The war in /r/butchlesbians continues as TERFs are losing ground to transvestites due to their +2 in the progressive stack

167  2019-04-02 by Ladida876


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Good thing I've become one of those anti-porn radical feminist butch lesbians!

This is pure gold until you realize he/she/them is actually serious. Which still makes it gold but kinda like those chocolate coins that are wrapped in golden foil, only with shit instead of chocolate

Imagine trying to wrap that. Surely they would flash-freeze the shit first, a la Dippin Dots.

of course. have you ever tried slicing fresh shit?

Well. Not fresh, no. That’s a leading question.

The average shit is too soft, sure, but if you kept your shit supplier on a specific diet I'm certain you could get by with just refrigerating the shit down to 40°


If you want something done right...

Outsource to India?


I only want homegrown, American shits in my shit coins!

They're takin' our shits!

This reminds me of a story my uncle told me where he froze a piece of dogshit, put it in foil, and tried to get my dad to eat it

How can you be a radical feminist and be anti-porn? Should women not have their own choice of career now? They sound like pearl-clutching Republicans.

Don’t really care until the GC femcels comment and scree at it tbh

all women who struggle with capitalism and the patriarchy

Becoming a woman to own the patriarchy

buying hormones for life to own the capitalists

fuq you got a solid lol outta me

Depends on the area and the country, but some public plans will cover HRT.

Buying hormones with public money to own the caps

When the government pays for stuff it's socialism and the more stuff the government pays for the more socialismer it is.

Um sweaty, when we have universal healthcare, it'll be free!

I love it

This is peak r/drama.

I don't understand why transgender people blame capitalism for their problems. In like 20 years corporations will be advertising how easy it is to swap body parts willy nilly. The great thing about capitalism is that if it can be sold people will push it to you. It's not capitalism saying "don't get that surgery."

I think it's more because they tend to find that left-wing circles are the only ones who will accept them, as right-wingers (obviously) aren't fans of GSM people and radical centrists aren't prominent enough to have support communities. If one side is the only one providing you help, of course you're going to end up thinking highly of their views.

Neo-liberals are fucking awful for the huwhite man. Sure theres millions and millions more browns, blacks and yellows barely scraping by because of them but the huwhite man has seen his world stagnate.

It's the same with furries, a stupid number of them are tankie mongoloids even though their lifestyle/hobby is only possible in the most decadent of capitalist societies.

It's truly baffling, but at least come the nu commie revolution the army won't feel bad about killing poor people genuinely trying to improve their lot in life.

Yeah capitalism is amoral, it's about gaining more capital and bending public perception and morality to accept whatever deranged products or lifestyles they want to sell.

It is unironically the best system to be trnsgender under, all trons need to do is lobby corporations to convince them that srs is profitable and they'll pump out advertisements to normalise it in no time.

I'd love to see these people live under a legitimate far left government, trying to convince their local commissar that their estrogen and inverted d*ck surgery is as important as the communal food fund.

"willy nilly" is what they are after tbqh..

I swear t-slurs use call people i-slur the most out of anyone

because they were i-slurs before becoming t-slurs to have sex with other t-slurs, kinda inspiring how they overcame

Biggest i-slur I knew in high school became a t-slur, so I think you’re onto something. They would say some straight fucked up shit to any g-slurs.

This whole war sexually excites me

If you’re gendercritical, you should read some de Beauvoir, Wittig, Feinberg, Lorde, and McKinnon in that order.

Lol 0 percent chance I do that

For real. De Beavoir is a piece of garbage both as a writer and as a person. Can't believe women actually support her.

Feminism has a long history of ignoring or downplaying sexual deviants in the ranks, like for instance, de Beauvoir's predatory pedophilia. In that way it has always operated more like a cult than an intellectual movement, despite the airs they put on of being serious scholars.

Serious talk, any serious thing need to put aside bullshit like morals when studying one position or another.

The fact that newton was an incel and worse, an alchimist, doesn't means he wasn't a great mathematician.

Yeah sure, but Newton wasn't putting down his ideas about what is good for gravity using moral arguments while simultaneously grooming and fucking gravity in the ass.


Why stop at 'studying'? Great art also requires we set aside our morals. Thats why I believe what was done to Weinstein and Louis Ck was reprehensible.


Louis CK is doing shows again isn't he?

Thats why I believe what was done to Weinstein and Louis Ck was reprehensible.

This, but unironically.

I tend to agree with this except when it comes to something like philosophy. The fact that people treat her as some sort of saint and take her words and beliefs seriously should be alarming.

I tend to agree with this except when it comes to something like philosophy.

That's your failure, not mine, buddy. If your moral and philosophical system ignore authors because they are P R O B L E M A T I C, you are an idiot.

The fact that newton was an incel

Cavendish is smirking in another room.


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I know dramas probably not be right place to ask, but did anyone ever figure out wtf was Erin with that dude?


Like I’ve heard of extreme anxiety, but that dude was so out there. I wonder if he had paranoid schizo or maybe was just really fucking on the spectrum

but did anyone ever figure out wtf was wrong with that dude?

He was an r/drama mod.

Doing his absolute best to stay to stay away from human contact?


yeah you right thats a drama mod

Reminds me of Sarah Nyberg. And Lena Dunham. It's really disgusting to see outright pedos get excused by these people.

Let's put it this way - if a politicians like says, Al Franken, is even remotely implicated in doing something inappropriate, the leftoids are all over that shit in the name of feminism, but when a feminist grooms a young girl for sex, it just gets a big shoulder shrug.

The take away from this is that they have less shame than a politician, which is really saying something.

I find it particularly ironic since the general trend is that the left will tear itself apart over the slightest grievance or misstep, whereas the right will rally behind politicians even when they're credibly accused of sexual assault. People are fucked.

Replace "patriarchy" with "J-e-w-s" in any feminist literature and ask yourself how reasonable it sounds

I'm pretty sure there used to be a sub that was like "Feminist or Nazi" or something along those lines where this was their entire gig.


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Don't forget putting b(l)ack infront of any mention of men.

That's why I love Camus. Cucked Sartre, banged thoteavour, intellectually murdered commies.

De Beavoir is a piece of garbage both as a writer and as a person.

tbh I'm never gonna read a book from a woman named De Beaver

I'm never gonna read a book from a woman


Based and TheRedPilled

tbh I'm never gonna read a book


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The blood of others is a good novel

I've only read the synopsis but seems promsing. I prefer Plath tbh.

Here's an easier solution: instead of being gender critical and reading a book to stop, just stop wasting time getting angry about other people? Like why do you even need a book being gender critical just seems like a huge waste of time and a lot of effort.

As they see it, it's an entire framework of how society operates and how men are seeking to invalidate their oppression. I do think they'd do well with some therapy and a healthier hobby, though.

This is amazing!!




Wait hold up. So this person is able to both still dress like a dude and date women? Is that like trans in easy mode?

right? so you dont even have to transition, just claim youre a woman and fuck lesbians?

60% of MtF transexuals identify as either lesbian or bi-sexual and retain their peeners.

And people wonder why lesbians feel under assault by this.

but now feminists are shaming them into sucking the 'girl' donger or they're nazis.

I think this is inaccurate. The feminists are the ones who don't welcome trans in the women camp.


The feminists are the ones who don't welcome trans in the women camp.

That's only TERFS, they are an under siege minority of the feminist dysphoria.

do you mean diaspora

Yes. Fucking shitty samsung phone

Mobileposters out

Mobileposters out


not using a backdoor ridden huawei

What's even the point of taking lewd selfies if they won't be seen by your assigned CCP handler?

There is literally no escape from men and their peens. Not even becoming a butch lesbian.

I imagine a bunch of chicks with bad haircuts and wearing wifebeaters running down an enormous hallway filled with holes and as they get closer and closer to the end ever increasingly large cocks fly out at them. Like every step they take they're leaping over a turgid piece of man meat, or slapping them out of their faces, their hands coming away slimy and sticky with pre-cum.

This is what it's like being a lesbian on reddit.

Who would have imagined the cheesy pickup line middle-aged dudes in 'free mustache rides' t-shirts would use:

"I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body"

would become woke af.

Reddit was a mistake

under capitalism and patriarchy with phone and house and all the perks of that system while trying to be basically mannish in appearance.

so brave

They seem to be obsessed with what guys think about things. Which is pretty fucking ironic. And bless them for it. Proper Irony.

i dont understand whats going on

Mental illness

Whats up with the skinhead look

heroin chic back in fashion

Every day can be a lovely day to call a Jewish trans woman a neo-Nazi if you try hard enough, I guess

What an incredible stereotype

Is it just me, or is that whole sub saturated with 'flat earther' logic? i.e. anything that doesn't fit their narrative is some conspiracy of oppression.



Reading this thread is reminiscent of watching two morbidly obese teenagers with Down's Syndrome just flailing around trying to fight. They're too weak to harm each other and it's really hard just to watch them even try.


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Why do they always have some f-slurs shitty book to spam at you when you disagree? And its always a horribly biased one from someone deeply invested in huffing their own farts.

Also I despise the tone they use. Its always the fake over the top happiness and eagerness to shill some cnuts shitty take on socialization politics thats inevitably wrong.

What the fuck does stay hydrated mean and why do they keep saying it

You cant squirt if you are not hydrated, nimrod.

I love this war so much. Gendercritical drama is by far my favorite drama and this is like both groups chartered pirate ships to battle it out in international waters while I lay floating in an innertube nearby drinking a beer and jacking my small penis off.