Baltimore is still trying to beat Detroit on being the worst big city in America

23  2019-04-01 by wazzupnerds


womp womp


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She's proof that black does indeed crack.

Bitch look like a Dr. Seuss character

I thought everyone already knew that? Black does crack, white does meth, scary southern countries do the marihuanas

Nice try Baltimore, but you'll never beat my hometown

Oh shit you are from Detroit too?

Moved out to the burbs (Dearborn) when I was in high-school with the rest of the non-crack heads, but I grew up a couple miles down river from the old tiger stadium.

Similar, I grew up on the Eastside also, left for college and haven't been back since. Currently living overseas too.

J guess because I was raised in a "dangerous" city i dont think baltimore is that bad. The bayside area with all the restaurants is cool for touristic shit and there's a bunch of dive bars, the bar scene is better than DC, at least for my tastes

Baltimore definitely has redeeming areas. Inner harbor, Fells point, canton, greektown, Little Italy. Roland Park is way nice af but good luck living there if you aren’t generationally wealthy.

Problem is that the city government is corrupt af and you live miles away from West Baltimore, which is getting to the point that it puts most warzones to shame.

Thommy Carcetti would never stoop this low.

You know it's bad when the most famous and highly regarded piece of media about your city is essentially an expose on how shitty it is