lad with chapo body-type threatens to lynch Mussolini's granddaugher on twitter -- reactions are gold

72  2019-04-02 by Sea_Safe


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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absolutely sentinel

Children infighting over the fate of the stupidest descendent of Mussolini. Lmao.pdf

no one is infighting. it's just one guy getting roasted by everyone

I was referring to whole Mussolini's granddaughter ordeal. Also lmao


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Wh ite is a bad word now. Hmm

that face

We should have a FACES OF CHAPO project.



no male pattern baldness

This is like the anti-chapo body type

His skin is not pale enough to be a Chaptard.

I actually find it empowering that Progeria isn't stopping them from being a keyboard warrior.

William Smith IV

Thinks his post socialist revolution job will be working at the People’s Economic Ministry.

Actual job will be carrying around bags of potatoes.

Nah, no chapo could return fire for that long. Literal shaking would have commended the moment someone said 'no u'.

Unlike actual chapos this guy has a sense of humor.

I'm getting owned lol

Dude's causing a lot of SEETHING

How old is this kid? If he’s older than 16, it’s unironically over for him.

He's standing his ground, good lad tbh