Mayo sanders supporter admits voting for daddy as a joke to a room of woke people, proceeds to dig her own grave (metaphorically).

119  2019-04-02 by ineed750bucks


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R-slurred m-slur f-slur

You could cut the air in that room with a knife.

This is actually society's fault. It forces w-o-men of girth(AKA WOGs) to develop personalities and make jokes like this. All the attractive women o. That stage are actually at fault for this and should be ashamed

This but an indeterminate degree of ironically

WOGcels first go to on the day of the (steel reinforced) rope




i was in a major city recently, and i ended up at some random dudes apartment talking to a girl who was clearly woke just by her appearance (i cant articulate it but you know what i mean, mayo, short hair, alternative clothes, tattoos etc...), and i am clearly a mayo southerner/coonass and she asked me who i voted for, now keep in mind this was at 1 am and I was fucking blitzed, so i drunkenly offhandedly said "i voted for trump" and turned away from her and started eating a slice of pizza, my friend who was also there told me her reaction was one of the funniest things he had ever seen.

Cry more

Bruh go outside I'm worried about you bb

Are you crying right now?

I am but that's just because I saw a sad commercial with puppies in it. 😭

Piss shit cum etc


c o p e

Fmale myo privilege strikes again. When will the wokes learn that white women are not on their side and never were (see: lynchings)?

I'm not sure what the rules are anymore, but let's just say I want real real bad things to happen to the first 20 people who replied to that.

Imagine being so dumb that you boys for someone who stands against every single thing Bernie represents

No doubt Hillary "Pay My Bill and I'm your Corporate Shill" Clinton encapsulated everything your average Bernie Sanders voter envisioned.

You understand the difference between standing for everything you envision and standing against all your basic principles right?

Obviously. But it's not exactly a clear cut decision given the situation with the DNC, Sanders, Clinton etc. I think a Bernie voter should be able to protest vote against Hillary "Black And Poor? Super predator" Clinton without wokeys and dramatards alike shooting you that look that just screams I'M SHOOK™.

Saying people using automatic weapons in gang shoutouts are super predators isn't a racial statement.

That's a yikes from me. Black people themselves feel wronged by the comment so for you try and erase their feelings like that is coming dangerously close to full blown racism.

You can feel however you want, doesn't make you right. BLM thinks everything is racist.

I am literally a black man

Selling out your brothers and sisters for the benefit of Hillary "Raped a Child? No Charges to be Filed" Clinton, a privileged, old, white, rich woman. Do better... be better.

I'm not selling anybody out.

In fact, we can get into but if you want. She was a defence attorney. Her job is to vigorously defend the accused in our adversarial justice system. It should be noted that she was the director of legal aid at the time, and was required to take that case. The group most hurt by defence attorneys not taking this job seriously is black men.

Hey, speaking of that, you know which group is most hurt by gang violence ?

I'm not selling out shit, I'm just making decisions based in fact and not emotions.

Why do we allow bottom of the barrel concern trolling like this?

How sad is the reality where idiots like this literally have to dig up conspiracy bullshit or 24 year old statements like this to justify voting for a mentally ill bully.

They may have in fact both been bullies, but you're going with the one openly punching people in the face versus the one that was rumored to have beat someone up once a quarter century ago.

How sad is it that you give a shit?

Man I wish I didn't have to, can I move in with your parents too?

You can move in with my dad if you want. He's cray cray though.

Daddy actually stands in support of all of your basic principles if you would only take the doompill and become an accelerationist.

Terminates the TTP

Passes prison reform


Its called a protest vote when you're convinced the other side is inevitably going to win because the media repeatedly said so.

Most people like her aka that entire panel know nothing about politics, they just spout out buzzwords like grassroots and privilege

If you support Sanders and voted Trump, you are a bad person and did a bad thing

Is this a twitter comment you copy pasted?

Implying voting matters.

Twittercide when?


If we remove the checkmarks, more r-slurs will come to take their place. We need a final solution.

Props to the woman of color who called her out 🔥


Can they form any other arguments?

Nope. They have no arguments left just talking points.

Well I want to speak to the privilege

Speak to the privilege. Address the privilege directly.

Look privilege straight in the eyes as you piss on her feet, and then take a monster dump on the floor, turn, and walk off without wiping.

That speaks to the privilege you hold that that election was a joke to you.


"I would've voted for Bernie Sanders, 'cause I really did at the time, really love what he sta-, what he stood for, because you know, he really did a lot of grassroots."

thank god for corporations and lobbying or else galaxy-brains like this might actually affect election outcomes.


why do they always say this? boo hoo, my beavhiour upsets people and im not willing to face the consequences so i'll just moan about being 'the bad guy'.

lmao my former black roommate yelled at me on my birthday (right after i had gotten home from the ER, i was already having a shitty bday) and demanded i let her live rent free because i didn’t do my dishes enough and accused me of weaponizing my white tears as i bawled and said nothing while she threatened me

That chick doesn't even look mayo she looks taco. 🤔

The end explains it

So she's not mayo or taco. 😂😂

"Women are their own enemies" - some f-slur

There's a classic Eddie Murphy bit where he talks about how Jesse Jackson would be elected president because white people would vote for him as a joke.

Further evidence that at some point we entered the clown timeline.

The look on the girl next to her's face as the delicious derision of privilege left her mouth made it look like she was having an orgasm. It just oozes from her lips, it's such a freebie, she knows everyone in that room will back her up.

That black chick in the 2nd vid is based af.

I don't even know if I agree with her argument, but I love how she sets off all the other woke ladies.