😰 Ben “Blow The Lids Off The Yids” Garrison disses 🙀 🔥🔥🔥 Joe “Hold Her Tighter, She's a Fighter” Biden 😈😈😈😈😈

102  2019-04-02 by Ghdust2


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Tfw no old grandpa Biden will ever sniff your hair

What’s the point


that username



Biden-chhannn.... y-ameteeeeeeee

Quit it with that weebshit

B-baka its not like I wanted you to sniff my hair anyways...😳



After you, Cali

Fuck off weab

He may be retarded, but Ben “pull out my nine at the welfare line” Garrison is the only political cartoonist that has an art style that doesn’t make my eyes burn.

I quite like Chris Riddell. He did a book signing where I work and drew little pictures for all the kids.

wtf is wrong with you?

He has exactly one nice looking drawing

...and that's his chad Trump with the flowing aryan locks and subtle crotch bulge?

those (((noses)))

I don't understand. There are not enough labels.

Hahaha original jokes are the best.

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw this thread was missing its "not enough labels comment." Had to fix.

Compared to self confessed on audio "grab 'em by the pussy"?

Ya, nope.