Fat SRDines complaining about muh metabolism

27  2019-03-31 by SansSoIeiI


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Clearly it's impossible for adult women to stay skinny because of their "metabolism" and "hormones".

Wonder how Korean and Japanese women manage it then? Maybe it's about diet? Nah that's crazy talk.

On the opposite end too - having money to eat what they want when they want. I went from pretty skin and bones in late high school to the overweight guy I am today in about 2 years of getting a job. I was able to buy and eat fast food and junk food so much more.

apparently it’s because they can’t afford the big macs otherwise they’d also be on team blimp.

Step 1: Make money Step 2: eat "fancy" food like fast food Step 3: lose feeling in your toes.

Depressing. Nothing is my a fault. If I eat too much and get fat then clearly it is due to some other mystery effect out of my control.


It's not the calories, but somehow all those people gained weight when they started making money which they used to shove Big Macs down their throats all day with.

Here's the scary thought, she more than likely dieted and exercised to look "good" on her wedding day. Now that the wedding is over all bets are off on how much she balloons to