The “You should have been aborted” starter pack

875  2019-04-01 by OkayWriterKinda


womp womp


  1. This Post -,,

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too slow to deletus this fetus

All you need for that one is /r/drama fam

pretty sure that's our good buddy dart200m's active subs

he's the best, my own personal lolcow. i found him, hands off.

holy fuck this guy is amazing

Im new here, so this is why everybody wants pinging back, this is gold


Oh damn, I remember this. I even left a comment there huh.

his account is gone, F.

It's funny that he deleted his account after this post but not the last thread that made

He didn't delete his account, he's shadowbanned.

I like that this mainly has rightwing, or "anti-sjw" subs, and is being upvoted. I was expecting it to be CB2, menslib, srd, etc. Hopefully this is proof that the MDE rapefugees have not yet succeeded in killing radical centrism here.

2016 sent the noble cause of radical centrism into decline by generating a disproportionate amount of drama from the left. Hopefully President Joe Biden will restore balance to the force by making both Chapotards and Rightoids seethe

Blessed Joe

What politi-gal operative doesn't like sloppy kisses planted on her hair more than rape-themed socialist screes?

I want sweet Joe to sniff me the way he sniffs underage girls


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Imagine believing that the slur-etard who has started ranting about white privilege will win the elections. He'll crash and burn like Hillary who also used similar strategy focused on identity politics.

Joe Biden is the best candidate ironically and unironically

I guess it depends if you want a President that hides molesting or a President that embraces their molestation.

Please stop spreading this misconception. Joe “Hold Her Fluff and Huff ‘n’ Puff” Biden doesn’t hide what he does like some kind of coward.

there's also the fact that admins have a clear leftist bias, so extreme-right subs like MDE don't usually survive for long while extreme-left like Chapo will keep providing drama eternally

There's more leftists bitching about this than there are rightoids posting shit. Just shut the fuck up and accept that if there's drama it deserves to be posted

Calm down lmao

God damn my penis just won't stop pointing towards Jesus

>I like this agenda post because it agrees with me

you could at least be subtle about it

Dude, I hate all those lefty subs I just listed, especially SRD. You just can't handle the radical centrism.

"I'M NOT AN SRDINE, I SAY R-SLUR OCCASIONALLY" -another goddamn srdine on r/drama

Are you really accusing me of being a srdine? I'm banned there.

you can't handle the radical centrism

self-admitted srdfugee


It’s not radically centrist if you aren’t banned from here too.

I've been temp banned for encouraging personal safety. Does that count?

Eh, close enough.

what is it like living in perpetual anger?

I agree, using the new layout of reddit is cast-iron evidence that post-natal abortion should be legal.

forget the allfugees, ban newcels

Allfugees are newcels

Technically not new, I used to be relatively active on here on my old account

And I have a girlfriend in canada











I never felt such utter revulsion and discomfort from a simple website layout as the redesign causes me to feel even 1+ year after implementation. I remember disliking redesigns like steam or whatever else had but not like this.

It's terrible, and I regret the 3 or so months which passed before I realised you can turn it off, and then the extra 2 or so months before I realised you can turn it off for user pages too. I will never adopt the redesign.

I'm a tablet pleb and to this day I still type in every time I open a new window so the awful redesign never sullies my screen

It sickens me to help a tablet pleb, but just go on preferences and then untick "Use the redesign as my default experience" and "View user profiles on desktop using legacy mode"

Now I'll be able to mobilepost at multiple times the speed!

Godspeed, my plebeian brother

You can get your abortion post-pubescence whenever you like.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

This disgusting normie is using the new profile layout and dares to judge ME for subscribing to subreddits of excellence like r/drama? ME?

r/UniversalConsensus is a weird ass subreddit how in the fuck did you even come across that?

the genesis point for a movement to implement the required social/political/economic changes necessary to obtain a universal consensus among humanity

There's just like one guy who posts in there consistently and I can't tell if it's a bit or not.


i can explain that one

dude's a hilariously unhinged psychotic/conspiracy theorist

Damn that guy fucking rules. Can’t wait to see him pop up here in a couple months for domestic terrorism.

Why wait? Troll a lolcow today and milk for the rest of eternity tomorrow!

I just went through the posts and I feel like I went on a real trip. What.

I thought that said 'furology' and I was confused

Yay! I only get about 30% of an abortion.

looks like a lot of subs i need to subscribe to

Don't forget /r/braincels🎃

I love lurking on /r/Braincels the self loathing there is insane. Also hate for everyone else.

>posts exclusively in sports subreddits

I'm sure it is Chadski 👌

And SRD... :eyeroll:

Damn I got 5/5

You know what you need to do.

/r/braincels is the shit

It's just not the same as the original.

It's like visiting a zoo where the animals have all been castrated and sedated, whereas at /r/incels they were running rampant and flinging excrement at one another.

Not gonna lie just subscribed to 2 of those I wasn't already in

MFW no chapo

The Redditor who should have been aborted is the normie one who spends all their time upvoting pictures of cute cats and unfunny memes.

u/ComedicSans btfo

How can you say I upvote unfunny memes if I downvote /u/masterlawlz every time?

Cuz fuck you, that's why

doesn't have SRD


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Imagine being so worthless that you actively look through user's post histories. OP proving himself to be a homo yet again KYS

mod at





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I just learned a new word. Good bot!