88  2019-04-02 by marty_eraser


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They shit in the space-loo. What an absolute accomplishment

Imagine street shitters not thinking space shitting is a problem?

We're not dealing with actual rocket scientists, just pajeets in dirty white coats.

I'm sure universe is very greatful we are quarantining ourselves.

Unsatisfied with choking the worlds oceans and rivers with plastic garbage and human feces, pajeets have moved to the final frontier of space.

choking the worlds oceans

Do you seriously think India has polluted the oceans more than Western countries and their Chinese factory?

Like 70% of oceanic plastic pollution comes from 4-5 rivers in Asia but that doesn't absolve western countries because a lot of that is literal garbage they ship over there

Like 70% of oceanic plastic pollution comes from 4-5 rivers in Asia

Most of those come from South East Asia.

Local air quality has very little to do with individual countries' overall contribution to global pollution and climate change.

Industrialized countries have polluted the oceans and atmosphere for far longer than India.

What has that to do with India's contribution to ocean pollution and global atmospheric pollution?

Industrialized countries have polluted the oceans and atmosphere for far longer and their per capital contribution is still much higher than India.

First world countries were all as bad as third world countries at caring for the environment. The difference is the first world started to reduce emissions ~50 years ago, and hasn't stopped since. The efforts have not only been greater but more widespread in the first world. Obviously it's hard to care for the environment when you're poorer than dirt, that's why I'm for a proletariatcide

Pajeets are doing it better

I don’t think I know mr pajeetcel

You're an American expat in the Philippines mr pedocel


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Dude they poop in the ocean.


Nice try

It's the tsunami map from 2004. It's been repeatedly posted on reddit since at least 2016:


Here's a documentary tho

I'd say you're paid to post COPE on behalf of the Indian government, but we both know that they can't afford to hire astroturfers.

Lmao, I sense some mayo jealousy. Here, take some

The mayos arent the ones coping here

India can do in 2019 what the US did in 1985

Congratulations. Maybe now they can do what the Romans did in the 7th century BC and shit in a fucking toilet.

is a mutt Posts in pewdiepiesubmissions posts in the_donald Post history is reeks of obsession with Russia, China and India Brag posts about the Romans.

Lmao at you being dumb mutt stereotype and we did do that before the Romans as well :).

Comparing a pure blooded Asian to a mixed race American is like comparing a Yorkie to a mastiff mixed with a pit bull.


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He probs is one of those /r/China foreigners that gets bashed in Chinese bars for being a cunt and complains about "racism" lmao

Your flexing shows your fragility mayo..

Do you even physics? Things that flex are by definition not fragile.

But... if the streets aren't clogged with shit, then they may have to actually smell each other.

What exactly do you think mayos are jealous of lmao?

Why has his comment caused such great disturbance amongst the space shitters?

Dont open the downvoted replies unless you like walls from seriousposting f-slurs

Why is it that the Indian man is expected to "just get over it" when his empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth to build crackers' fucking empires. Why is it that the Indian MAN is expected to just get over SEVEN YEARS WAR and institutional Indophobia and getting fucking killed in Plassey. How about YOU CRACKERS FUCKING GET OVER IT WHEN A INDIAN MAN BREEDS YOUR WOMEN AND TAKES YOUR JOB. YOU FUCKING GET OVER YOURSELVES CRACKERS.

The greatest thing the white cracker devils fear is a Indian man remembering who he is and what he built like Pataliputra. When a Indian man knows who he is he can topple the cracker system and breed every white bitch in sight inseminating their nubile wombs with BLACK seed until the white demon genes are obliterated from existence. We won't let you forget a god damn thing you done to us but no one's gonna remember your pale cracker evil racist asses when we've bred you out of existence.


My ancestors :)

Eat my smegma, blingo

what wealth?

The Mughal Empire was the richest nation in 1700 before crackers ruined it. Crackers also owe $800,000,000 trillion in WWII (legit figure) for Indian help in saving their evil racist asses from German Aryan brothers.



How did they ruin it?

Lmao, I appreciate you

This copypasta is received with a humble, grateful heart.

You should thank the 4chan Turks for this one.

Why couldn’t they just stick to shitting in the ghandi river or whatever its called? They had to shit in space too?

Petition to rename Kessler Syndrome to Pajeet Syndrome.

Only if it takes out ISS

Fucking Indians. Should have wiped them out.

Lol, mayos reeeeing hard. Rules for thee, not for me, eh? I hope it takes out ISS, TBH.

Can you imagine if it did destroy the ISS?

I'm gonna post a video dabbing on a mayo jar.

The US and China started this new wave of ASAT tests. China's test happened at 800 km so most of the debris is still in orbit and some of the debris was less than 6 km from the ISS in 2011:



Cleanse heaven and earth with hellfire based curries


They actually managed to at least hit the target this time. Now if only they could achieve the same thing when they're bombing Pakistan... 🤭

Pajeets are barely human

I'm not racist but someone really needs to educate them on hygiene and cleanliness, think of how beautiful India must have been as little as 200 years ago compared to now, uncleanliness isn't even part of their culture they've apparently just decided to pollute everything

When Americans hate you , you know your country is doing absolutely fine.

Also the debris is lower-orbit, so it will fall back to earth. And the increase in risk of debris hitting ISS is like 44% which when converted to fractions could be like 0.1 to 0.144 or 0.001 to 0.00144. so it isn't a big deal.

When Americans hate you

Imagine thinking that India is important enough for Americans to have an opinion about it.

Lmao burger-cels literally reeeeeing about 4th world desert ass countries like Iraq for the last 2 decades but okay India is not important enough. 🤣🤣🤣

India is maybe just now almost catching up to the standard of living of Iraqis who've spent most of the last 40 years at war. Kinda makes one 🤔🤔🤔 how an economy can be so inefficient.

Also can you guys please not have the "alcohol can be injurious to health" warning in the corner of the screen if you're gonna have everyone constantly drinking in your movies? It's really distracting.


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Also can you guys please not have the "alcohol can be injurious to health" warning in the corner of the screen if you're gonna have everyone constantly drinking in your movies? It's really distracting.

It's because of mayos who come to India and have a drinking s-p-e-r-g out. We Indians can't even read English.

pakistan ki ma ka bhosda

Je suis desolee mais u r 이상 hentai-san.

Seriouspost: I actually respect India and its culture a lot, so usually when I say something critical it's coupled with some kind of indication that it's not meant to be taken 100% seriously. Like "you guys are horrible but Geetha Govindam was really good".

EvenMoreSeriouspost: You thought you were fighting a paki!!! How many crores did the Hindu Internet Defence Force pay you? 🤣 🤣🤣

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Je suis desolee mais u r 이상 hentai-san.

Seriouspost: I actually respect India and its culture a lot, so usually when I say something critical it's coupled with some kind of indication that it's not meant to be taken 100% seriously. Like "you guys are horrible but Geetha Govindam was really good".

EvenMoreSeriouspost: You thought you were fighting a p​aki!!! How many crores did the Hindu Internet Defence Force pay you? 🤣 🤣🤣

Lmao , pakistanis are everywhere. Even in csgo or critical ops I have encountered a lot of pakis pretending to be Indian...

But whatever, PKMKB

Have you checked under your bed yet? Imran Khan might be waiting there with a cricket bat!


I'm American so I don't speak Hindi or Farsi or degenerate Farsi or whatever this is supposed to be. Do you mind translating this into a civilized language for me? Like, you know, a language that's spoken by people whose missiles hit their targets. 🤭


bhai tu definitely pakistani hai, lol .

tamatar mehange hai na wahan pe?