Thread about "Ya'all can't behave" sticky locked because ya'all couldn't behave

147  2019-04-01 by HINDBRAIN


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post -,,,

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62% upvoted, new levels of cope?

despite making up only 13% of the population

I’m just glad the mods are there to keep me safe from bad words.

This is a generation that swears that banning shit online has any kind of effect in the real world. They've been playing this game for a decade, and yet, they act surprised to see that the real world isn't really reacting the way they want to.

It's a good way to keep them placid and pacified no? Hand over some irrelevant internet points and power over irrelevant platforms in exchange for them directing all their impotent rage towards those platforms.

Internet wokies are the greatest recruitment tool the far right has ever known.

Imagine talking about reddit irl lmfao

Wow, imagine thinking I mean IRL.

yeah, we know you don't ever leave your house.

I like the label "digital hermit."

to the rest of us, "NEET"

I always knew Pizza was a NEET

Imagine having online friends.

If i see something on reddit that I want to share with my friends I direct link the image both to hide my shame, and on the off chance that they reveal themselves as the “ah a fellow redditor”-types 🤢

The narwhal bacons at midnight.

1337 meme friendo


Blocked and reported 🤢

Imagine believing such obvious horseshit spoken today of all days

Imagine being smug about Aprils Fools day

liberalism is fine, it's the woketards that really activate the almonds.

If being against racism, misogyny, and transphobia is enough to push you to the alt-right, then you might have been a bigot in the first place.

Go off kween

I think it's more that the smug, sardonic, "woke" attitude is so toxic it paradoxically poisons the minds of everyone you expose your ideas to.

In other words, you're so unlikeable that you indirectly cause hate crimes.

"SJW": Hey please don't say the n-word-slur

Not a racist: Ok no problem!


yeah, real solid logic there.

Academia makes a pretty good argument as well tbh.

in my experience it wasn't the academy itself but the student culture. but then again it might be different in fields like sociology or anthropology, let alone the gender studies meme

It's a fairly short slide from "I'm tired of SJW callout culture" to "white ethnostate now"

gaming subreddit moderator

Other than pedos, is there a lower class of human beings?

He does it for free

He receives no monetary compensation

he's a moderator

on the internet

on a gaming subreddit

he does it for free

he takes his "job" very seriously

he does it because it is the only amount of power and control he wilI ever have in his pathetic life

he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack

he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch

he will never have a real job

he will never move out of his parent's house

he will never be at a healthy weight

he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket

he will never have a girlfriend

he will never have any friends

At least pedos have sex

white people

Other than pedos

Wow, let's not insults pedos. A lot of them produced something worthwhile for mankind.

KiA mods are both


Holy fukk theres at least other users on reddit that arent on r draæma see how r slured that games post is. Thank god.

The word y'all has been grossly culturally appropriated from Southeners.

They don't have a culture to appropriate

Grits and lynchings.

Carports and living next door to an abandoned house with a collapsed roof.


wait are they not a thing outside the south?

Not as prevalent. Most people up north have proper garages for snow

Only in the South do they forget to put walls on their garages.

t. jealous yankee

Actually it was in a way appropriated by blacks of all regions, mostly from southerners and then appropriated by embarassing wiggers on the internet who pretend they're black and spend their day on /r/bpt

honest question

can the admins be contacted over the r/Games mods? there's like 25 of those mods and apparently all of them decided to shut the sub down over entirely off-topic bullshit. isn't that grounds for the top mods being removed and replaced by those to better serve the community? there are millions of subscribers there and it's a hotbed for advertisers. i'm sure they're not happy to have the sub shut down for this garbage.

isn't that grounds for the top mods being removed and replaced by those to better serve the community?

Since it's just for one day they'll probably let it slide. If they turned every Tuesday into a social justice blackout of some sorts then yeah the admins would likely step in.

The admins wouldn't step in, knowing that they're safe from most admin scrutiny is what keeps head janitors from going to mod other sites where they get paid to mop.

Actually why are they still here wages are better than neetbux

Actually why are they still here wages are better than neetbux

because they're not even worth paying. you think anyone would pay these turds to moderate something? they're literally pitching a fit right now about having to do it.

knowing that they're safe from most admin scrutiny is what keeps head janitors from going to mod other sites where they get paid to mop.

I'm sure there are hundreds of decent replacements that would quickly volunteer. The admins do step in when mods start really shitting on established communities and /r/games is undoubtedly high-profile enough that this would get their attention.

The admins do step in when mods start really shitting on established communities

what about several of the r/games mods all over SRD and other subs actively shitting on their users right now?

if i didn't know better i'd think these geniuses were actively trying to ruin it. they're going out of their way to make the sub NOT about gaming right now, it's hilarious.

Mods are allowed to hate their users. They're not allowed to use this hatred to actually attack or derail the community. And my point is that blacking out the sub for a day has plausible deniability that it's not part of a larger plan to turn /r/games to /r/esetEra.

there's like 25 of those mods and apparently all of them decided to shut the sub down over entirely off-topic bullshit.

Probably the top mods decided it and everyone else followed along.

Also reddit admins are super lefty.

Allah willing, the admins will ban all g*mers from the site altogether

Whut, are you anti-lbgt or something?

Sure, you absolutely can, go talk to the Moon Men.

Good luck.

lmao, mods really exposing their woke power levels today

Reddit has been so fucked by these self-righteous mods. It's really pathetic.

Sounds to me like you just wanna be a bigoted prick and are now whining because you can't do that everywhere. What a baby bitch.

what the fuck are you talking about

What else could you mean by calling the mods self righteous over this?

what the fuck do you think I mean? Have you read the fucking post?

I read the mod post that locked the thread linked here, and the mod post on the games subreddit that this is all about. How exactly are either of those mods being self righteous? Do you think making anti bigotry posts is self righteous or are you referring to another post I'm not aware of?

just stop typing now please

You act like you're so used to this subreddit being a haven for bigots that you're shocked to see someone else here. No wonder you have this reaction to anti bigotry posts.

You’re gonna dig through post history and not even link it? Wtf is even the point?

Good work my fellow n-slur. Bigots are a HUGE problem in here! Thanks for bring some sanity!

Do you think making anti bigotry posts is self righteous


You're a pretty fucked up human being then. Good thing you probably never leave your room and interact with the outside world.

No I just came back from work. I research and develop medical devices.

Lol sure. Seems like you would have a hard time with a job like that with all the time you spend being angry about marginalized groups existing. Or maybe you work there as a janitor or something.

Not really, a lot of industry science is desk work and god knows it's boring.


Yikes sweetie no need for such a hateful gendered slur. r/drama is a tolerant sub and we are against bigotry in every form.

way to put that ㅋaggot in his place










Good bot.

Whoa, tone down the bigotry there please...



they need to be milked

It's really pathetic.

Garbage in garbage out. When the alternative is voat. We'll take these awful mods any day of the week

yea... as someone who comes here, voat and /pol/

I want somewhere in between here and /pol/.... voat is even further than /pol/...

I love this community and visit it at least 10 times a day (if not more, my gaming obsession is past the point of logical reasoning)

Sounds like they did the right thing closing it

what the fuck is the rationale behind locking threads? i genuinely cant see the point

The custodial staff used to just delete threads so nobody could ever find it again. At least locking it doesn't disable viewing the discussion, but people can't argue in silence anymore.

Civility is only possible for g*mers if they are physically prevented from speaking.

Deleting threads isn't as effective anymore for narrative stuff with removeeddit and ceddit exposing any sub that does.

And I thought that sub was safe from the r-slur mod menace.

r/games has 1.6 million subscribers. It's inevitable in such a sizable population of people, especially when given the cover of relative anonymity that the internet provides, that there will always be some amount of bad actors, bigots, and trolls. I'm not sure if the mods actually think that their message will reduce the number of comments from those types of users, but it's highly unlikely - in fact, i'd imagine many of them will simply view it as a challenge (as there is a significant demographic overlap between contrary assholes and trolls/bigots on the internet), and all the mods will have ended up doing is drawing the attention of exactly those they wanted out of the subreddit - a variation on the "Streisand effect" as it's called.

The fact is that 99% of such posts get downvoted to oblivion and/or removed, and that is simply the system working the way it is intended. It also suggests that the vast overwhelming majority of the r/games userbase and the gaming sub-culture at large is already on board with regards to tolerance, acceptance, and respect for others, and obviously won't stand for those sorts of things (bigotry, prejudice, and trolling) which is why most comments like the ones in question (specifically, almost all of the ones the mods linked as examples in their sticky post) are all heavily downvoted (as they should be, and as would be expected). Isn't that desirable? If someone posts bigoted or prejudiced nonsense on a sub, and it is heavily downvoted and removed, doesn't that clearly imply that the sub does NOT support those ideas? How could it possibly be interpreted any other way? How does one come to the conclusion that games subreddits have some kind of issue with bigotry and racism, when almost all bigotry and racist comments (again, specifically almost all the comments the mods linked as examples) are immediately downvoted?

So this in turn begs the question - if the tiny percentage of trolls and bigots aren't going to change their views because of some message from the mods that they will likely only view as The SJW Agenda At Work, and if the remaining 99% of the sub downvotes toxic content anyways, then who exactly are the mods talking to? for whose benefit is this message?

It all seems rather pointless, or rather, to be more specific, useless/ineffective as to achieving its alleged goal. it's "virtue signaling", or maybe more precisely, as we used to call it back in the day, "preaching to the choir".


Good job bobby, here's a star

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Moderators are invariably the worst part of every online community

-Gamers Status-

Rising up:🚫

Cucked and Chucked:✔

"Seems like those comments were actually denounced entirely actuall-"

"Y'all can't behave."