121  2019-04-01 by AlrightGinger


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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This is how you lose 90% of your sub users.

Sorry no mayo please


Curries aren't black. 99.9% of the sub are gone.

I thought gang violence would beat them to it.

Gang violence doesn't really affect suburban white children

Not quickly enough.

And that's a good thing


$100% lol

Mayocide forever

if that post were real there would be zero posters on that sub

Amazing how many people are falling for shit today. If they banned New-Balance Americans there would be like 100 people there. Impressed that they are admitting it tho, gotta day.

As a black man, not true.

200K tops, after eying sub count. You are yanking my penis if you tell me any higher that that.

Yesterday was not April fools… today is April 3rd

But they're all fucking white...

I’m excited to see the quality improve.

You won't be excited for long then.

Even the mods .. insert Pikachu shocked face

The userbase is going to reach negative values then

based minstrel mods

If /r/BlackPeopleTwitter were a fictional character, it would be J-Roc from Trailer Park Boys

J-Roc neither owned a Nintendo switch, fetishizes black men, has an on demand weekly delivery of soy or plays LoL/Whatever meme royal is popular

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Wtf I can’t even make fun of basedboys now

J-Roc knows black people IRL and grew up in poverty, he's got more claim to understanding the black experience than any of the sheltered cumskins that post to BPT

that's actually a really good point, BPT isn't worthy of J-Roc

Did you just refer to white people as ‘cumskins’

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We are all evolved from prehistoric Tyrones

This is the first step in a real mayocide! 😍

32 minute old account 🤔🤔🤔 MDEfugee out?


Unironic gaymer 🤮

Unironically using the word Unironic 🤮

this but unironically

no, THIS but unironically

That without a slight hint of iron 👌👌

Ironically using the term unironic in an unironic sense of irony 🤮

I concede

Shh we can’t say that anymore!



Edit: can't wait til we're cross-posted into drama and other dumb subs

Oh snap. Shots fired at us tards. He was right.

yeah almost as if retarded whitey posers being retarded is gonna get posted her for internet points

Wait, how

What do you mean how? Retаrded whitey posers are like 90% of this subs frontpage most days

Don't forget us burritos 😭😭😭😭

No how did you say "retarded"

I came from an authoritarian shithole, you really think some shoddy word filter would stop me from spreading my worthless opinion?

Whoa. You are like a d-slur warlock. If only you could free us from the shackles of the AutoBot.


Das it mane

Aren't like literally all the mods white though?

as white as the users

Not anymore.

This today, Wakanda tomorrow.

I would say white people are gonna be salty but it's not like they know what seasoning is

I feel offended. DO NOT associate may*id Amerimutts 🤮 with honory aryans 👏🏿🥨🇪🇺.

implying anyone in bpt is black

Implying piling enough sodium on your food to have a stroke at 55 makes it taste good

100% of bpt is white

Can we do this here too? Ban mayos for a week or so?

The Indian users are lackadaisical enough about leaving their shit everywhere as it is.


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There seems to be quite a lot of South Asians in this sub tbh.

If they did this at /r/ChapoTrapHouse they would not lose one person.

They did do a poll and found that they were white even compared to reddit generally.


How do they know if someone is black or not?

I would say white people are gonna be salty but it's not like they know what seasoning is

This but unironically

I made a new Subreddit where people of all colors can continue to post their aggregated content.
