A short video of the peaceful protests in Gaza the other day

47  2019-04-01 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


This is why we need mayocide.


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at least they're not cucks. imagine actually doing peaceful protests against the terrorist-state that is isr*el.


The Virgin Hamas Vs the Thaad IDF

India 🇮🇳 with Israel 🇮🇱 always

Why would India like Israel? Why would any country without a significant Jewish population like Israel?

Good drama, though. Palestinians got everything they deserved.

Why would India like Israel?

Killing goatfuckers bring people together like a fucking christmas miracle.

So India likes Israel because Israel could do to Palestine what Indian couldn't do to Pakistan? Fair enough.

Pretty much. Once again Israel is the based country in the relationship.

I didn't think it would be possible, but you just made me like Israel better.

IDF should send you a check.

I didn't think it would be possible, but you just made me like Israel better.

As einstein said :

Only two things are infinite, the amount of love one can hold for israel, and the universe. And I am not sure for the universe.

IDF should send you a check.

I do it for free. :dab:

dab on the goyim

Israel does not have a right to exist


No u.

Good goy. You'll get your shekels soon enough.

You have the right to resist invaders

Who is invading?

You know (((who)))

Uh, Isreal? They've invaded the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights (I'm probably forgetting others). Please watch something that isn't Mainstream American propaganda.


I wish the holocaust happened

Brown ppl whising things are irrelevant but still.


>Not wishing for clean water or bathrooms.

Every country in the world belongs to Israel

lol is that a YGOTAS reference?

How can you invade something you own? Dummy 🤣

At least 90% of them are doctors or nurses. So sad 😢

95% actually

> Agendaposting in r/Drama


Did our t-slur mod really trigger you this much?

Why is everyone getting so mad at this? It's a video of something dramatic.

No one is mad you r-slured mongolian chromosoned friendo.

it's a good agendapost

Lol at caring about desert people, nuke them both

A centrist position we could all get behind.

Looks fine to me, their getting their home back

Agenda posting this blatant should be a bannable offense

It's a video showing drama. No agenda here buddy.

Better than playing video games eating cheetos.

J-slurs acting as if those puny little molotovs are anything compared to the 1000 litre drums of white phosphorous they pour over gaza on a daily basis

Hey, you don't see me going around trying to punch grizzly bears.


Seems pretty tame.

Cool sling though, would join them if I could try it.