Is this sub really gonna die because of butch t-slur drama?

117  2019-04-03 by caliberoverreaching

It's so fucking dumb that it would be very fitting.


Butch depravity and the cum pants yid

The misterhood of the traveling strap-on?

No. She’s fucking unhinged and attacked a heckin t-slur Nazi cutie. Her sub basically stood against her so she got ultra pissed and came here. Admins bowing to her would be acknowledging t*rfism.

We will die when Ed attacks another beastia-“cross species love” aficionado. It was always going to be that way.

Beast and edpilled.

The Edpill may cause priapism, double-dragon, snoozeposting, and careless use of f-slurs. Consult your doctor before taking Edpill.


Inshallah, Ed will some day destroy this sub and free me from the grasp of procrastination.


😫 so HOT

Shoutout ol Cap'n priapism. F

Wait they came here? Where?

There’s like 5 threads on it from yesterday. Should still be one of them in ‘Hot’ I would think.

I hope not. It wasn’t even funny 😔

It was kinda funny. I mean I feel for her I guess, even though she’s a jerk and a bully. It’s “When Keepin’ it Intersectional Goes Wrong” in real time. Of course people are going to get marginalized and displaced. People have been saying that for like a decade.

That heffer doesn't have a firm grasp of reddit tos and thinks anyone that said a mean thing to her is from dr@ma, and that simply linking to a post is brigading. if you take a look at her post history you'll see that she waddles through reddit looking for fights and usually bullies her way to victory. The admins will see that too. The reason she hates drama so much is because this is the 2nd time we outclassed her pudgy pu$$y


Fuggin ebin!



She doesn't realize more than one person is responding to her and accuses people of things someone else said

we outclassed her pudgy pussy

Imagine being proud of this lmao.

oh no , it is utterly disgusting that we have stooped to this level that we harass an innocent whamen online when se was just being polite and respectful

Imagine being proud of this lmao.

Don't dratma me

And them's the facts

the admins will see that too

You're giving them a lot of credit there

all i know is that when it finally dies, im going to blame a w*man

Fucking Ellen Pao.

I think we're actually suppose to like her now? I can't remember. Too old ♿

Long live Chairman Pao for ten thousand years!

Fucking Ellen Page too.

Woe of man

For all you etymology fans out there

Based and etymologypilled


Inshallah, brother.

Why is everyone so scared of the sub getting banned? What happened with that boring butch drama

Wait, what happened?

It would be ironic, considering her post was bigotry and flagrant, ugly hatred towards a trans person, within a sub that is supposed to be accepting of all genders and their expressions.

This sub died way before with the pinging and the mods becoming cucks to the admins. I said it here and I'll say it again.

/r/rDrama is already gone as we know it, just a shell of its former self filled with neets and r-slurs f-slurs.

It died again when they took away our slurs. May God be with us and this sub.

You're like that 30 year old in college dorms who talks about the old times but still refuses to get his own place.

t r a n y