Epic Games accidentally listed a game at $0, realized their mistake, and revoked the purchase. KiA thinks they can sue them for this lol.

157  2019-04-01 by IAmAN00bie


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Day of the joystick when

Why do they even care about such things? I don’t get it.

excuse me but video games are serious business 😤

Epic made them use something other than steam to get a game and they've been screeching since.

Steam literally takes all your paid games away when they ban you but somehow Epic removing one free game is the scandal of the century.

Steam literally takes all your paid games away when they ban you

shit did not know this. I stay away from their forums though because I already know it's a banhammer. Didn't know they get rid of your downloads.

I thought they hated Steam now for banning their... favorite genre?

That's still too high a price for Detroit: Become Human. 🤭


KIA is getting worse and worse tbh. They're spiraling fast.

Yeah but there is no bottom for KIA, so the spiraling will continue ad infinitum.

Correction those who post on KiA are all bottoms.

Those who post on r/drama are powerbottoms 💞💦

I don't see a problem here

This past week, I suggested that software pirates (KiA-tards) are fine so long as they admit they're thieves and recognize the potential harm they're doing to the industry. The pirates in question got utterly offended, acting more outrageous than an innocent man would do if accused of a crime he didn't commit. Apparently, guilt makes you more indignant than innocence.

Anybody who says they've not downloaded something illegally is usually a liar. Most of you reading this have downloaded some songs, or a movie, before. Personally, I legally purchase Blu-rays in store and music via iTunes, but I cannot honestly say I have always done this. We've all helped ourselves to things we shouldn't, and we should have the integrity to admit it.

There is, however, one major difference between movies/music, and videogames. In the case of movies, most of a film's success rides on its box office performance. That's where you initially make your profit. In the case of music, the artists obtain very little money off their officially released tracks, instead making it back with live performances. In the case of videogames, their only source of monetary recuperation is that initial sale. Unlike movies and music, which have multiple avenues for profit, there is only one option for the game industry.

This is not to make the ripping off of movies and music morally superior. I'm not talking about the morality here. I'm talking about damage. Videogame piracy is potentially far more damaging than movie or music piracy, because it cuts into the only vein through which a game's cash flows. There are no concerts or theatrical releases for this game. Any potential merchandise has a niche audience at best, and most of that cash will go to the manufacturer.

The game industry is also a cutthroat, harsh business. If a game doesn't sell, it won't get a sequel, and the studio itself might be torn apart. Just looking at EA, we all saw what happened to Pandemic. They didn't perform in the sales department and were wiped out without question.

Your noble justifications are not fucking cutting it anymore. In my last rant about piracy, one person said they pirated "out of necessity" and seemed to get some people agreeing with him. Really? Necessity? It is necessary that you play a videogame? Since when was a luxury item like a videogame a necessity, to the point where you get to steal it? A fucking bit of bread for a dirt-poor family is a necessity, son. Not your stupid videogame.

I've known more coherent downies.

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HBO doesn't make games, you fascist gamergoober.

Learn to read instead of just spamming an irrelevant link.

It applies to games as well.

To be more precise, the study estimates that for every 100 games that are downloaded illegally, players actually legally obtain 24 more games (including free games) than they would in a world in which piracy didn't exist.

Wait... Wait... Wait... So "free" games are counted as sales. LMAO.

Plus this:

(i.e. indistinguishable from noise)

You have no statistical evidence of your claims.

At least I provided you two links, whereas all you provided were your tears.

At least I provided nothing.

FTFY, sweatypoo.

K, thanks sport.

Is this pasta

Yeah but there is no bottom for KIA, so the spiraling will continue ad infinitum.

I honestly thought the "defending cartoon CP" was the bottom. Nopes.

KiA has never not been shit tbh

It's always been shit but it's getting more and more shit as time goes on and the radicalization continues.

As kotakucoin falls dramacoin rises 😎


Eventually KIAcels circling the drain will fall into an accretion disk where a large part of them is converted into pure energy to fuel dramacoin.


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oh fuck off


Wow, really, this one went through? I was just looking for an amusing automod "Your post contained the word"

Maybe you're black and didn't know.


This explains so much!

My new band.

They've always been one of the spergiest subs on the site but I think they were just hopelessly naive for the first year or so. By late 2015 they were T_D 2.0 but without the a.utistic bravado.

It used to be about the ethics in gaming journalism 😤

Those first few weeks of the sub's existence during the 5 guys drama were glorious, the place only went to shit after the Gamers are Dead articles came out and the spergy email campaigns started spinning up.

/u/david-me was a prophet. 🙏🙏🙏

Quarantined subs are just radicalisation centres. Reddit is actively recruiting for Trump's blackshirt army.

Every time it's seems like they've bottomed out they go further into the tard abyss.

I thought they were rising up over the Epic Games store and (((revolting))) by not using it?

Will the oppression of gamers ever end

r/KIA is the most constantly triggered subreddit.

Change My Mind.

These days you are nit wrong.

it's a gamergate subreddit. That statement is literally never wrong.

I disagree. 'literally' is far too black and white a dismissal for an ongoing clusterfuck of nuance.

an ongoing clusterfuck of nuance.

Lol, stop defending pedos. If you spend any time on internet forums complaining about g*ming, you are triggered. /KiA is the most constantly triggered subreddit because that's literally what they do all the time.

There's no room for nuance when it comes to g*mers and pedophilia.

You do know that pretending to be rtarded doesn't automagically make you not actually rtarded right?

Facts for you:

  • Anyone who browses /r/Drama is unironically retarded. Natives know this, but refugees refuse to unironically call themselves retarded. That's why they'll be purged soon inshallah.

  • Anyone who browses KiA regularly is in an immediate risk of a heart-attack due to how bussy-blasted he is. KiA is the only forum on earth that's triggered 100% of the time. Even SJW forums have some alternative "bonding" threads where they aren't ass blasted all the time, but this isn't true for KiA-tards because they are g*mers.

  • Unironic g*mers are the lowest form of human there is. They're on par with hobos and white people.

If you disagree with any of this, you need to get the fuck out.

you need to get the fuck out

Naw. I kinda like it here. I think I will stick around.

I wasn't bargaining. Either assimilate or you will be deported. Or option 3; start being very vocal about your political views so people can laugh at you.

you will be deported

Pretty alt Right of you to try an deport a Mexican bro. :)

spicy mayo


Make me!

Stop being such a fahggot

The backbone of the movement ever since it was shown that Zoe Quinn did not receive a good review due to sexual contact (although she was a cheating dirtbag, that’s rather irrelevant) has been hating on and doxxing feminists, so-called SJWs, and political liberals who had the audacity to call out Gamergators. Their slogan of “Ethics in video game journalism!” is no longer the actual purpose of the movement, and those who truly wanted it abandoned ship years ago because they saw Gamergate for what it really was.

The only active GGers remaining are either alt-righters or leftist pedophiles.


The main problem underlying gamergrobble was that there were large numbers of people with a great deal of anger in their lives, who chose to deal with that anger in a way that was ugly and harmful to other people. Any related problems with journalism were minor in comparison.

Short of inventing time travel and having the parents of these people go back and do a better job during their childhoods, thinking up a practical solution to this problem is beyond my capability.

You are a very bad troll. You try way too hard.

You're a gamergator. Enough said.

Hey, you know how the pedo stache is pretty close to the generic Mexican trash stache?

I always kind of wondered, in cases like yours, does it double up or something?

>posts in /r/GGdiscussion

like you literally don't have any legs to stands on here

You mean outside of this comment being a great example of what they are referring to?

Their arch enemy sub is way more easily triggered, its just that the total volume of spergouts is lower due to a lower autist subscriber autist count.

False. KiA are the supreme triggered

Ex: you

literally hiding under a blanket about this right now.

epic slay 😎

83% upvoted


There is a lot of drama in Russia.

Why? Because Russians love халява ("free stuff"), and because the game would probably cost 10-15% of their parents' salary.

Well, until they f-slur Putin in his b-slur they can stay as poverty stricken fa-slurs.

Implying eastern euros are r-slur enough to pay for games when they can just pirate them.

I bought a Switch for my entire two-month's salary last summer. My wage was 3€ an hour as a part-time copywriter.

Actually, it's about ethics in not paying people for their work due to an honest mistake

When will these f-slurs stop crying about being p-slurs and just pirate these f-cursing games if they don't want to pay for them?


Ethics in gaming journalism

Can any of our resident bird lawyers tell us whether this is a case or not?

From what little research I did, in the US this would seem to fall under "unilateral mistake of fact". But idk how would it be in Mother Russia.

/u/ComedicSans, bequeath us with your legal expertise to smite the g*mers, Insh'Allah.

I don't know about consumer law in the USA, but this is actually fine in NZ. If it's a reasonable price then the retailer is stuck with what is advertised. But if it's clearly a mistake that any reasonable consumer would identify as such, then there's no expectation that they can enforce it against the vendor.

I suspect the US is even less consumer-friendly and favours whatever suits Walmart elected representatives.

reasonable consumer

KiA subscribers

I see the problem now.

But what if reason is no longer even recognized?

Like I said, I don't know about consumer law in the USA.

a follow up question, one of the Epic guys in charge apparently said that they would honor the mistaken prices if the bug was on their end. Would that have a bearing on a case if anyone went through with it?

My gut feeling is "only if the consumer acted in reliance of such a statement". In the US, even that might not be enough - The law in the US suggests that advertisers are allowed to bald-faced lie so long as it's sufficiently absurd (Google "puffery").

It just means they calculated the lost sales against the potential pr losses.

a reasonable consumer might conclude that video games are given away free or at deep discounts all the time, and that Epic store actually launched with a free copy of the hit game Subnautica and is paying money hand over fist to attract developers and customers to their storefront, so it’s hardly outside the realm of possibility that this port of a 2 year old game would’ve given away

ofc you’re right and American law probably protects the vendor no matter what

Considering everything in that very KiA thread is couched around "Epic clearly fucked up but we should profit anyway!", I doubt the courts would be overly sympathetic.

I haven’t read the KiA thread but I doubt the courts would consider it as an argument anyway

I suspect the US is even less consumer-friendly

Please regale us with your knowledge of the world. What was the last thing you said about America, that it got it's independence because of Frederick the Great of some shit? 😂😂😂

How many Boeings fell out of the sky before your government imtervened? Hmm.

Considering that it's a digital game there's probably extremely shitty eula attached to it. So they probably can revoke access at their discretion.

Also it's a game and was free, so there's no damage or money that has to be returned.

Nah there's been similar cases before where automated vendors gave things away, the courts basically said "no don't be r-slurred of course you don't get to steal stuff because of a mistake."

Bit of a twist here because it's software, but I doubt these a-slurs have a case. Even if they win, what is their remedy? Please give me back my $0 that I spent?

the issue however is that it's in Mother Russia and apparently one of the Epic guys said on video they would honor mistaken prices if the bugs were on their own end.

See the mistake is using the epic games store in the first place

We should send all gamers to the gulags

Seriously it would have been some good publicity for them to let people keep the game (even if they legally don‘t have a choice). Consumers don‘t seem to be the priority here at all, they just keep on proving why nobody should use that crappy store.

These are the people who regularly dab on leftists/commies for "wanting free stuff".

tbh it can be. In my shitty 3rd world country, if you buy something online for a very low price and the low price was the store's mistake, they have to honor that price.