r/aita can’t spot obvious bait and spergs out after a father does not want his kids to have a hyphenated last name. Where is the progress? I mean, yikes!

3  2019-04-01 by Dr-Dingleberry-PhD


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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YTA for declining the most centrist option.

Ugh, both of them are straight AND cis? ESH for sure

I don't have a opinion on the name thing but its always funny how redditors interpret standing your ground as being a asshole. Like this isn't a issue you can really meet in the middle on

/r/enlightenedcentrism is that way, chud

It's because everyone on Reddit is spineless pussy. They've never stood up for themselves their entire life

AITA would be 20x better if everyone passing judgement was required to provide some background information about themselves so we can judge if their opinion was worth shit. As it stands, we've got a bunch of unconfirmed but highly suspected losers trying to work way above their paygrade.