r/fragilewhiteredditor in a nutshell

23  2019-03-31 by Edelhardt


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Penny identifies as pansexual and genderqueer.

Totally not mentally ill

Found the fragile white boy.

So it’s not actually a girl?

Yeah judging by that profile pic that's a girl, at best a tomboy and at worst a man whose gender hormone therapy went too well.

No idea, I was talking about OP

Imagine being Mayo and not having white guilt smh.

Weekly reminder one of their mods unironically used n-slur and f-slur to (as she claims) fit in with the crowd.


Every fucking time.

Who needs their anti-white card when you got the anti-semite card anyway


Did he go on white guilt trip pretending he's white?


Did he pull Jew-card when confronted?


Fuck off fag_ot!

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Did he go on white guilt trip pretending he's white?


Did he pull J_w-card when confronted?


Fuck off fag_ot!