was friends with this guy for like 10 years and basically he has turned out to be a complete snake. He doesn’t care about anybody but himself and doesn’t respect me or my girlfriend so I decided to not be friends with him because of all that. Now every time I see him I get so angry because I hate him but the shit part is that we have the same friend group so what do you think I should do? Ghost that whole friend group so I don’t have to deal with him or grow some balls and just not talk to him and not let him ruin my friendships with other people?
1 Kalvthe 2019-03-31
Pussy move
Boring move
Power move
1 Kalvthe 2019-03-31
Pussy move
Boring move
Power move
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-03-31
Here’s what you do:
One night after a passionate lovemaking session with your girlfriend, give her a call to find out if she’s ready to be picked up.
1 Ideasforfree 2019-03-31
Piss on him to assert dominance
1 The_White_Light 2019-03-31
Maintain eye contact!
1 ObnoxiousFactczecher 2019-03-31
Won't noses be in the way a little bit?
1 IDFSHILL 2019-03-31
Your first mistake was having friends.
1 The_Great_I_Am_Not 2019-03-31
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
James Mattis
1 The_White_Light 2019-03-31
Not Even Once!
1 ElonMuskarr 2019-03-31
i like how it sounds like you're being ironic when in reality you're really not lol
1 IDFSHILL 2019-03-31
I'm dead serious.
1 ElonMuskarr 2019-03-31
i think you should talk to your siblings more. assuming they are normal (at least compared to you, which isn't a high bar at all) maybe they'll help you out.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2019-03-31
This, but wholly, unapologetically unironically
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-03-31
Give him a blowjob. It seems weird but trust me. The gf is a poor lie to prove you are over him and you know it.
1 [deleted] 2019-03-31
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1 CPT_Clarnence 2019-03-31
It's more blanket advice than anything specifically pertaining to your question specifically, but I always like to remind those who ask for advice on dråmā to keep yourselves safe.
1 CordialCalamity 2019-03-31
lmao just don't have friends you fucking loser 😂
1 ElonMuskarr 2019-03-31
if anyone you know makes you angry its probably because you're insecure lol
1 charming_tatum 2019-03-31
Have sex with his mom and dad and any other family members he has
1 Do_a_pushup 2019-03-31
Story time?
1 pornacc-_ 2019-03-31
1 Tetragrade 2019-03-31
finger his bussy