[Serious Agenda Post] What are some non r slured economic ideas that r/drama supports?

4  2019-03-31 by GodOfDarknessWine


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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Yang bucks

Suck on Yang’s teat, you feral animal.

$2000 a week from the feds. In all honesty, I’d support the breaking up of large corporations in order to make the market more free.

Which corporations ruhtard?

Gotta work to make the big buccs


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Invest in dramacoin. It's literally can't go tits up.


Tax luxury residential apartment construction and sale. Fine luxury apartment owners who leave property unoccupied. Fine commercial property owners who let buildings sit blighted / unoccupied. Replace rent control with a tax on rental owners that funds a housing subsidy market. Fire NIMBYs into the sun.

Extra hot take: 100% inheritance tax

100% inheritance tax

That's just gonna subsidize parent's estates stealing from their kids!