Self proclaimed actual nazis are praising the value of gamergate as a recruitment ground. KiA copes by bashing the dirty lefties and perma banning the messenger.

8  2019-03-31 by __Nebulous__


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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LongPostBot needs to exist in that sub so that it can dunk on all those nerdfaggotslurs. Too many g(a)ymers posting too much

Ric_Flair_Drip M H 28 points 2 days ago This is very poor concern trolling.

I like how every time anyone is critical of extremist communities online they use this line to spin out of it.

know why anyone even bothers with KIA, that sub got taken over by far-right loons years

It has a fuckton of very ill deserved credibility in books of people who are impressionable enough and ass fucked enough by outrage culture. Increasingly biased, confused,radical and partisan activist group where most people are busy assuring themselves their subreddit is actually some impartial and neutral media watchdog. It is so perfect and perfectly insidious that nobody could ever really plan shit like just happened.

In a way,I think it is far more efficient than something like T_D or Chapo: those places wear their political leanings and agendas in their sleeve. Those places are a fever that can be measured, while place like Kia is a cancer in hiding.

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Yeah whining about SJWs and defending loli is the epitome of 'extreme far right'

I can feel your buyers remorse though from here.

That sub does way more. I used to hang out there often, I got called a Jewish shill 15 times a week and the comment section is full of unironic white nationalism half of the time.

'Concern trolling' is just a popular way to say we ban any discussion which is critical of us or our ideology on right wing subs. It's just a brainlet rhetorical or linguistic trick to allow you to dismiss any criticism as disingenuine and enforce ideological purity.

KiA has a hard on for big bullshit umbrellas that don't mean a thing. "Divide and conquer" is another. " In practice, it all amounts to "if you say stuff we don't like, we ban you." ..But also! we are totally an open marketplace of ideas and we totally fight for them freeze peaches. Just dont say stuff we dont like to hear. "

I don't know why anyone even bothers with KIA, that sub got taken over by far-right loons years

It has a lots of very ill deserved credibility in books of people who are impressionable enough and ravaged enough by outrage culture. Increasingly biased, confused,radical and partisan activist group where most people are busy assuring themselves their subreddit is actually some impartial and neutral media watchdog. It is so perfect and perfectly insidious that nobody could ever really plan shit like just happened.

In a way,I think place like KiA is far more efficient than something like T_D or Chapo: those places wear their political leanings and agendas on their sleeve. If we consider moving towards far right or far left a disease, places like TD or chapo are a fever that can be measured. Person infected is pretty aware of being ill. Meanwhile, something like Kia is a cancer in hiding for some impressionable eternally upset video game playing person.

Golly gee, what the heck is up with this automoderator here?? It it imposes major creative challenges upon me.

Lefties are fucking retarded and every non-leftist ideology uses that retardation as a recruitment tool.

When you get down to it, lefties are honorary Nazis because they help Nazis recruit people by acting like demented morons.