Gonna post this here so I have it for later.

6  2019-04-02 by AccomplishedHole

He was the dude who had cp posted on 8chan so he could report the site for hosting it.

He paid Laurelai Bailey to make a honeypot board on 8chan for pedos so he could find it.

She posted a link to an irc hosted on starrevolution.org which had an IP shared with several of her personal websites.


https://archive.fo/rXX6l - laurelai.info


laurelai.info and starrevolution share the same IP, as well as one of her other personal sites, which cites Dan Olson.



/r/games doesn't take too kindly to this type of thing.



They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


  1. https://archive.fo/rXX6l - Outline

  2. https://archive.fo/szVuW#selection-... - Outline

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Very confused


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Dan Olson, aka Folding Ideas, was so super anti-gamergate that he paid a very infamous (((beautiful trans woman))) to get cp and pedos on 8chan so he could report it and shut it down.

Laurelai Bailey

Shhhh, you'll summon it, nobody wants that.

Laurelai is still out and about?

blast from the past

Ah yes, this creature - an increasingly common hybrid predator that combines the physiology of a fat middle aged tr🅰nny dicklet with the sexual need for rape of a male feminist.

Basically the archtype for every current reddit mod.