r/Politics has proven itself to be full of Chapo teenagers as angsty users up vote a Shitty Leftist article calling for mass riots tonight if Mueller's full report isn't released. Few users mock the subreddit's stupidity, are down voted to hell.

185  2019-04-02 by GodOfDarknessWine


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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They simultaneously think the report is going to reveal full-on coordination with Russian intelligence and that it should be released totally un-redacted with no protection for sources that would probably get murked by the Rooskies if they were made public

I really hope r/politics is just teenagers, because that place is disturbing

It’s teenagers, Europeans, and a bunch of people being paid minimum wage to write dumb comments.


dumb teens

What’s the difference?

Some of the Europeans are young enough for Darqwolf

Isn’t he banned now


A lot of Canadians on there

On CanadaPolitics leafs are awful, on politics they also have a superiority complex brought on due to coping with being inferior.

And a lot of bots.

They wrote their comments during their breaks at Starbucks

people being paid minimum wage to write dumb comments.

I could be making money doing this?!

You’re right about that, a lot of times the top comments is some sort of western/ Nordic European or Canadian with a essay of smugness about how the US is a country that’s falling apart. The essay almost always ends with “I hope you guys fix this problem, otherwise the whole world is doomed”. Always 1k+ upvotes.

The place would make Goebbels proud.

No some teenagers are smart, r/politics is just filled with r-slurs

Doubt it, Republicans are banned there.

it should be released totally un-redacted with no protection for sources that would probably get murked by the Rooskies

conservatards are putting on a masterclass in concern trolling over this

concern trolling

♿ plebbitor ♿ terminology like this makes me physically ill.

Imagine thinking that I’m a conservitard lmao

I’ve always Been With Her

I’ve always Been With Her

ah yes donut twitter, who berates trump every time he takes a shit while simultaneously making every excuse possible for creepy uncle bill and hair-sniffing biden, then wonders why no one takes you seriously

why do I get the feeling you drive a subaru hatchback

I drive a bmw you poor bitch

a bmw

that's the perfect car for your political affiliation

  • used to be worth something 30 years ago, but everyone just laughs at it now

  • hated by the people opposed to what it is and by the people staunchly in favor of what it's trying to be

  • very poorly made but look at all the dollars so it must be good

  • only people who are into it are extremely old money and young people who pretend to have money but live paycheck to paycheck


Can someone ban this f@ggot for trying this hard

ban this f@ggot

t. wasserman-shultz

You think you’re being way more clever than you are. Pretty embarrassing.


As the winds change, deploy your sail of COPE.

You are trying way too hard

It's incredible to see a user reverse their fortunes and previous bad takes in a single instant. A masterful parry.

If you dont have a nissan gtr might as well keep yourself safe with no seatbelt at highspeeda

off the charts cope levels

♿️️ **vroom vroom ♿️️

Fuck I love you.

Samesies! 😘💞

German car

Wow, that’s pretty anti-Semetic

So what, different people believe different things and in different people, big fucking deal, you burgers need to stop acting like fucking children and accept the fact people will disagree with you at some point.

ok log off till the fent wears off playboy, you sound like an rslur

"everyone's different who cares" is some peak level zoomer logic

You are having an aspie breakdown over someone supporting one of the two major candidates in the last presidential election

I actually think banks are good and tariffs are bad, bet you’ll need a Valium after reading that one

You are having an aspie breakdown over someone supporting one of the two major candidates in the last presidential election

newsflash: having a breakdwon about supporting either Hilldawg or Trump has been 99% of the content on this board for the last 3 years

I actually think banks are good and tariffs are bad

welcome to #theresistance qween

Your brain has been poisoned by Reddit, I prescribe you to kill yourself.

watch yourself, I got banned like three times for saying that

or just keep it up and get banned, wouldn't hurt my feelings.

/r/drama ain't cool with that no more, apparently

Fuck off wingcuck

It’s a valid point, but I’m more scared of the twitter mobs hunting these people down and calling them names.

People, what about not downvoting a lolcow do you not understand?


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Nope - read the top upvoted post in the thread you nard. No one expects on unredacted report to the public. But congress is supposed to provide oversight. Eat 9000 dicks :)

> nard

What is this the mid 1990s simpson insults now?

What are your hopes for the contents of the report? And can we ping you when the results are in?

Hopes? This isnt nascar to me like some or the trump folks, I'm under no illusion impeachment is realistic. Just to see it and know exactly what Mueller uncovered over 2 years and a 400 page report.. Not an 8 page summary from a partisan that was put there to do exactly that. The way they are reacting you know there's some bad shit in it, if it fully exonerated the president it would have been released within the week like previous special counsel reports. Dont get gaslighted.

If somebody accuses you of a crime and investigators find no evidence that you did it they haven't proven you are innocent (exonerated you) they've been unable to prove that you are guilty.

Absense of evidence of said crime is in itself evidence of absence of your guilt.

What you appear to be demanding is that Trump should be able to prove he didn't collude. For him to prove a negative. Besides the fact that it's not a legally or even morally OK to demand this it's actually not even possible for anyone to do.

I'm curious, what "evidence" exactly what it take for Trump to be truly exonerated in your view?

My God bud. We saw that Trump jr signed that check and took the meeting at trump tower with Russians over "adoptions". Stop strawmanning no ones asking to prove a negative. I wanna see the 400 pages. You apparently think its 400 pages of no proof of any misdeeds. You're hilarious.

I believe this is called shifting the goal post

he’ll never be president

he’ll never get the swing states

2016 he’s gonna be impeached first month in office

2017 here it comes he’s finally gonna he impeached

the mueller report is gonna throw trump in jail for the rest of his life

anytime now, muellers got him in a corner

2018 it’s absolutely over for trump he’s gonna be impeached now

2019 the mueller report is out in summary form and shows there isn’t enough evidence to prove Donald trump colluded with Russia, therefore innocent.

Wow it’s almost like reading every single reddit post on how trump is heading to prison any day now and redditors conspiracy theories were nothing more than r-slurted thoughts and the media lying to everyone got to you r-tards

I don’t even like trump and I hope he wins I’m 2020 just to piss you off specifically

Damn you're projecting a lot of stuff out on to me there lol. Strawmanning is fun.. too many words to say that you dont think Congress should provide oversight to the president. Vote for whoever your retarded ass wants in your flyover state lol

Montreal Quebec isn’t a flyover state but i do hope you start making Trump pay rent because he’s been living in your head free for 3 years now

Oh god and it was 250 canadian. You poor

-redacted with no protection for sources that would probably get murked by the Rooskies if they were made public

Lol concern-troll over 9000000 - The report fully clears the president but it can't be released! Even though no one is expecting an un-redacted version to the public. Just to congress. Dummy

Concern trolling would be creating a sophisticated sockpuppet seeded with realistic posts years in advance, then using it to post in that subreddit "orange man bad", gfour is not doing this

You've foiled my plan!

Because I dont care what youre saying, just how dumb it is to use buzzwords you dont understand

Hes concern trolling. Sorry. As if conservatives care about protecting sources lol

this guy's boring. you're boring, you know that?

Stop downvoting the lolcow smh

Again, they won't read the report even if it was released tomorrow uncut.

They just want the brave folx at HuffPost, Vox etc to write an opinion piece that they can retweet and post.

That's it.

They didn’t even read the 4 page summary.

If the Washington post just wrote a headline saying trump has been impeached and Hilary is now president, with no text in the actual article, it'd probably take them a few weeks to realise it's not true.


Lol Washington post even though they gate their articles harder than the fbi

Didn’t 4chan do exactly that and it was upvoted?

Obviously, this goes without saying. BUT. This whole thing is another Trump con. He's holding it just out of reach to create outrage. But the report itself is incomplete; Barr didn't let Mueller finish. This is more misdirection. They're trying to make us desensitized to outrage. When the incomplete report comes out and doesn't show criminality, it won't matter anymore that it's incomplete. We've already stopped asking why Mueller had to rush this out a month after Barr took over.

They are already preparing excuses for if it gets released.

Fuck me, they're becoming boomer level conspiritards.

I can't wait for the report to be released. If it doesn't contain photos of Putin using Trumps b-slur, /r/politics will have a mental breakdown. They're already coping hard by hoping that the released summary is wrong.

Once it's published, /r/politics will be reading between the lines harder than /r/conspiracy on the best day

Q : republicans :: Rachel Maddow : democrats

Do we know that Rachel Maddie didn’t post as Q in order to stir up the boomies so she’d have an enemy to fight against?

Obviously, this goes without saying. BUT. This whole thing is another Trump con. He's holding it just out of reach to create outrage. But the report itself is incomplete; Barr didn't let Mueller finish. This is more misdirection. They're trying to make us desensitized to outrage. When the incomplete report comes out and doesn't show criminality, it won't matter anymore that it's incomplete. We've already stopped asking why Mueller had to rush this out a month after Barr took over.

This is their backup plan if it actually is released.

not really that I needed proof to believe that anyways, but thanks I guess.

You don't even have to sort by controversial, the top comment subthread is pure unadulterated Russian troll hysteria, as expected from /r/politics.

It almost as if there is a "Trump did nothing wrong" narrative being woven into every thread regarding this topic. It's weird how it's always a bunch of low karma types doing the narrative weaving.

anybody with low karma and who disagrees with /r/politics is OBVIOUSLY a Russian bot

Imagone complaining about brigading when you forced every new user to subscibe for like four years and hit /r/all every day

The only thing those burgers are allowed to have an opinion are the shrinking portions at McDonalds.

shrinking portions at McDonalds.

Seriously though have you gotten a big mac lately?

Makes my dick look huge by comparison.

That’s right!

What kind of value is a value menu anymore!?

That sub is low hanging fruit boys.

Their is no fruit too low for drama.

Lol I knew it was going to be commondreams before clicking that link. Really doesn’t do anyone any favors when you promote MAGAcel Soros theories by submitting that trash.

That title doesn’t sound very radically centrist to me OP

Righties agenda posting this place into shitpoliticssays 2: electric boogaloo

Lol you can smell the stench of politics posters from so far away. Crypost harder

Imagine living in NJ and posting bootlicking shit sticking up for the police. Your existence is sad lol.

I’m not sure how pointing out I grew up in one of the best states in the nation is supposed to be an insult. And I’m sorry it’s been years and you still can’t cope with objective facts surrounding that event

your existence is sad lol

Don’t take this as me not appreciating you listening and cryposting harder, but projections one of the most boring forms of cryposting. Be better.


Imagine getting hyped for a memo. These losers deserve to be eternally shoved into lockers.

More like middle age Hillbots. Chapo teenagers don't give a shit about Mueller.


caring about mueller report

There are many ways CTH is retarded, but this isn't one of them.

Now I really am hoping the DOJ redacts the report to the point where it just reads as the lyrics to All-Star.

If reddit wants the report by tomorrow, then by God, we had better get them that report by tomorrow or the consequences will never be the same!

-The Attorney General of the United States, undoubtedly

Notice how a ton of low comment karma accounts are

Every thread. Coordinated by right wing trolls to make the leaves on trees move when it's windy.

I dont think i have seen a single TD thread without someone calling for a fenatyl rising, all these politics threads are throwing of this subs centrism.


I wish they followed through with these mass riots, it’d be entertaining as hell, but it’s likely going to be a whole bunch of nothing.

Chapotards hate Mueller tho.

They are more likely to think it's bullshit. But r/politics is crawling with Chapotards who are very happy to support riots.

If the dems are smart, they’ll make sure it never sees the light of day. Too many reputations are on the line if it absolves Daddy.