90  2019-03-31 by queerjihad


People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


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I like how prostitutes like that make way more money than they would at a normal job without an education, and the fa gala still manages to make her a victim by mentioning how torturous it must be for them to fuck someone in the ass for money.

being called a shemale is basically the same as being murdered

/u/xNotch totally pays mtfs to top him

Do you really expect a fat slob like him to be able to top?

No, that's why he said that Notch pays people to top him, you Lithuanian peasant.

At some point we may as well elect a transmission president and a transmission congress so we can all learn these incredibly important social niceties.

Meh, most americans don't know how to handle tr@nnies, europoor on the other hand all learned how to deal with manual tr@nnies and are experienced at riding stick 😎


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Reported for hate speech, homophobia, sexism, ableism, islamophobia, transphobia, racism and oppression of gaymers. Fbi and /u/ed_butteredtoast will be at your house asap.

how did you even find this? it's from almost a year ago on a fetish sub...

You know how/why he found it ;)

It's not a fetish sub, just a sub to discuss sex in general (even though it's filled with nasty hoes). I went there looking for some pretty vanilla info and stumbled across this post.

I find those transitioning M2F very intoxicating.



the only reason to know the "proper" terminology is so that your search results are more accurate.

You shouldn’t call us shemales you should just call us men

I'd prefer not to call you at all.

I'll call you what ever you prefer to be called. Its only fair

God obviously gave men the ability to have an anal orgasm in case a dude is having troubles nutting in his lady, a bro can just come up from behind and get him to completion by space docking that wanting bussy. EVOLUTION