Washington Post gets ratio'd to hell for calling Creepy Joe Biden's hands on policy with children and "affectionate physical style"

209  2019-04-01 by unrulyfarmhand


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reported for use of the b-slur

The gall to do this on April R-slurs day.

This is like saying “I’ve discovered this new band” after they’d already toured the world and put out three albums


lol he's right. There has been footage of Biden creepily touching on women/girls and sniffing their necks for 6 years now. Only now has it become gross and newsworthy, because left-wing media wants to use it take out Biden so one of their woke candidates can rise in the polls.

because left-wing media wants to use it take out Biden

They literally never even address it you gosh darn f-slur

What are you talking about retard? This is a left-wing takedown.

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He's currently being attacked by the left, dipshit. My point is none of his creepy behavior was a big deal when the right used it to attack Biden.

Now you see the left deflecting. But that's something both sides do.

There are now three sides in American politics. The right, the liberals, and the left. Please do not confuse us with the liberals, that is highly insulting. Honestly I'd prefer if the liberals and the right would just team up, you two deserve each other.

How big of a d-slur can you throat with out vomit gagging?

Fuck off commie. I'd rather Trump go another term than have you retards get the smallest foothold.

This but unironically.

At least be smart and sacrifice Maduro like Obama did in Middle East or something.

Please do not confuse us with the liberals, that is highly insulting.

Well we'd never want someone to feel insulted on /r/drama. My apologies on behalf of the community, you edgelord larping little dipshit commie child.

the woke ret[slur]d left is attacking the corporate two-faced left.

because left-wing media wants to use it take out Biden so one of their woke candidates can rise in the polls.

Biden, Kamala, and Beto are basically all the same with regards to the left wing perspective. They're all centrist shitlibs. Biden is a just a rapist who's sole talking point is Obama nostalgia. But Obama gave us Trump, fuck Obama. America cannot survive another Obama, we'll literally elect the corpse of Hitler in 2024.

And yeah the libtard media is glazing over this - clearly. WaPo, which seems to be "left-wing" by your ridiculous metric, is here defending him. Because they don't give a shit about women, they just use them as a tool to promote liberalism, which is the same cancerous ideology that gave us Obama and Trump and imperialism. WaPo is a far right publication in my estimation, literally from all I can see the entire divide between WaPo and NYT and Breitbart and Daily Caller seems to be just a civil war among the far right over posturing, with essentially the exact same concrete policies among all of them. One wants to boast about imperialism and genocide, the other wants civil imperialism and genocide.

The only acceptable candidate from the left wing perspective, is Bernie. All the rest of them are carbon copies. Kamala Harris, "California's cop top", who seems to be the "extreme" "left-wing" "woke" candidate your referring to, is just dying neoliberalisms desperate attempt to co-opt minority struggles in pursuit of imperialism, capitalism, and genocide.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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The only acceptable candidate from the left wing perspective, is Bernie. All the rest of them are carbon copies. Kamala Harris, "California's cop top", who seems to be the "extreme" "left-wing" "woke" candidate your referring to, is just dying neoliberalisms desperate attempt to co-opt minority struggles in pursuit of imperialism, capitalism, and genocide.

neoliberalism has lifted hundreds of millions of nonwhite folk out of poverty in only a few decades, while stale socialism continues to stagnant the economies of countries like Venezuela.

Truly woke people support open and free markets.

Dude relevant lmao

97% upvoted

it's over for vote obfuscationcels 🤣

I love this so much. Biden is one of the only candidates that has any chance at all of taking Trump, and he's under assault from his own party over his incredibly creepy mannerisms that ANY republican so much as pretended to would have resulted in their public cricification.

Trump jokes on a game-show about grabbing women by the pussy? Millions of women march on Washington wearing vagene hats.

Biden literally molests women and children on camera, and has done so for years? """Affectionate physical style""". CLAP CLAP CLAP.

I know this is all a light teaser for 2020 but I've already ejaculated. Twice.

Jerk off, now.

My wife's boyfriend made me sleep on the couch. Post hog!

Wasn't Trump's "grab em" thing just an excerpt from a recorded call or something, where he said other rich people sexually assaulted women because their money lets them?

It's been years and I still can't figure out why Americans chose this particular line to attack him with

The most amazing thing is he sold Americans that he was a normal dude with the Locker Room Talk catchphrase

Sure people who didn't like what he said didn't like it but all the guys who thought he was a new yorker richplayboy who you couldn't have a beer with?

Americans chose this particular line to attack him with

"Americans" thought it would be a good idea to stoop to fighting a pig in mud and have been trying to figure out what happened for 2 years

I really wish the wrestling would come to an end soon tbh, it ain't as entertaining anymore and the financial damges (at least to the company I work in) have been pilling up lol

Lol just stop buying steel lmao

No joke, fucking 11.11% jump in the cost one of our steel quotes this month 🤕

Almost as bad as that Iran fiasco last fall


The most amazing thing is he sold Americans that he was a normal dude with the Locker Room Talk catchphrase

that line is 100% normal locker room talk, unless you're a dumb bitch. almost any man i've ever met says shit like this in private. it's not equivalent to "i literally rape women" which is what the left made it out to be. to paraphrase what he said "when you're rich like me all women want you, and i can be forward with them because my success rate will be very high and they will always consent." it takes a true f-slurred r-slur to translate that to "blah blah blah i'm a rapist."

Thanks for explaining my line that literally everyone understands and was the entire point of my post lmao

I thought the mis-shapen trucker hat was what appealed to the prols. He couldn't have gotten away with a hard hat and suit, so he went with the Tom Clancy look, but in Dictator red instead.

It all depends on wether you interpret it as “women are shallow and are attracted to power and money”, or “power and money terrify women to the point where they abandon their sexual autonomy”.

Imo it’s gonna be more the first one, since the majority of people hanging out with billionaires are gonna be social climbers very interested in acquiring power and wealth, and sex is a way to get it.

“women are shallow and are attracted to power and money”, or “power and money terrify women to the point where they abandon their sexual autonomy”.

I really don't see the difference. Fear and attraction are deeply crossed wired in their brain

That explains my spider vore fetish

Fear and attraction are deeply crossed wired in their brain

you guys really arent doing a good job of selling this whole "it's not rapey" thing

Get this boi a dose of red pills, stat!

When were we selling that?

What the fuck? Who thinks like that?

pretending to be a molestor

Dig up, stupid!

trying to figure out what happened for 2 years

Uh, didn't you get the memo? It was Russia.


Yes, and of course the left overplayed their hand by reporting that Trump was bragging about sexual assault lmao

Apparently the acoustics at wikipedia have an in depth article on it

It was a behind the scenes interview:

You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything

Biden doesn't wait either O_O

Waaiiit, maybe it's English being my second language, but isn't him talking about kissing women without consent or restraint way more creepy? The part after "When you're a star, they...[let you] do anything" isn't nearly as creepy since it can be interpreted as an (arguably denouncing) illustration of the misogyny that rich Americans breed

They should have publicised the first part instead, that bit actually sounds rapey as fuck

It is absolutely a creepy line, no qualifications.

The democrats picked "grab em by the pussy" for the shock value. And as an excuse to wear vaginas on their heads.

The vaginas on the head thing really showed em.


On the other hand "they let you do it" tells us that they consent and there haven't been any accusations made that stuck so, y'know, it's a bit of a mixed bag.

Biden's creepiness is straight up on film.

Hahahahaha cope

They ain't wrong.


Hahahahaha cope

I don't remeber where it was, but I just read an "article" that was just a hit job attempting to subtly bitch that Joe doesn't represent the democratic party anymore because he isn't a woman or a minority like the rest of the candidates.

The level of self sabotage already is amazing and we still got about a year left.

Joe is fucking weird but he isn't a pussy hound or a criminal. I'm sure there are overly effectionate Republican grandpas that we don't hear about cause kissing women on the head isn't sexual.

That's the worst accusation thrown at him and the most recent one ended up being a lie.

Pence doesn't eat alone with foids. Trump banged a whore and then chargebacked said whore.


Joe puts his mouth and hands all over women (age ranged 10 to 80) like he is about to devour a cheeseburger. Obama gave Hilldawg a job.

Gee, I wonder why this is all playing out like it has.

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r/Drama I am requesting a freedom of retardation act to disclose what was said to me.

Family values visionary Dennis Hastert comes to mind

I can't keep up with hot takes. Is Joe an actual factual pedophile from the party of innocent until proven guilty or are we still memeing?

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So how in hell did Mr. "Grab 'em by the Pussy", porn-star fucking, paying off Playboy & Porno Queens get away with it? He's not a Democrat. There goes your theory.

because he wasn't literally grabbing women on camera like biden was doing for the entirety of obama's presidency ¯\(ツ)

the dude doesn't have a single credible rape allegation against him. if he were really out there sexually harassing women he'd actually be in trouble. the left made a big stink out of a rich dude bragging that he gets with a lot of chicks.

You ever see that episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns has every disease, and the only reason he's not dead is because they're all keeping each other in check?

Biden is one of the only candidates that has any chance at all of taking Trump,

Ah yes, the astute political analysis that r/Drama is known for.

Ok stable genius, enlighten me with facts and logic. Who has the best chance of toppling trump?

Yang Gang!

this unironically

Pull hjs the bag out of your mouth

This but unironically

Fuckin’ Chris-Chan has a better chance than Joe “Uncle Touchy” “Don’t Let Those N-slurs Near My Kids” Biden.

I would unironically vote for Chris. Correct colored arms for all!

Bernie is the only one who's worth anything. Any other and honestly I wouldn't care if you just gave Trump another term. They're all the same.

Holy fuck, shut up commie.

Bernie "I chanted 'Death to America!' with the Sandinistas" Sanders will have a great time in the general election.

yes, he will

I know. If there's one thing Americans love, it's antediluvian Jews who praised the Soviet Union's economic model and argued for its adoption two years before it completely collapsed.

americans love having healthcare even more

And most have it.


Implying Daddy needs an insurmountable opponent

Aka a wall?

Sherrod Brown but he's not running

>going on the internet and defending a born-rich New York billionaire


Trump appeals to the American value of keeping the creepiness in the family.

I think I heard an NPR piece on Biden this morning that mentioned his "Outgoing conduct around women" or some other ridiculous euphemism.

the day of the rope cannot come soon enough

day of the cope is upon us

the media

It's okay, you can use the J-slur.


Dis gon get Jussy

They’ve been embarrassing for years, but it’s been on another level the past 10 or so days.

The whole charade is literally collapsing in real time

Democrats are just a straight embarrassment lately.


Once the Russia thing died their retardation was confirmed. They’ve been the conspiracy nuts all along.

You're probably right but I'm waiting on the full report to be released. At this point I can't believe anything that isn't completely transparent.

Oh come the fuck on, as soon as the full report gets released people are just going to start demanding the unredacted one. It's a never ending libtard rabbit hole.

Full means not redacted you bloody toolbox

And you think you're going to personally wade through hundreds of pages of legalese? Or will you just wait for the Vox take on it?

Let Hilary summerise it for them.

No.it means ALL the pages, with some black squigs through the good parts

Liberals are more delusional than rightists at this point honestly. Russiagate is basically liberal qanon, except taken much more seriously. They desperately want anything that excuses them from losing an election to themselves, but uncivil and honest.

It’s all an excuse for a power grab. The ones pulling the strings in Washington know it’s horseshit.

Its like the Left is on a quest to ensure that no one electable runs, and if they do make sure that their supporters cannibalize themselves.



Choose one

If it came out that for the last 3 years the left had been entirely controlled by right wing plants trying to run them into the ground at any opportunity it wouldn’t even surprise me a little bit.

ratio'd? huh

twitterspeak for “made blue checkmarks mad”

Biden is not my favorite candidate but IMHO this recent allegation could be sufficiently addressed by an apology and a promise to consider his behavior more carefully.

"Whoops, sorry"


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"From now on, I decide to live as a g-slur man."


Everyone knows only every second Democratic president is a rapist, so that's not too bad?

What? We shouldn’t have pandered to and empowered ridiculous SJWs?

Good that you're now realizing that neoliberalisms co-option of social justice was in fact just pandering without any real intent of solving inherent injustices in the white supremacist system at the core of American imperialism

We need more diverse oppressors


The newspaper who led the anti-Kavanaugh witchhunt is shocked when its favorite candidate gets the same treatment.

Eat shit, Wapo.

it’s official, the DNC is currently backing Biden for 2020

It's like a kiss of death

Holy fuck, these comments make me think we've already been colonized by CringeAnarchy.

Post your hog.

There are so many serious-posts here, I'm starting to wonder if /r/drama hasn't already been colonized by CringeAnarchy.

Seriousposting gets me off

there are at least 2 chapofigs spe*ging out in this thread and i havent seen any canimals so far.

God Biden is gross

Liberals are so retarded trying to push him. I can't believe Obama nostalgia has actually carried him this far.

And all harvey weinstein did was some affectionate sturggle snuggling.