Joe "cool" Biden says he doesn't recall the kissing accident(s). r/Politics discusses

119  2019-03-31 by le_epic_xd_part_2


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Remember when r/BidenBro was front paging every day? I'm sure that was a totally organic sub.

People were too dumb to call it Bro Biden. Also, the sub is all one guy now lol

The second rule is "Don't do anything Joe wouldn't do."

I would change that to "Don't do anything Joe would do."

Don't do either

What the fuck. The guy posts one image exactly one day apart from eachother.

Totally just a normal guy who just happens to be a fan of Biden.

He's not even a mod

100k subs of bots

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

Why wouldn't it be an organic sub. It were funny memes.

t. 11 year old



Are you referring to Joe "What smells is that hair hidin'?" Biden


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as natural as Y*ngGang

It was, this place loved Obama and by extension Biden.

Well, I guess he’s innocent then. Who hasn’t made children uncomfortable by kissing them?

only on tuesdays

Joe "doesn't remember" (lol) but those countless videos showing him touching children in their bathing suit areas, should jumpstart his memory. Of course, he's just pretending not to remember.

A lot of those have been badly edited.

He should keep his reputation as a gaffe prone likable guy and call it a day. This presidential cycle is going to be a bloodbath.

I hope he doesn't run and stay a good boy because if he does run they are gonna ruind him with rape accusations.. What a world we live in honestly..

The next election is going to be great.

It hasn’t even started yet, this rocks

OAC 4 prez!

OAC/Morrisey anti-hamburger ticket

She's gonna run eventually, she can't now. But i thinm by the time she is able to run her time will have pass and the country won't be in the mood for people like her anymore.

Yeah I’m sure things will be back to normal in a few years lol

Joe Biden Laden

I just wish all this stuff happened after he was already running.

This guy deserves Tucker Carlson or some other Fox news person just playing a 10 minute clip of him grabbing young girls on camera and now he is probably seeing the writing on the wall that if he runs it might not go well for him.

I’m pretty sure if Biden won the primary we would see commercials of just clips of Joe Biden inappropriately touching little girls and women

I need this

Remember how much shit Ted Cruz got for that video of him and his daughter? Its going to be about 10x more fun with Handsy Joe

He was probably drunk off the official Whitehouse beer and too busy bumming cigs off Barack to remember anything. Plus, all ears look the same to this dude, how could he remember which ones he stuck his tongue into?

So he was blackout drunk at the time too? Egads!

I love it when liberal movements backfire on themselves

That's kinda why this sub exists!

this is why we're shutting down at 100k

you have to go back

/r/politics is going to shit all over Biden's face for the next year until the night he wins the Democratic nomination and then...


...turn into a pro-Biden sub overnight.

I think there will be a day or two of “why it’s okay to elect a possible pedophile” articles first


“10 years ago was a different time 😰😰😰”

The front page will

Here is how trump is a bigger pedo

How Bernie can still win!

Voting for the Green Party is a vote for Trump

It’s time to impeach Trump

Lol. What ? He cant seem to keep his hands off kids. Any time he us around children he has kiss and molest for the whole world to see. He's been doing it for years and demo rats just brushed under the carpet

Trump got accused of walking backstage to spy on underage girls by 5 different girls.

Now, you might say "there's no proof of that" and you'd be correct if a video didn't drop of Trump literally saying he went backstage to spy on women a week later.

If he can survive that, there's no way Biden can't survive this.

Fair enough.

Biden gets politics. All you have to do to survive a twitter controversy is to never apologize.

Ahhh the Justin Trudeau defense.

I've seen a lot of resorting to whataboutism on r/politics when it comes to Biden being a creep. Apparently none of this matters because Trump previously admitted to grabbing women by the pussy.

Well hell it's in this thread. Pizza, our resident "what about" lord

Lol 37 upvotes

So we're just linking to lame discussions on politics now as drama Got it.

This is just build up for when it becomes a pro Biden subreddit. This post will age like fine wine