KiAutist finds out there are black people in a game set in Atlanta. Gamers go from sitting down to rising up in 1.9 seconds flat.

14  2019-04-01 by le_epic_xd_part_2


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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I’m kind of shocked the top reply is reasonable atm.


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Why do people put so much effort into their posts?

I’d mock them but I’ve effortposted before. At least I wasn’t doing an essay analyzing “muh minorities in muh teevee show”

Does anybody in the thread agree with the OP?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have to agree with KiA about the OP. Seems like a false flag and their post history reads like generic rightoid talking points.

What's more likely: a false flag or an NPC?

CIA psyop

0 upvotes and 40 replies to this shitty thread with them mostly shitting on him

Garbage drama OP

The top comment:

The racial demographics of The Walking Dead don't bother me. It's set in Georgia, just outside of Atlanta. Atlanta is 54% Black. They're the majority. And I think the very few "good guys" in this bleak series are approximately equally Black and White

OP, get your chromosomes checked.

Imagine caring this much about NPC

I play the sorts of violent games these sorta KIA folks populate. I have never been recruited by them because I am a vocal critic of them. They really do not like being beaten by a liberal in their favorite games. I give it right back to them in the chat lobbies and I suggest the rest of my fellow liberal gaymers stop being such push-overs and help me fight back. Also, I was gaming LONG before these folks came along to usurp the chat rooms and lobbies. The world of gaming is MINE, not theirs. I will never stop taking the fight to them.