Fapstronauts discuss respecting G-slur.

25  2019-03-31 by agenderphobe


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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The fact there's a cult around not jerking off is peak reddit.

It's also slide into the alt-right. Get woke.

It's the lamest religion of all time. At least Christ-cells get to feel immense shame and guilt while wacking off

He's unironically in "all w-slur are queens" territory.

genuine question why do all of these types suddenly achieve transcendence the minute they stop hammering their meat? is it really that good? or are they just r-slured and have strong delusions?

Constant jerking off results in constant pseudo-"post coitus apathy" state. Not jerking off removes that apathy. Not jerking off and not having sex though... well, let's say that the lack of sex is not JUST making women batshit crazy.

Because they are young. Changing your masturbatory habits does have a minor effect on your state of mind, some more than others. And like anything that affects your state of mind, some subset of people turn it into a "thing". Same reason why teens doing weed are really fucking annoying and think they have some insight into the universe that no one discovered before they smoked up.

He is neither abusive nor narrow-minded. Unlike the rest of us, he's trying to give those women a chance to get support, who without it, would've descended to become pornstars.. Think twice about what people say..

Lol this dumb ngga really thinks if he don't put a ring on it she automatically gonna suck dck on camera, lol silly n*gga