Neo-nazi (seriously lmao) ostensible anti-bussy advocate revealed as aficionado of the rarest of bussies (bussy of actual underage boys)

143  2019-04-03 by westofthetracks


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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A nazi, an f-slur and a pedophile walk into a bar.

He orders a drink.


That too

And also that probably tbh.

Furries are either tankies or Nazis, they're the natural enemy of the radical centrist.

It's true we hate everyone.

He looks like exactly what I thought he would look like.

Like an inbred teacup with features too close to the center.

That's every britbong ever.

Another two phones belonging to Renshaw were later recovered and they showed evidence of searches for homosexual pornography.

When interviewed, he told police he was a straight virgin who did not believe in sex outside of marriage, and viewed homosexuality as “unnatural”.


He was just researching the subject to use it against his enemies

Obnoxiously preaching family values and secretly cheating, enjoying bussy, and or touching kids. Name a more iconic duo.

Do you think it's out of fetish reasons that this story mostly just blew up on chapotraphouse?

Chapos are all thirsty bottoms who fantasize about getting their bussies filled by chuds

I'm pretty sure this is unironically true. Their obsession with chud dicks, and the manliness of said chuds, makes me genuinely believe they all just want to be fucked by an alpha chud.

Also most of them are t-slur degenerates so no way they dont fantasize about dick.

Transbians are a thing now, sweety. 😘

I'm surprised Neo-nazis love smolboi buddies considering Nazis were mostly a public reaction against oyveying young prostitutes

Well they are “neo” Nazis so this is just an evolution of the ideology

""Weimar morality"" had nothing really to do with the rise of the Nazis. It was an anticommunist, pro-military movement that coasted off the resentment of the aristocracy and rural middle class.

W-slurs need to be stopped

Far right movements are all composed the same way. 1/3 are homosexuals, 1/3 are professional hooligans, and 1/3 are feds.

rEset THe Clock!!!1111

He looks like he has almost down.