One brave crusader battles the tyranny of misogyny in a thread about the f-slur anthem 'Gussies just wanna have fun"

98  2019-04-01 by Nastaya


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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This guy right here would've been peak ping material. Responds to everything (sometimes twice on one comment) and his fiery rage never so much as sputters.

Yeah, watching from afar just isn't the same

I got in there to taunt him, I'm hoping for some juicy rage to sate me on this the holiest of trolldom days.

Fuck you, weak cunt.

Little bitch.

Aww yeah give the juice to daddy. Show me your busy. No a busy like that must be shared. Post that sweet uptight ass for all dramalords to see.

Calls a song misogynistic then uses misogynistic slurs. Yikes sweaty, there's a lot to unpack here.

All in the eye of the beholder, right, you daft shitgibbon twerp? Fucking cunt.

Fucking cunt.

Wow, really, the C-slur? Yikes y'all, i cant believe someone would throw around these hateful misogynistic slurs so casually.

Why do you think I'm supposed to be PC? Because I pointed out something else was misogynist? You dumb little pussy. Back under your rock, you fucking mongrel.

Yikes sweaty, let's unpack this.

I'm just being dramatic. The dude's a cunt.


looks like someone needs a hug.

Looks like you need to be grabbed by the pussy.

Post bussy

u r cute :)

Ty lol btw irl FYI ttyl

Pls post bussy

hi welcome to drama, please ignore the local bussy bandits. we're actually not a bad sub you've just chosen a bad time to visit. consider coming back in a year or two and im sure you'll enjoy yourself :) !

I thought they brought by pinging back

I'm not going to fall for your trickery, manlet.

He’s even got that little block of song lyrics he keeps bringing out as like his own theme tune.

I reply to everything. I have a disorder...

pls respond




I didn't downvote you tho

I know, I did. I mean I'll reply to your comment as well as downvote you. I know, it's retarded.

Oh, okay

Glad we cleared that up.


You don't have to just agree with everything I say

I know, but agreeing with people makes them like you more. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


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Sounds like something a s0yb0y would say.

I love s0y.

Thank you, friendo

Star wars episode VIII was really good.

Never saw it

It was fucking trash.

That's what I've heard. Damn shame. Heard Spock was an entertaining character tho

It's just not the same when me and the person I am arguing with aren't repeating the same argument over and over again.

This friendship was nice while it lasted, but I think the time has come to part ways

I thought twatwaffle Sarah gave pinging back?

/u/trappysaruh /u/shitpersonality

if my post stays up, pinging is back!

You moron, pinging only got banned for people who aren't in drama

I feel personally attacked.


Jewdank > you


Well you tried, and failed.


Stop whining



Yesterday I posted a thread with a lolcow of this calliber and it was ignored smdh drama is dead.

They were frightened by the artwork. Most drama users like me go to museums for the gift shops.

"The original meaning of the song is girls just want to have sex.

"That's all they really want Some fun"

Fuck off, incel."

Quality meltdown.

You're a hostile little typist, aren't you?

The most based response to an accusation of misogyny I've seen in a while.

Male finds no misogyny! Case closed!

are you a male?


This was my first unironic yike of the year. Congratulations Jacquesarc. Imagine being so deep into virtue signaling you just dont simply conjure up misogyny as a man, no you also have a meltdown when people call you r-slur.

Fuck off, bitchboy.