Whats with the I like small tits circle jerk?

62  2019-04-01 by BenaGD

How can someone knowingly sleep with a male chested women? You have to be a fucking pedo to genuinly find super flat chested women


"I am not like the other girls" but for men + having still as physical preferences for things that are not the "dominant" opinion make think that they are less shallow and free thinkers.

Ironically that imply that big boobs women are more base than fake trap women.

Large tits = obese 95% of the time

What does this have to do with tits?

Chicks who brag about having huge knockers are usually landwhales.

I'd rather chase a chubby than an absolute rail.

If you are fat then they are only big if they are proportionally big, that seems obvious.

Having big tits because you're fat is like having a fast car because it's falling off a cliff


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Is this meant to be funny?

It was about a week ago

Can we stop pretending that people here get laid.

Imagine thinking getting laid is hard.

My dick is hard .


This but unironically. The absolute state of volcels.

all it requires is like one drop of chloroform

how there’s so many virgins here baffles me

Every regular here is the big g-slur, and it make getting your b-slur pounded a lot easier.

It depends on what they look like. Bee sting are ok but folded pancakes, no way!

Can you post examples of bee stings and folded pancakes? I’m familiar with fried eggs, but not those.

I like small tits but I don't like no tits.

I just like really skinny chicks mostly.


He didnt make the yamete "I'm not a pedo, I just prefer women that look like theyre 12 or younger" declaration.

I think his alt is currently hstark

Let me shit post in peace


Wasn't hstark darqwolff?

I got my pedos confused :(

Nono, I like tall skinny qts with small but clearly present tits and very small butts. Like so. I don't mind big tits, I just really like this body type. There really aren't any actually bad tits as long as they're neither nonexistent nor freakishly huge.

I emphatically do not like women who look like children.

So tay tay then huh

he said women tho

taytay is exactly my preferred body type yet I mysteriously find myself not attracted to her at all

Vapid stare and unnatural red lipstick

Yes, but we're not talking about your selfies right now


Women can't be pedophiles, silly

I just like really skinny chicks mostly.


Dude gussy lmao

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When f-slurs have a bra on it’s hard to know what you’re going to get.

Big tits could be:

•amazing tits

•saggy tits propped up by space age materials and modern engineering

•Deflated tits rolled up and shoved into a padded bra

•pancake nipples

•prepubescent boy tits

•padded bra

Small tits could be:

Cute small tits

Since I’m no longer a gambling addict I usually go with the small tits. They can always get bigger anyway

Small tits could be prepubescent boy tits too though.

Smh kids these days don't appreciate the feminine ideal

Yeah but they usually have chub to them. Chubby women with small tits 🙅‍♂️

And imma have to go with my boys Dali and Magritte on Beauty

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How can someone knowingly sleep with a male chested w*men?

Better question: How can someone knowingly sleep with a w*man?

It’s because tolerable imperfections like small tits or a small overbite make nerds feel like they have a chance and make them feel like women will be grateful to them for overlooking it.


High iq post

Imagine unironically liking Vert more than Blanc

all the f-slurs tryna pretend they're not g-slur

I prefer my partners with a flattish chest.

I think if I was straight I'd be into giant milkers.

Naturally giant milkers are usually saggy and gross.

I'm gay.

Well then you will find them even more gross.

This without irony

Me likey gay sex.

Neat. Top? Bottom? Switch hitter?

I like waking up every morn knowing that I can either be hit from behind or doing the hitting.

Cool. So sometimes you baffle the bussy and sometimes you have your bussy baffled?

Stick to men mah dude, wome​n are evil

I want a girl with no chest because I like twinks, but anal sex is degenerate.

anal sex is degenerate.
