Elon Musk drops surprise rap single about Harambe

145  2019-03-31 by korpog


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Hey how come this bot is allowed to say r-slur?

the mods are authoritarian ultra fascists with giga god complexes so they don't live by the same rules us lowly drama-serfs do


I've figured out a secret method for saying "rеtard" too.


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HAHAHA imagine getting automodded. What a retar​d

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Holy fuck short TSLA

No way. Never underestimate the power of cults. Libertarians and space/futurology nerds treat him like an infallible deity. Basically the same people responsible for the bitcoin phenomenon.

So what if TSLA is bleeding money and valued higher than other companies that sell 20x the number of vehicles while actually making money? Elon is cool and that's all that matters. These people will hold until they die or TSLA goes bankrupt.

but really short tsla for easy money

This but unironically.

He is an African American glad to see him embracing his culture

Richest African-American in history.

lol WTF is this timeline

Stale-ass meme

He bringing it back

He should stop being a grave digger

That makes it funnier tbh

Last Í checked the gorilla was still dead

dicks out

nope, chuck testa

Dude, I remember 2016! Anyone else remember 2016?

Did he finally invent a time machine and go back to 2016?

oh no

Not sure I've seen a weirder mid-life crisis considering the shit Elon's pulled these past few years.

I don't know, has anyone heard what Kieth Richards is up to these days?

He was topd he needed to go to the hospital so the stones cancelled a tour last week

That was Mick Jagger.


Kieth Richards' mid life was around 1988...

Lol, good one.

Idk how Stones are alive at this point after fucking themselves up in the late 60's... and then the 70's.... and then 80's too. I swear Keith is gonna make it to like 100.

I've wondered the same. Considering they look like ghouls, too, but somehow manage to perform I guess?

Sacrificing groupies to his phylactery.

It's really quite fascinating. He might be the weirdest dotcom millionaire, and he's competing with "Living proof of our Reptilian Overlords" Mark Zuckerberg and "Real-Life Far Cry Villain" John McAfee.

LOL at McAfee

I’ll vote for anyone with an eyepatch. Crenshaw 2024

Just when you think McAffee can't become more of a supervillain, he does this

Honestly? Fuck it, I totally would be a low level grunt in his personal army of evil and get killed by the protagonist somewhere in the latter-middle part of the movie. Or maybe like shoot in the direction of fleeing good guys and miss.

The fact that Kim Dotcom isn't the wierdest dotcom is just insane.

as far as I can tell that guy is using his money the correct way - banging a woman way above his looks and saving it for the alimony and child support.

Uh, you DO realize that Kim Dotcom released his own shitty weird rap video literally years ago, right?

But hey, he didn't reference Harambe, so less wierd?

More that he hasn't run for president after spending a decade killing hookers in central America while on bath salts.

I have several questions, but I don't know if I wan the answers.

It seems that memes as a concept have lost all worth in the meme-economy, so the new meta should be seriousposting only.

Normal-ing is the most hardcore fetish of all.

I feel 3 years younger

We need to get dicks out.

No drama but thanks

Some things are dramatic all by themselves, "Ding an sich" as Kant described them, so they don't need spectators being dramatic about them to be dramatic.

Last year, the agency brought fraud charges against him for tweeting that he planned to take Tesla private at $420 a share, which he later said was a joke about marijuana. Musk was forced to step down as chairman of Tesla following those charges, and he and the company were fined $20 million each.

Expensive joke

Smooth head over here thinking 20 mill is a lot for a company like that

that's like 3 series S, a third of the yearly prod

His autism flaring up again?

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"haha clever title, let's see what this article is actually abou--"

Elon knows his demographic 😣


Stale and Cringepilled.

I used to hate Elon but I kinda got on board his drama-ship at some point and I do think he's done a lot for technology. I'd advise against buying stock in Tesla though. SpaceX seems to be doing alright but idk if they're traded.

I can’t believe that title is literal.