r/games closes for April Fools' while virtue signalling hard for Social Justice, thinking this link will somehow tame gamers and stop them from RISING UP!!!!

901  2019-04-01 by Ted_UtteredBoast



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I fucking LOVE when retarded authority figures(lolmods) are stupid enough to impose their will in the hopes of garnering sympathy for a cause, not realizing that their annoying power-trip will surely make them do the opposite out of spite.

how do you get this bad at understanding humans?

Plus doing it at the same time a lot of other subs will be doing April Fools stuff a huge chunk of people are going to assume its a joke.

But then again /r/Games is just advertisements anyway

What, you don't want to be lectured by some weird loser about racism and homophobia on an internet forum?

And think of the trannies!

the muslims would murder them all, no?

Now I'm supporting them out of spite for you.

How are you this bad at understanding humans?

srspost: i have no authority and didn't shut down your hangout to virtue signal

r/drama-approved edit: dude b-slur lmao


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wow even tofu is banned? That meme killed itself off months ago. I don't think it needed help dying.

Was this comment written by your wife's boyfriend?

quit tryin to be snappy or bussy or longpostbot, only their words cut me

Show bussy

you know thats something the mods that did the shut down would probs frown upon yeah?

make people do the opposite out of spite.

Imagine admitting you're so fragile that you form your political opinions out of butthurt.

okay how about based on the fact that nobody with a brain actually likes trannies or muslims (and even those trannies hate themselves) and only tolerate them because they have to, lest they risk their life being upended for "being a bigot".

that, combined with "shut up and like them or else", is why they spite them.

Oh I see your a 14 year old

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Imagine being such a waste of skin that you actually call people “trannies.” You should change every aspect of yourself so you don’t suck anymore. Then maybe people will actually like you. Also take a shower

even trannies call themselves trannies u smolbrain lol

Honestly doing the opposite of what Reddit powermods want is the civic duty of all decent humans.

It’s cuz OP is an idiot. Being on this subreddit is a mistake. Everyone here is a waste of breath. Good thing they never leave their houses to cause actual harm to people

lol you belong in SRD

imagine going to /r/dankchristianmemes to start fights

Spin rinse dryer? I just think you shouldn’t go out of your way to offend people. Is it that hard? To treat people like people? I mean it’s fine if you think trans people have a mental illness or something, but why you gotta be so full of hate?they’re not gonna hurt you or change your quality of life in any way. I doubt your life is that sad that you find trying to offend people on the internet fulfilling. Whenever you wanna offend someone just do something that you actually LIKE doing like playing a video game or eating a tasty pizza


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I like offending people and making drama posts, as well as vidya and tasty pizza.

but also

I mean it’s fine if you think trans people have a mental illness or something, but why you gotta be so full of hate?they’re not gonna hurt you or change your quality of life in any way.


Why do you like offending people? there isn’t really any skill in it or challenge so I don’t know how it could be fulfilling. And Nobody’s gonna send you to jail for using the wrong pronoun, I mean I guess you could get fined for it in Canada but I don’t live there so I don’t know. But u should use people’s preferred pronoun because it makes people happy and not sad. But if you just like spreading negativity then womp womp I guess

why do you go stir shit in /r/dankchristianmemes ?

maybe you'll find my answers in your answers.

But u should use people’s preferred pronoun because it makes people happy and not sad. But if you just like spreading negativity then womp womp I guess

here's the difference between you and I. You are pretending to care about not hurting people's feelings because you want someone on the internet to read you saying that and go "wow, what a good person". You don't actually care about their feelings, but fine I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and pretend that I think you do.

Now the difference between us is that I'm smart enough to realize that the feelings of mentally ill retards are worth dog shit, especially when their ideology leads to the degradation and collapse of society because these people try and tear down everything and can't give anything back.

lmao you wrote all that to show how much you care about gamers then unironically got asspained on other subs

You're not people.

It’s cuz OP is an idiot. The fact that you are being downvoted means you are morally right. Being on this subreddit is a mistake. Everyone here is a waste of breath. Good thing they never leave their houses to cause actual harm to people

New snapshill pasta!

Being downvoted equals morally right???

Go choke on horsecock, hun.

On this subreddit yeah. You guys are degenerates.

Source: I am morally right and also being downvoted. Checkmate atheists


bless u

It’s sad that people like you exist.

I have the new f-slur it should be mod.

This is obviously a shitpost making fun of powermods. I'm not sure if the g[slur]s don't understand that or just don't find it funny.

It's good for dramacoin either outcome

You're confusing "a parody of powermods" with "powermods are parodies of people".

Y'know what, I hope you're right.

but I don't think r/games is ballsy enough to fake invoke "muh poor trannies and islam" to try and get laughs from edgelords like me

They are 'trolling' but in reality they believe this shit, so eh.

It's the classic "lmao you got BAMBOOZLED by my epic jokez dumbass (but also I genuinely meant every word and it's great that this started a conversation)".

there are few things as worthless as "starting a conversation"

That’s what my family did at that surprise party that turned out to actually be an intervention.

r/games is literally run by powermods though.

nah this is legit

They receive no monetary compensation for their actions.


You suck at this. Go back and edit your post to !ThesaurizeThis


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This but unironically


That's what I call my weewee

You must be unemployed to be an effective reddit moderator.

pot calling the kettel BLACVKED much?

the only thing getting blacked around here is your mum


I love how hard this was proven just one day later. Reddit moderators are mostly pathetic losers, this is the reason why this site is a giant shithole.

I agre most of the powermods are no-life losers but what you posted was a big whaaa whaaa because the guy got into a lovers tiff with a mod.

I mean wouldn't you be a bit salty after posting in whatever Mcsubface and getting banned + muted off fifteen different subs?

And yet here you are.

Pretty much every person commenting on that thread comes off like a complete weirdo.

Its like Chappos and T_D idiots sitting around, bitching that everyone can't stand them.

Yeah says you

Dont forget being r-slur and bluepilled.

You guys are really fucking mean to internet mods.

On the Internet, we cannot assume that every participant in a community has the community’s best interest at heart. Everyone who spends their time online has encountered trolls, people whose sole purpose is to disrupt and destroy a community. Their motivations may be ideological or they might simply be in it for the lulz. In moderated communities, they pop up constantly and are banned out once they are discovered. But this doesn’t stop the trolls from trying to do harm to the community. They just make new accounts and start the process all over again. Moderating communities online is like playing Wack-A-Mole. You just keep knocking down the same instigators over and over again. But that work is what allows the rest of the community to function. Spies keep getting kicked out of the town hall while they change their disguises over and over again, but over all the majority of members who are actually invested in the community is maintained. On a board with no moderation, however, the spies will quickly come to outnumber the earnest participants. Trolls arrive, sew mischief, and are allowed to stay. And so the news spreads that there is a space where trolls can gather and operate in peace. As 8chan’s affiliation with GamerGate demonstrated, these sites even become bases from which trolls can launch attacks into other communities (the town hall becomes a spy headquarters intent on upending order in all the neighboring towns). And so the balance quickly tips over so that those whose primary goal is to destroy other communities become the majority. But, the great irony is that these spies end up undoing themselves by wrecking the community that welcomed them in addition to the communities they target. Trolls care not for whether a community will grow and prosper or even remain in existence. They are happy to jump from site to site leaving nothing but ruins in their wake. They don’t care if they use up and discard 8chan or Voat. They don’t care if their town hall is quarantined from the rest of the world because of their own bad or illegal behavior. When the champions of free speech who invited them in find themselves in legal trouble or labeled as child pornography supporters by the world’s biggest and most popular search engine or denied access to funds and hosting services, well, that’s just more lulz for the trolls to enjoy. Now I’m not saying that all speech online should be carefully monitored and scrutinized. I agree with the town hall model that debate is important and censorship can damage the integrity and intellectual capacity of a community. However, there do need to be SOME rules governing how a town hall meeting is to be conducted. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when it burns to the ground.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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janny is a waste, janny a disgrace

The users are all unable to conduct themselves properly.


The individuals are all ineffectual to guide themselves decently.

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Y'all can't behave.



Who's the guy on the left?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

They do it...for free.

Based and Tyrone pilled.


Supported and Tyrone pilled.

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis

Fucking hell, who has kept this fellow based Tyrone away from me my whole life 🤣🤣


They celebrate no pecuniary defense for their carry throughs.

This is a bot. I try my best, but my best is 80% mediocrity 20% hilarity. Created by OrionSuperman. Check out my best work at /r/ThesaurizeThis





He does it for free

so many fawking (alphabet)-slurs inside....

I can't..fawk alla yall if we can't R or G then why bother with the T or S???

April Fools' on this site is literally the worst. It really shows how unfunny a lot of mods are. I want something like 4chan when they combined boards like /cock/. Could you imagine CTH combined with TD? It would be glorious.

Merge /r/politics and t_d for a day.

tbh you could merge any lefty board with TD and it would create mass chaos

That is literally r/drama


r/drama mixes right and left like oil and water. The content is a coin flip.

The drama and the lolcows emulsify us all into a delicious salad dressing called Radical Centrism.

Now that's what I call


Or it could be like a feel good TV show and they all learn to love and respect each other’s views.

I’ll respect whatever stupid views you have as long as your tongue is working my ass hole.

No it wouldn't. The mods would just ban anyone not on their side. Like how this sub does. You would get the same mocking messages from the mods too.

Swap SRD and /r/drama for a day with no explanation. /u/snallygaster, you know it would be hilarious

Merge T_D and CTH and watch them end up bonding over hating libs

Is that not what this sub is?







Radical centrism is just where the horseshoe touches tips sensually.

Hopefully tomorrow can just be more another reason to just shitpost all day like last year’s waifu war turned out to be.

April Fools' on this site is literally the worst

seriously, i always dread it.

not a single sub ever does anything funny on April Fools' Day, it's just a bunch of lame, disruptive shit no one cares about

/mlpol/ was the best. Nazis and ponyfags, living together in peace and harmony.

Maybe the real redpill was the Nazi pony OC we made along the way

Dear old Arianne


If I recall /pol/ asked for it to be permanent because the pony spam scared off the TD normies.

I think the theory was that since the change actually messed with the board url, most bots stopped working entirely.

it was added as a hidden board for a while but g-slur moot killed it and they ran off to mlpol.net so if you want to experience the a-slur first hand its still up sorta

Baitposters, BLACKED-posters, "How will /pol/ ever recover" posters, the canadians and the rest of the worst people on the board were all gone in a matter of hour. It was paraside.

Will Reddit ever have a "Day of The Rake"? Commonwealth posters are cancer.


The shittiest part is that it starts a day earlier and goes for a fuckin week.

Noticed that as well, people have been pulling "april fools jokes" now for over a week. This was seriously one of the days we really didn't need to give the christmas treatment Soon it will just be an entire month of shitty jokes

Well when a significant amount of the mods are the mods for 50+ subs there is a lot of shitty mod overlap.

4chan is having a very topical April Fools this year.

Only funny Reddit April Fools was swapping the soccer and football subreddits

I'd buy that for a dollar


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The ultimate y'all can't behave

There's a higher level, but can it be achieved?

There's a higher level, but can it be achieved?

do better, be better

Why do these people have the EXACT same vocabulary

Like a religion has the same prayers so do ideology.

These people are far more creepily homogenous then any religion. They've long since veered into cult territory.


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Look at this npc cück trying to memory hole the changed leftie narrative again. Typical triggered blue haired sjw reeing once more while cultural Marxists are taking over the pop culture. Everybody who has gotten slurrrped in the ass by outrage culture generally speaking has lots of difficulties sounding like a real person instead of a collective. Then they actually come up with an meme-insults like " npc" that's def a big yikes from me. : =) In general, Im not sure I ever heard anyone doing anything major on April Fools's day because..you know. April fools.

It’s just a slogan. All groups have them.

Keep yourself safe though.

be butter.... Be butter

*do butter

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just not straight out of the fridge.

depends on how you wanna use it

Just shove it up ur butt

I'm trying!

brand new account


Implying that every group doesnt share vocab

based and discourse community-pilled

Devs are too busy to program more complicated dialogue trees.

Probably because the same few are mods of most subs, sometimes moderating 1000+ subs.

Powermods are the most pathetic people to ever walk on this world.

Powermods are not the most pathetic people



he moderates a subreddit about video games

he takes his job very seriously

he does it for free

Tbh that sounds 1984 as fuck.

Did anyone else read this in PC Principals voice? It fits perfectly

That's because they are all "activists" that lazily copy eachother's work.

NPC meme has a point

Their python scripts are all pulled from the same repository.

Beep at her!

Npc mods. I just think it's hilarious how many people can't wait to lecture others on how to behave and then we find out they all commit far worse acts.

It's in their programming.

I'm not sure, but it also seems to be the same vocabulary as that of a high school principal. I'm pretty sure "do better, be better" was the slogan my HS had.

It's the same paternalistic instinct driving both cases. "yall can't behave and gotta be better or no more recess"

dude dude" dude bussay lmao" lmao

Multiple syntax errors

The ultimate Yikes sweaty, let's unpack this to their own community.

I love when mods post comments that "prove" that the community is toxic, and they are all downvoted or in the negatives

Seriously, an album of removed comments with few upvotes, in a sub where popular comments reach the thousands.

It's honestly like they literally need to make shit up. That sub became worse than resetera.


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Still with this stupid joke

"Yeah BUT they aren'y upvoted becus we removed them!1!!"

45 gold.

Kill this fucking shithole of a website....

That sub became worse than resetera.

Let's not say things we can't take back.

I've seen it so many times, a couple (as in one or two) comments in a thread at zero or the single digits with thousands of other comments that the mods find offensive (because around half the time they're pretty milquetoast, just the mods being overly sensitive) and suddenly the mods things are getting brigaded by some outside force and closes the thread. Then they open another theard with the intent to lecture and demand that the 'community' has to do better by expelling that problematic elements.

/r/t_D is here so I'm shutting the comments.

That's what AHS does with its daily "YOU MUST BAN TD NOW OR WE'LL REEE" post at the top of r/all.

I fucking laughed my ass off when that one post with YOUR SILENCE IS COMPLIANCE. Its the equivalent of a kid throwing a fit because another kid has the same toy as them.

Some of them were a 6 months to a year old.


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The ‘pro-rape’ one is even an ‘anti-rape’ comment that they seem to have simply misunderstood, with a guy railing against the lack of censorship based on the fact that crimes in video games are not the same as crimes in real life.

And the ‘pro-pedophilia/rape’ one is quite misleading. It’s a guy saying fictional crimes shouldn’t be a case for censorship because the victims are video game characters rather than real life people.

The ‘pro-rape/pedophilia’ example is an ironic post they clearly misunderstood, also. It’s a guy who’s explicitly saying ‘pervert games’ should be stopped and using OTT shocking examples to illustrate why he thinks the ‘these crimes only affect fictional characters’ excise shouldn’t be accepted.

1.6 million subs and a ton of people want to make the sub look bad and they got like 2 dozen negative karma comments. Somehow thats evidence.

those mods on r/pcgaming and r/games are outright wrong.

To make matters worse, the vast majority of people who browse Reddit do not have an account. It is idiotic to lock down a popular subreddit and tell visitors that they are bad when most have never left a single comment.

Transgender surgeries are a complete waste of money and time tho, plastic surgeons are making bank off these people bc they’re willing to pay for all these expensive surgeries to barely pass as male/f-slurs lmfao

Imagine unironically paying to be associated with f-slurs.

f-sluricide when?

Imagine ironically paying for something tho lmao

That explains male feminists.

Its a short term investments.

They couldn't just let big pharma profit from them alone

All their examples were heavily downvoted or instantly removed. Why lock down a sub, just because a tiny minority of their users are assholes? How is making some long winded post and a few charity links going to stop these idiots from saying mean things online? Just ban them and move on.

I swear, these weirdo internet moderators love to overstate their importance. They're unpaid internet janitors for a fucking video game forum. Calm down, lads.

it's called "guiding the discourse" and it's SO IMPORTANT sweatie


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The charities are always properly shit too. The fuck do first world gåy people need a charity for? If you’re gonna donate money to something give it to something proper like the RSPB.

For real though charity of any type is good but effective altruism is a thing go cop some kids malaria nets or some shit

Where are the links to donate to Muslim charities?

Seconded, I want to throw some pocket change at the KSA, as a gesture.

Their values don't align with non-hetrosexual people.

I assume that it's an april fools ' 'joke' ' and not actually serious.

because being woke isn't about others or the community, its about yourself. you will never cum so hard as you did when you got high off your own superficial moral superiority.

Yeah MAGAs never virtue signal their feelings all over boards, and certainly especially never around gaming.

It's good for drama coin

Why lock down the sub

If you could deluded yourself into thinking you’re a hero wouldn’t you?

“Nobody gonna dispel my fuckin’ fantasy. Be better ya’ll!”


How else are you going to push your agenda?

Interesting how there aren't a single site for men's health listed in there. Women aren't a minority or a marginalized group anymore. If we're going to signal about equality, we must act with equality.


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lol thanks for missing my title bruh

i need to test auto-mod


Spacker mong mongoloid

Kraut Anglo Brit


Sam Altman

How is it that these people always manage to wurm their way up into positions of influence where they begin to guide (often force) complete irrelevant communites towards their utopian goals via a clenched (internet) fist?

Surely they know, they have too, that this behavior sours people on them. Guess they think they can suppress the resentment enough with social control and mass banning.

And not to dig up ancient fossils, but Jim laid it out pretty well at the end of the great internet war of 2014.

is this an unironic gamers rise up posting

They rest weren't?

Back when SRS was still a new thing, they had a call to arms. Take over as many subs as possible. The Archangel mods all used alt accounts to worm their way into subs. This is how phedre was created.

That means you're Nitesmoke, the original reddit shit-stirrer! How the fuck are you not a mod of this sub? You took on the whole site, you took down WoW (temporarily), you murdered r/ladybashing, you slayed the mighty Saydrah! You made fake screenshot of the b34nz guy (mod of r/marijuana) calling you a "muslim f-slur" which led to the creation of r/Trees. So many good memories of you starting shit back in the day... Teach us your ways!

How the fuck are you this invested in years long reddit drama, I barely remember usernames.

Bro, I live for this shit. This was back when reddit had actual drama, with alt accounts and admin intervention. Besides, who in this glass house of a subreddit should be casting any stones?

Wow gramps. You don't even need to record this stuff on your VHS-tapes?

WREKT! Thanks, it's nice when people keep the stalkers off me. It's hard to be anonymous when they follow me around for a decade. You have earned one schmeckle.

Take your meds, old man.

Already done. Sipping on some metamucil as we speak! You stay lit, family. Oof and yikes to you.

And a jolly good day to you.

Shit, it's 8:30 pm, already a half fucking hour past my bedtime. Time for some sweet Murder She Wrote binging and off to dreamland.

Fuck off. If I wanted my beeswax leaked to these undeserving plebs, I'll dish it out myself. Delete this comment like the rest of your post history.

I closed down the WoW sub on my old account.

do you have any links to the drama?

Just google it. There was a fucking kotaku article about it. I pissed off the entire internet with that one. But the fucking clowns at Blizzard had it coming. Here we were, 9 days into the WoD launch, and the game was still unplayable. The subreddit was a shitshow, meanwhile I got Blizzard's community douse ordering me to clean up the posts shitting on them. I'd had enough. I shut the sub down and refused to reopen it. Blizzard contacted the admins and they handed the sub to the second in command, aphoenix, and he's been following orders like a good boy ever since. I'm sure him and his crew of nerds will be in any moment to refute all this, but it's what happened, more or less. If I'm wrong, I really don't care enough to get it right, this version makes me feel superior, so it's how I'm choosing to remember it.

tl;dr a bunch of retarded no life wow nerds found a way to ascend over the regular run-of-the-mill no-life wow nerd and become for free blizz shills.


Doing it entirely for free. Reddit up the rear, Blizzard down the throat. Smfh.

I used to play it. You wouldn't believe how intense shilling people do for that company that don't even work for it. Even if they have no position of power. They've only played blizz games since 2004, maybe more than half of their lives, and just short circuit if you insult them.

huh, I have heard of this. you were THAT guy, wow. I wasn't really on reddit at the time of that drama, but that was a very interesting case study

Honestly I'm a bit ambivalent about the decision even today, but I'm sure you've heard every argument at that point on the pros/cons of that.

To be fair, it's lot easier to be blizzards shill when no one is playing the game. Wasn't there leak that wod at launch was 5 million player and speculation that there's one million or less now.

Blizzard's community liaison douche Zarhym ordering me to clean up the posts shitting on them

As an unpaid internet janitor your only job is to give them the fruitfarms reply.

wait....are you nitesmoke?

Also the bot is www.redditcomber.com.

No, nitesmoke's dead, he's locked in my basement.

Yeah thanks, Em.

No but seriously, you closed the sub because your server was the only one that still wasn't working right. By 9 days in almost everyone else was up and running but your server was still a shit pile so you made the sub private.

I dunno about the other stuff you said about Blizzard employees bitching at you to keep things nice on the sub. But that shit certainly hasn't been happening with BfA, /r/wow has been a den of negativity of just how shitty that expac is.

How dare you? BFA is the pinnacle of game design. Blizzard is God. Just for this disrespectful comment, I'm going to log in and do an Island Expedition, or maybe a World Quest. SMH

what happened to SRS seriously? it wasn't banned or anything but i came back to this site after a while and it's completely dead . did everyone just move on to twitter or something?

Resetera, discord, breadtube and and

They are bigger than ever

BreadTube is a place for the new wave of YouTubers making high-quality content that goes against the prevailing winds of the internet

what the shit

They're communists and anarchists.

SRS became known as a joke, so they moved on to other subs. You'll find them now in the circlebroke subs and subredditdrama.

Holy shit, I remember that. It was funny as hell at the time - that launch was a total shitshow and shutting down the sub was delicious. Well done.

Just doing my part to make the internet more dramatic.

What type of nerd would watch a video like that?




But, in order to know what the video was about you'd have to watch it, or have watched it at some point; ergo the type of nerd you are. Gott'em.

Normal, well adjusted people don’t become moderators. The position attracts these types of people because it offers them a little bit of power over what people discuss and how they discuss it.

The reason why they’re able to become moderators in the first place is because nobody else wants to do it. It’s tedious, time consuming, and annoying, and you don’t get paid. The only reason why anyone would actually want to do it is if they had ulterior motives.

Right? I go to /r/games to have whatever newest game that's coming outs marketing bullshit forced down my throat. What the fucking fuck does this bullshit have to do with that? I mean seriously though, it's bad enough the subreddit is total SHIT for games discussion, but lets not even make it decent enough for gaming news.

It's called entryism and it's not always intentional, more just an artifact of socially savy-cliquey people being prone to certain ideologies

They’re usually highly motivated to seek out power to abuse to their own ideological ends, that’s why.

People who actively seek out usually aren’t good people.

Because the same people that complain about russians are mods that allow bots and brigades from their side

is this a false flag or are they actually that reeetarded

I'm leaning towards the former, they plan on having a meta thread tomorrow.

My bet is on them just banning everybody who dares to complain in that thread.

Thread gets shut down for "yall cant behave". Also have 100 bucks on them linking to the horrible awful modmail they have gotten while the subs been locked.

I would love to be banned from that sub if they're unironic about this.

I know this is totally verboten but one of the mods posted about it in CenturyClub. They're serious.

its fucking reddit, so option 2

the ultimate * *

Oh no I can't talk about vidya with other random people on reddit for a WHOLE DAY. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO???????



Somehow still better than r/gaming.

That sub is such a shame. They should ban all photos, and have it only be in-game gifs/screenshots. I want to see cool things from games people are playing, not your mum's crocheted Zelda keyring.

Yea, but that zelda keyring was pretty cool tho.

I took being a forum mod so seriously when I was a freshman in high school. Really helped me out with the onset crippling depression by giving me the ability to kick out smartasses who, in all honesty, barely actually broke the rules for temporary emotional highs.

But now sixteen years later, I look back and I would probably beat up my older self for being such a loser wimp because I was just like these flaming show queens.

If they seriously think this is going to do any sort of long term good, then this is a reminder to them that I thought I was sooper smrt in high school too by being an unnecessary beacon of righteousness.

Smug high-schoolers, gamers and old people should all be killed at birth.

Give toddlers the option of drawing or tapping on a smartphone, if they pick the smartphone execute them and any surviving members of their family tree.

I also remember being a forum mod back in high school. I took that shit way too seriously. Now it's very apparent to me that mods are either children, or grown men who still have the mentality of a child.

Some of these examples are just plain old funny

Watching people try to round down all the corners of the internet always makes me sad. What else is lost when you make a space "safe" for everyone?

yeah some of these examples are just trying to cut nuance and context to justify their preaching.

You don't say?

They're shutting down the sub because of comments like that? Fuck, we're really dealing with Tipper Gore 2.0 again aren't we.

Some of their examples are literally a year old, and I don't think any of them were actually upvoted. Sounds like /r/games had a real crisis on their hands here.

No fun allowed!

What did he usually say?

What the fuck? That's hilarious.

lol that's actually funny

Based and g[a]mer pilled.

This is my favourite one https://m.imgur.com/gallery/Q0qrIVJ

Imagine serious posting on an internet forum you moderate for free about fatgoats and mayo Americans.

They have completed their transition (ha) in becoming ResetEra. Now when they open back up I fully, unironically expect them to ban for things like mansplaining or ableism.

Being against emulation is peak cuckoldry as a g*mer.

Being against emulation for consoles that are dead? That takes a spectacular level of specialness, being against emulation for consoles that are out at this moment in time and will cut into current sales? That's acceptable.

awww, you're worried about the financial situation your dad's corporation? how cute.


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awww, you're worried about the financial situation your dad's corporation? how cute.


Funny, cause r/games started because r/gaming was (still is) shit for discussion and is literally just memes. So now some people are probably gonna make a new subreddit for true gaming discussion.

There really needs to be a subreddit that only bans like, spam. A place where dissenting opinions are only downvoted and told to fuck off, instead of being banned or deleted.

And deprive power mods any meaning in life? I could never fathom such a thing.

I’d, unironically, recommend 4chan if thats what you really want.

Ever since Gamergate destroyed like 90% of gaming communities a billion of those subs existed. Though annoyingly none of them got big.

Tomorrow's thread will be so beneficial for dramacoin. Get your investments now gentlemen.

I hope they cap the modmail they will receive.

that's what I thought when I first read about this. In here everyone's reeeeing about how it's a stupid fucking stunt for april fools. Now it is but at least try to appreciate the drama potential we have here.

I cant fucking wait for the pasta

I don't know, that dumpster fire of a sticky thread is at 72% upvoted. Apparently shitty comments that are instantly downvoted and deleted, really scare people.

Is there anything more condescending that being proselytized to by internet janitors that do it for free on a website, about something as innocuous as a vidya game discussion board, at that? And of course Redditors gilded it multiple times over.

Not child labor going on in Asia. Not the slave trade still happening in Africa. Civil war in South America. No... trans people not getting their feefees hurt. They really do think they're the next MLK.

I ain't reading that shit.

honestly while its nice they linked to charities and are speaking against blatant bigotry, the fact they tried to throw so much shit into the soup really diluted their message of "be less toxic" especially by sometimes trying to highlight comments that jump to extremes simply because that extreme was in the mods views favor. ended up downvoting the post for that along. r/Games Mods, next time you want to support minorities and speak against bigotry, Do better, be better.

It's pretty shitty actually when nothing there is meant to help men while everyone else is duly represented. I'm a poor white orphaned male, so I actually hope these people get murdered.


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ok r-slur

In their defense, TotalBiscuit was a complete tool. Remember when he shat on his ugly wife all over twitter when she wasn't anti-Trump enough for him?

Becouse she voted third party candidate and not Hillary. Were they living in swing state even?

Is California a swing state, lol?

Thats fuking point, she could have voted trump and it wouldn't matter. He got angry for his wife for apsolutely nothing. But to be fair he was dying of cancer so that kind of outburst was comming. But it didn't need to be public.

I agree he did deserve that cancer

Those end of the line cancer outbursts are some of the worst cause they end up cutting DEEP.

North carolina actually. No idea if that's a swingstate because >burger politics

He moved to California a couple years before he died.

Can't find anything on that, got a source or something?

Also unironically good job on the wow sub closure.

No, and I really don't give enough of a shit to look it up. Either believe me or don't. No one cares.

He didn't.

They don't live in California they lived in South Dakota

Remember also when TB told another guy to get cancer and die?

He did it more than once.

He was unstable as fuck. I remember him going off at a YouTube comment because they suggested he reviewed s certain game.

Pretty sure before he died his wife took him off the internet because he couldn’t handle negative comments

She took him off multiple times. She tampered with his router to block Reddit, and he sneak behind her back and fix it to come back and argue.

Wowza... got a link?

Yikes what a cumstain. Reddit led his state funeral blindfolded.

Yikes what a cumstain.

Holy shit fuck off back to S-slur R-slur D-slur please.

He also apologized to that guy.

Yea no shit he was terminally ill, a few months after that drama he was in palliative care.

He also complained of chemo-brain a few times. The guy always had anger issues (it really started after WoW's Cataclysm Expac), but it got worse and worse around the time he got cancer. Part of it was stress from his diagnosis I'm sure, and then he had the constant harassment and threats, and then TDS and that horrible electio cycle and going in and out of being terminal.

The guy was fucked over in a billion ways so honestly I can forgive him from being a cunt.

I asked him if traps were gayer than cancer and never got a reply

Calls TB a tool, proceeds to insult his wife for no reason

Oh there's plenty of reason to insult her.

Do Better; Be Better

I keep having to remind myself that encouraging suicide is banned on reddit.

I'm not saying keep yourself safe I'm just saying you should take a long drop off a short rope

Mods should speedrun their lives.

Dumpster fire subreddit with brainlet moderators, not really a surprise. They can virtue signal big time while still pulling the 'it was just an April Fools guys!!!' epik troll.

The subreddit has devolved into "/r/Games_Marketing". But lets pretend it's some sort of bastion for progressive thought or someshit. You are the moderators of a fucking subreddit that regurgitates marketing campaigns, shut the fuck up.

It's almost like progressivism is largely a corporate movement that companies use and abuse to give them good pr rather than an expression of genuine belief held by CEOs.

I no longer want to find a cure for cancer.

You're all fucking stupid for giving a single shit about this.

r/games is stupid for simultaneously endorsing trannies, and the religion that would execute all the trannies given the chance.

Radical centrism wins again.

Bro, you're fucking retarded.

Look at everyone serious posting about some gaming sub getting locked as an April fools meme 😂😂🤣

I don't know about you but I find it pretty hilarious when internet losers have the nerve to type "be better". Not to mention that this is seriously not that bad of a problem considering the incredibly inoffensive posts they had to dig up as proof for their claims. At any rate it's pretty funny seeing these r-slurred mods behave like they do. I just hope they keep themselves safe!


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meh, r/games went downhill awhile ago.

That sub is just a glorified newsfeed.

You couldn't discuss shit for years because anything slightly controversial (e.g. recently the Epic launcher data collection or criticism of Read Dead Redemption 2) gets removed and all the other shit is a circlejerk.

Is there a new good game sub? For discussion and news and stuff?

/r/Pcgaming is bordering on acceptable

I tried posting there a bit and everyone seemed to take things way too seriously.


Jfc why do these guys all shill for the mentally ill group?

I totally agree with their support of Islam because it's my sincere belief that once the global caliphate is in place that we'll be able to stone all of these degenerates to death.

Only Mohammedans are cure for the rampant sodomy.

Now that's a life goal I can get behind.


That whole post verbatim would be a good April Fools, because they have sure fooled me into believing it is real.

that’s what i’m hoping

Wow gamers truly are the bravest

I think reddit mods can't handle the fact they're janitors so they post those stupid educational posts to feel better about themselves.

Mods are r-slurs if they think shutting down their sub for one day will change the beliefs of thousands.

Even if there message were virtous... Could they have picked a worse day than April's Fools?

Skin-crawlingly retarded


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m-slur-icide when

that’s some retarded fucking shit right there

Reddit moderators are the most degenerate human beings to ever exist

Worse than g*mers even.

I don't know about the "most", the people in these comments set the bar pretty high.


The examples they use for how terrible the users are...


This is what they're shielding us from...

They think speech they have deemed 'problematic' must be curtailed since it will spread among the masses and make the foundation of oppression, in essence bad thoughts is the first step, then bad spech, then bad actions, then really bad actions. So even minor stuff, like saying you're anti-trans while still being respectful, is seen as something worth removing for the greater good.

The ultimate conclusion if this logic, when they realize they can’t stop bad thoughts, is that people must be killed for their safety.

If no one is alive to think bad thoughts, no one can be harmed.

This but unironically

And that's how religious crusades ans muslims wanting to kill the western world/stone people started.

Some Mod
Went into a 9 month old thread
Found that post
Screenshotted it
Uploaded it to new imgur account
Linked it to show everyone how awful they've been

For free.

There was one there that is a year fucking old.

Imagine being so pathetic that you either go back nine months to find some comment of someone being mean on the internet or that you screenshot things for a whole year to make the ultimate "YA'LL CAN'T BEHAVE!!"-seriouspost on April Fool's because heaven forbid that any day is not seriousposting day.

The example they gave of a misogynistic comment is the most mild shit of all time. It was more about the award than about women per se

I took some time to go through the examples they put in their locked sticky, to see if there really was no merrit to the posts they removed. Turns out some are not as bad as they are described to be, and others actually raise valid points and in the interest of fairness (since the opposite of those opionions is allowed or even encouraged on /r/Games) should not have been removed:

"Sonicfox is an asshole who thinks just because he's [homosexual] or black he has a right to say whatever and is honestly the worst thing in the current FGC. Even Low tier god has the decency to keep his mouth shut sometimes".

Seriously which part of that comment do they find offensive? Sonicfox IS an asshole: when he accepted some award it was the most cringe worthy shit I've ever seen and honestly I cannot watch it again: https://youtu.be/1jz0WE5C2Nc?t=549 - he basically starts off by talking about his sexuality and is dressed like a furry. When accepting an award for playing a fighting game. But he cannot be called out for that? Don't allow assholes like Sonicfox to turn something irrelevant like their sexuality into a 'shield'.

As a medical professional: promoting transgenderism, a mental illness, as normal is sicknening

That's not transphobia. That's saying we should treat it as a medical issue, not promote as 'the new normal'. Gender dysphoria is real, and just like being 'transabled' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_integrity_dysphoria) those people deserve psychological treatment, not state-funded surgery. At the very least, I don't think many people will disagree that we should not promote it as 'normal' when it isn't.

The next example is:

"First of I want to state that I do not in any way agree with or support what this man has done, it's an awful, evil crime. I'll be the first to condemn this guy. But its as I've said elsewhere: This is the result of multiculturalism. And it's not just the far right. As the left what with their open door immigration policy and importing muslims in by the millions is also responsible for this huge increase in far right activity etc. To the left I ask were you truly that naive, that dumb and deranged? Did you honestly think bringing in millions of muslims indefinitely was going to end well?(...) Yes it's unfortunate its come to this. But the powers that be had to know it was going to happen eventually. Islam and The West are like oil and water. They don't mix and will never do so.

This was in a topic about a CSGO player being killed in the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings - as you can see this poster explicitly distances himself from what the shooter did and condemns it. But considering the anti-Islam content of the shooter's manifesto it is not unreasonable to draw the conclusion that a big motivator for the attack was the result of open door immigration policy. I do not know why it's somehow off-limits to have this discussion, although I do agree it was probably 'Too Soon'(tm). It's not right if there is only one acceptable opinion one can espouse on a subject like this ("gun control gun control gun control alt right Drumpff")

Wow that's the dumbest fucking excuse ever. "Sheeit nigga, society be forcin my family into da projects so das why I be committin deez crimes instead of going to school to get educated n sheeit."

Blaming the situation of African Americans on things like "societal pressures, institutionalized racism, and socioeconomic factors" are just weak excuses to avoid the issue. In fact they're just conspiracy theories. Blacks are the longest established minority in the US but are among the least successful, whereas asians, despitefacing plenty of their own discrimination in the US in the past, are much more successful, despite not being here as long".

Again, whilst the opening statement is making fun of 'ebonics' and could be considered 'offensive', there is a factual basis for these statements: McWhorter (2000), linguistics professor at University of California at Berkley, feels that the challenges faced by African-American students come not from white society, but are generated from within the black community.

The cults of victimology, seperatism, and anti intellectualism are self-generated barriers to academic succes, even for black studernts at elite prep schools and colleges. McWhorter states, "It is much easier on the soul to return always to racism to explain black underperformance... that black students want to learn but are thwarted from doing so, is not the usual case."

The cult of victimology calls attention to victimization where it barely exists at all. And as McWhorter explains, "... all too often this is not done with a view toward forging solutions, but to foster and nurture an unfocused brand of resentment and sense of alienation from the mainstream."

Instead of engaging in this discussion, the post is just removed.

and this one:

"How many people in the world have been raped and massacred in the name of Islam? That ideology is perfectly allowed on the internet. Should we ban Muslims from using the internet? After all it does turn them into extremists..."

That was not saying "we should ban muslims from using the internet". That comment was drawing attention to the double standard in the censorship in New Zealand.

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on why these comments are removed but the other side of the discussion is not being removed. That makes it seem like there is only one kind of thought allowed on topics such as this.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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hahaha what a bunch of fucking losers

Reddit being extra embarrassing on April Fools' Day I see

i mean they are the unironic biggesrt fool now so i guess it works

This IS an April fools joke, right?

*April f-slurs joke

What a bunch of f-slurs. I get paid to be a supervisor and I'm not a controlling fuckhead like this. They do this shit for free.

God damn look at all the silvers and golds and platinums. People really are happy about having the mods tell these g-slurers to be better sweaty.

those are probably 10% organic, and those 10% are people retarded enough to give reddit money for something like this

I've never had a conversation with a person who bought reddit gold and I pray to god I never will

I got gilded once on an old account and other than being able to see 500 posts in a topic, there was pretty much nothing of any value. The gold sub or whatever it was called is a toxic trashheap.

Saying that I used to pick up gold for a month just before going on plane journeys so I could read a few interesting askreddit posts if I got bored in the air so I should probably unironically kms

When the HBO site crashed on the 7th season finale and someone posted the torrented stream in the comments I guided them but only because they never replied to whatever I asked what charity they would rather I donate to instead. Idk if that helps absolve me of my sins.

I've never had a conversation with a person who bought reddit gold and I pray to god I never will

BanVideoGames YAAASS #killallmen too. Censor me more daddy! 😍💋

Or something like that.

First they come for our waifus

Then they come for our subs

Then they will come for our games

Gamers. We must RISE UP against the tyranny of chad and stacy, and take back what's ours! OORAH!



Why do people gild this? For that matter why do anone gild any post on reddit. As far as I can tell it's apperently a super-upvote you pay for.

They want to feel as progressive as the mods.

It's not even a proper account either! Might as well gild automod or Gallowboob.

virtue signalling without the virtue or the signal...

you're right, i have no idea

About 110 people gilded that out of the tens of thousands that have seen it. So, you know, just the vocal minority again.

So they can give their money to admins of reddit instead of minority charities, who won't give them a gold star so no one will know how good they are.

As of right now woke gamers on that post have donated

- 15 silver

- 23 gold

- 11 platinum

- 0 to the linked charities probably

TBF, I'd bet money (to an actual charity) that 90% of thst gilding was from the mods circlejerking themselves.

reddit is the worlds foremost internet based r-slur playpen.

tell me giving money to it isn't charity.

They are

It's widely known that mods and admins can hand out gold for free. No way that lame post with no comments somehow got more gildings than most posts this year site wide.

want to talk about video games

get told to donate to sex changing charity

Yeah this'll go over just well with the gaming crowd.

Their "examples" are so minute and poorly received by the community that it's clear that the mods are fighting a non-existent battle, and jerking each other off with how "woke" they are. any mockery of this grandstanding will be precisely as you stated: the community clearly isn't as woke as the mods, so thank christ they did this.

I can't imagine what the mod chat looked like for this to happen. multiple people (presumably adults) must have agreed to this for it to come to fruition.

EXACTLY. When they unlock the thread and start the discussion later today, just wait for them to trot out all the hate messages they got to modmail while the sub was locked. As if that's somehow proof.


haha thats fucking hillarious how sad the powerstarved ret4rd is.

should of added a charity for inbreds so that it gets a few €s itself.

The only time I've had a heated gaming moment was on that sub when I said game journalists were hacks and I was promptly taught to do better and be better by having my shit deleted. No ban yet though!

Petition to add “gamers” to the slur list

I'll have you know that g-slurers are a protected minority!

i think it already is in singular form


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Woah there cowboy! We're talking about the G word here.

Really? They're gonna do this on April fools? The one day where it's exciting to refresh the page to see all the silly things game developers post?

Imagine feeling this righteous running a sub that is just an RSS feed for game advertisements and deletes any self-posts with actual discussion.

When will people learn that you cannot force someone to like a person. I don't know why so many mods force their 'justice' on someone telling you what you cannot like or like

Jesus. Look at all those guilds.

post bussy

They have shit they are linking to that is from literally a year ago. The problem must not be all that fucking big if all their examples are heavily downvoted, and they gotta dig a year back to find them.

Ah so this is why I could seldom find any posts that criticize all the cringeworthy supposed “woke” and “diverse”/“progressive” posturing in gaming on r/games......

Do these people not realize they are killing reddit?

They really aren’t.

In so tired of seeing that. Its just an old hole, and probably there are lots of people who unironicly enjoy that sub

My credit score!

>72% upvoted

Hoky hell that is pathetic

What sort of socially challenged ape would pick April Fools of all days to try to be taken seriously? On a fucking gaming subreddit of all things?

When did transphobia and islamophobia get chucked in with racism and homophobia?

Your IQ has to be the same as your shoe size if you can’t see those things are not the same at all.

"(Insert, derogatory term) are ruining this country!"

Translation: I'm unhappy about (insert life problems), I'm gonna blame it a group I don't belong to.

Didn't they learn after Net Neutrality these protests don't work?

I think this is really nice of the mods. I don't get why so many people hate equality.

This thread is fucking trash. Fuck all these people.

There's nothing "nice" about it. The mods are using 2 year old and heavily downvoted comments as an excuse to virtue signal.

All drama is equal!

I bet those mods are sat in their lairs fully believing they are champions of the people standing up to the rest of the world who are out to get them bless.

Why are all reddit mods such massive f****ts?

Jokes are supposed to be funny

Read GCJ’s thread if you want a laugh. Some guy was having a crisis whilst reading through the mid abuse lmao

Rising up against what?

What a resetarded thing to do.

You were warned

I hate women and minorities

I hate whitey. Let's all join hands and hate in peace and harmony

r/games mods fighting an imaginary enemy over an imaginary issue for imaginary points.

r/games users spending real money for fake currency to reward OP with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Social justice is EA confirmed.

To reward fake OP*. It's just a combined mod account.

For when the mods are to scared to put their own face forward.

All this post does is say "hey, we're one of the most mature gaming communities out there and we're overrun with trolls", which is a lie. /r/Games is clean as fuck.

Ars Technica has picked up on this story, and of course their commenters are using it as evidence that anyone who's ever picked up a controller is toxic.

/r/Games mods are helping perpetuate stereotypes that anyone with an Xbox is a racist incel. They should be helping to destroy that stereotype, whilst at the same time disavowing trolls.

They should have kept the sub open but had a sticky letting people donate to charities that give games consoles to hospitals.

Donating to charity so Uranians can get plastic surgery for free. Flawless.

Well if the gamers are pissed off, maybe they should have thought of that before they got radicalized by Pewdiepie and shot up a Mosque full of innocent New Zealanders, don't you think?

we will have a meta thread for discussion when the sub reopens

👀 👅 🍿🥤 🍆

Tfw you realize that people sperging out in this thread (among many others) was the goal all along. Gj team.

Ban all video game

Hunt down programmers


Problem solved

Ah back to the original meaning of April Fools.

Mocking people for not belonging to your cult.

This is the first and last time I notice that there is such a thing as r/games.

I don't know if you treat people like children all the time I'd be surprised if they can be mature. This ultimately does nothing but make you look like f-words who can't have any fun.

What a fuckin nerd essay

God damn - I cringed

And here's the drama,

OP being a karma farming g-slurring f-slurring c-slur, with all the delivery of a m-slur f-slurring b-slur.

Thanks to /r/games mods for giving us a new copypasta for 2019

Unironically one of the best April fools jokes, even if merely an unintentional one caused by virtual signaling.

fucking losers

April Fools Day jokes are supposed to be funny. Where's the fucking funny in posting a bunch of f-slur charities and telling g*mers to stop being toxic?

good for dramacoin but still r-slur as hell

this must be the penultimate april fools joke. I don't think this one can be beaten. they even say "gamers rise up" for fucks sake, we're being bamboozled. right?

It’s not uncommon for us to see the real issues surrounding these communities be trivialized, derided out of ignorance, or worse, for the sake of entertainment.

they're onto us!

sheeit nigga, society be forcin my family into da projects so das why I be committin deez crimes instead of goin to school to get educated n sheeit

lmao this definitely needs to be a snappy quote

It's always transphobia posted first. Anytime I hear about drama in video games, it's always about trans people.

at the core of the humor is a set of very serious issues that affect all gaming enthusiasts.

No it doesn't. Most of us couldn't care less about all that bullshit and just want to play games.

Dramacoin expected to skyrocket tomorrow. Invest while you still can.

I can't wait for the inevitable shitshow that the meta thread will be.

Should have been done a long time ago, but this is good too.

I wonder what's going to happen next april fools now that they painted a bullseye on their backs. Imagine all those throwaway accounts that will be made and banned because they targeted gamers.

Unbanned woo

I want to wake up from the fucking simulation.

The amount of asshurt this is generating can fuel an OG Hummer

being a good person isnt virtue signaling but i guess it is to the virgins in this subreddit who think doing anything but jerking off over anime and vicariously living thru others is too much effort lmao

doing this on april fools make it look like they making fun of social justice tho... not Funny and bad taste

Tomorrow is going to be such an epic shitshow I can't wait