The downwards spiral of Boogie2988 continues

254  2019-04-02 by POST_BUSSY


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Never been so un-jealous of a famous "rich" person like I am of this fatty mcfuck.

there are a lot of video game famous people who meet this criteria for me, boogie, randy, anthony burch, etc...

Fuck. I just realized I've always thought Anthony Burch and Bourdain are the same guy and have been smashing every anecdote I've ever heard about them into one confusing person. I have to unlearn some things now.

This just happened with Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer, too...

imagine knowing who these people are

celebrity worship is part of the great american culture

Just like Korean K Pop stars, or Indian Bollywood stars, or...

At least Bollywood stars can dance.

IKR? Give me something to refugee post about.

Ethically euthanase me; Ed ‘I did a Tarantino on Game of The Book that must not be Named’ just came on the radio.

Luckily the yummies are playing pool. There is some hope.

I don't know how, but I thought Sarah Silverman and Lena Dunham were the same person.


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i dunno, i've seen anthony at a convention once and he's pretty well-adjusted, even if he makes dumb fucking "games" and thinks memes is good writing.

he's a literal c*ckhold (AUTOMOD STOOOOP) and i'm certain he's fake-bi (blah blah exploring sexuality blah) but he didn't need to get his ass wiped by his ex-wife after emulating the gamers he hated


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i dunno, i've seen anthony at a convention once and he's pretty well-adjusted, even if he makes dumb fucking "games" and thinks memes is good writing.

he's a literal c*ckhold (AUTOMOD STOOOOP) and i'm certain he's fake-bi (blah blah exploring sexuality blah) but he didn't need to get his ass wiped by his ex-wife after emulating the gamers he hated

Imagine being cuсked by a bot.

We truly are in the future.

every day I wake up and I am thankful I am not Anthony Burch

anthony burch

Wait what? What have I missed? /r/ootl here, someone please fill me in.

Burch was a soylent boy before soylent became a thing. Also, literally had horns, courtesy of his wife.

Oh, he had a wife?

Depends on your definition; I think she wears trousers.

Not only that, he was a textbook case of what happens when you decide to """open up""" your relationship.


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Famous for a web series and writing for a game. His writing is juvenile and his web series focuses on his sister, but things for him should be good as they are both successful. His girlfriend/wife gets him to agree to a public open relationship; he can't get women and starts trying to go g-slur. The supreme c-slur gets divorced by his wife who even takes his Wii-U.

Losers on /v/ all watch this and celebrate that no matter how pathetic they are; at least they are not Anthony Burch. They even make a musical about it.

You're missing some of the best parts, like how he was the one pressing his wife in to an open relationship, or how on his first g-slur date the dude tried for a kiss, he freaked out and ran away, then wrote a bunch of posts about how the g-slurs are filled with toxic masculinity.

Don't forget how he privately admitted that he believed almost every accusation against Zoe Quinn and hated defending her. Later he claimed that he was "trying to make broteampill more empathetic/feminist." Yes, he thought that someone who called himself "broteampill" was someone he could make more feminist.

How is that failing filmmaker doing recently? I heard he scammed a bunch of people out of money for a movie that never happened.

He's been banned from twitter a bunch of times.

Pretty sure Anthony Burch is neither famous nor rich

Even worse than that: he’s only famous among people who know how pathetic he is and enjoy making fun of him

Right? Jesus Christ, dude, have some dignity.

u should NEVER be jealous of ne1. we are ALL kings n queens here. and i am ur ruler.


Movieblob. At least Boogie is liked and recognised among his peers, and has had women fuck him willingly without paying for it, even if one was a feeder fetishist.

fuck him willingly without paying for it

(x) Doubt

It's true. His ex wife seems to have been a bit of a gold digger, but he also used to date a girl who was trying to feed him to death but also got off on it.

Plus Boogie is well aware of how pathetic he is, while Bob hilariously considers himself a misunderstood genius who will usher in the futurist utopia the world deserves by writing tweet after tweet about inland rural voters from his "basement apartment".

now this is C O P E

It's not a cope, it's just him begging for attention

Something about gaymers...

Ping me when the suicide happens 😋

You think he’s gonna live long enough to commit suicide?

Who knows, he might off himself with a deep fried quarter pounder for sure

Just one?

That’s an oddly philosophical question, when ya think about it. 🤔 🤔 🤔


Whoa. I haven’t thought that hard since the time Zizek said: “SNIFFFF”.

🤔🤔🤔 iDEoLoGY🤔🤔🤔

Leads to architecture, which leads to sex...Which leads to Leftism. Chad Chüds BTFO’d.

Classic ‘ideology’ is a synonym for ‘worldview’; not ‘political philosophy’x


And pervert pill’d.

zizek is the only good philosopher. every /r/xdebate'r sacrificed increases zizeks lifespan by 1 nervous tick

I like him, no matter my political leanings. That would be a lot of xdebaters, I read him first so watching him for the first time was rough.

Depends on how you define suicide.

Selfmurder. Obviously.

Does the heart giving up not count?

"Giving up?" That guy's heart works harder while he's sleeping off a KFC bucket than mine does climbing a mountain

He had a gastric bypass so now he only is slightly more heavy than the average American male and may be even healthier than the average person in his profession (gaming youtuber).


You mean when. Oh wait, you already said when. My mistake.

Suicide requires willpower. Something fatties lack.


I'm sure the dude has a PO box, do your part and send him one of these. Only $3.98!

Safe working load limit of up to 840 lbs.

His lifestyle is a slow suicide tbqh.

It's unfolding before our eyes.

Pinging isn’t allowed on drama

Since when? I got pinged into double digits when I sparked shit in cringe anarchy.

We havent invented rope strong enough.

He's been committing suicide by cake for years.

How do you retroactively ping for 30 years of eating habits?

I laughed along with him.

did it ever stop tho?

Booze and lack of calories due to his r-slur stomach.

how tf did this creature even have a wife to begin with?? 😶


She was with him before the money which is weirder.

Same with h3h3 Ethan, i dont even know how he has hila, and now a baby, she should run away asap


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w slur

Hila's a meek pushover and Ethan's a "funny" fat fuck with an underlying anger problem. Perfect match.

I think you nailed it, ethan has a very controlling and pushing character, and hila allways stay on a passive mood, so she even lets Ethan get up even more on its ego. She is allowing this, and doing so is going to affect her sooner or later, but me being on that position i would stay on my ground.

That's just for the cameras. Behind closed doors, she pegs him to the point that his sphincter doesn't work and he has to wear a diaper.

There’s a massive gap between Ethan and Boogie. If you think someone like Ethan can’t find an attractive girl than you yourself have no game.

Lmao, i found girls with no problem. I just said that i dont understand how she stands Ethan, thats all.

What are you talking about, she’s ugly as fuck, they fit together perfectly.

Well, she may could be ugly, but ethan is way worse.

You know his wife is getting that BBC.

Big Burger Cing?

Nah, she got engaged to a mayo methhead

Still an improvement tbh

Anything would be an upgrade over melon1488

It's more of a downward plunge than anything else. His healthy frame doesn't permit a spiral trajectory

Based and gravitationalfield

I love how Boogie went from being famous for mocking the NormsBarStool guy and mocking neckbeards to BEING a fucking neckbeard.

Even fucking NormsBarStool lost a shitton of weight.

so /r/drama and /r/enlightendcentrism both hate this guy? I guess /r/fatpeoplehate probably did too, back when it existed.

No one likes boogie nowadays

what about his wi-

oh, yeah

Boogie used to be known as a 'good guy who plays video games'. But around the time of his weight loss surgery and marital troubles (which lead to a divorce) he went off the deep end and lost a lot of the goodwill he had built up.

Is that true? If It is, just fuck him.

It appears to be:

Holy moses, what a shit Guy.

He pioneered the "heated gaming moment" long before Pewdie used it as an excuse for being a racist.

not being racist in 2019AD

He’s never been a good guy. For example, read about his porn blog from the 2000’s.

He has slowly but surely exposed himself since his divorce by sharing personal anecdotes for sympathy and attention, but after some noticeable contradictions (especially about his “abusive father”) people started digging into what other stuff he’s lied about or covered up.

He’s nothing more than a fat piece of shit, and he always has been.

Don’t forget r/samandtolki which has become a boogie hate sub

Everyone dies alone. Until they come up with a mind meld death thing. Suicide parties might not be so grim.

Nope, not everyone dies alone. Only a r-slur westerner can say that. The family is still a thing in most of the other part of the world, we don’t ship the elderly to some retirement souless bullshit house.

Even when surrounded by family and you watch a loved one take their last breath....they still die alone you m@ng.

Next saga: self-care / Asian Wife

Isn't his ex-wife a pornstar?

Just a reminder that this guy was very sad after the events of 9/11. Not because of the people who died, but because people donated money to the victims of 9/11 instead of buying porn subscriptions from the porn website he ran. I'm not even kidding

being fat AND a ♿️️ gaymer ♿️️

YIKES 🤢🤢🤮🤮

I had no idea who Boogie2988 was until I accidentally stumbled on r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRIST and I kinda still don't know who he is.

I've known about him since 2014, and still have no clue what the fuck he does.

He got popular for his "Francis" character, which was him ranting in front of a camera, I guess pretending to be a stereotypical nerd?

Wow is this sub turning into /r/fatpeoplehate or something

Boogie's an asshole though. Hate him not because he's fat, but because he's a toxic piece of shit, who whines too much and is refusing to actually fix his problems.

Oh, understandable then

I don't think anyone hates him simply because he's fat. Well ok some might, but that might also be because he went back to his horrible eating habits.

I thought this would be obvious but don't share shit like that to the internet. It's only going to be ammo for trolls and assholes.

If you have to get it off your chest then tell it to a friend or someone who cares about you or a therapist, or failing that if you have to put it online make some anonymous throwaway account.

Boogie inspires me. Inspires me to stick to my dieting and start exercising more, so I don't wind up a 400lb piece of shit like him.

What is a Boogie2988 some kind of dance the kids are doing?