CB2 complains that r/coaxedintoasnafu is alt-lite, due to them making fun of AITA posts

124  2019-04-03 by MonotonyOfLife



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tf is alt-lite? Is that when you're just kinda racist?

It means they don’t like you but they don’t have proof that you are alt-right. Yet.

Yikes! Sounds like a dogwhistle that needs to be unpacked

At the height of the hysteria in 2016/17 it was the camp they dumped people like Milo and Gavin McGinnis in

By Allah, Milo is annoying. He has all of the annoyingness of a flamboyant f[slur] mixed with the ego of rightoid.

He's definitely an annoying frigate but he was literally only famous because people spazzed out about him so much. All lftoids had to do was ignore him and he'd have just been some nobody coalburner jurnalist.


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alt-right means you are an ethno-nationalist and believe in race realism, if you don't have those two views then you are not alt-right generally (no matter how much you hate b*ssy n-slur, f-slur (((etc)))).

alt-lite means you don't believe in those two points, you generally will be a civic nationalist, think f-slurs and b*ssy are great, are a boomer, and love "based" bball americans. Basically t_d

Alt-lite is what's in between Alt-Right and normal Conservatve.


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Altlite is when someone has the nationalism and "traditional values" of the altright but never had a crush who rejected them for a bl*ck dude so they didn't become ethnonationalists.

We're into the part of the website/culture war descent where literally any disagreement (or even just not "enthusiastic consent agreement") is fascism.

It's like the Cultural Revolution but instead of murders and gulags and starvaion it's nerds screaming at/about you on a social media platform.

I'm just a bit confused by it all. You'd think the smart commies would love Hitler considering he's the only reason Stalin/Mao/Pol Pot etc. aren't treated as the greatest villains of the 20th century. It's like "yeah I fucked the lady to death but at least I didn't go after her kids like those evil Nazi fucks did".

...while not explicitely supporting the alt-right, lends itself easily to that line of thinking.


I want to protect my family


AITA has huge problems with sexism too. Towards women to be clear (ugh).

LMAO! Are they even using the same website?

They're so delusional it hurts

Unless you agree and support women 110% of the time, you're a mysogynist who probably fantaises about raping his own mum. Be better, chief.

One time they tried to say a male wasn't literally Hitler but only semi-Hitler for saving ten million lives while his wife cheated on him so therefore they're literally fascists.

Ugh (ugh) U G H

Ew ew ew icky yikes gross ugh

Me me caveman, me like fire, me no speak good

I see that post hit right where it was supposed to.

coaxedintoasnafu used to be a fun circlejerk sub

I swear 3 times a week the exact same alt right concern trolling that "surely orange man is not as bad as you purport" and "you posted in sub I DONT like so you bad" shows up on my front page.

It used to be fun but now they make fun of people like me for being obsessed with orange man so they are not fun anymore 😥

Snafu has posts mocking MGTOW and unpopular opinion within the first 6 posts right now. It's literally open to anything and various shit gets upvoted all the time, unlike smuggies.


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what a fucking n-slur

I'm confused. What is even political about that r/coaxedintoasnafu post?

Hi confused, I'm dad!

Fucking dumb bot

To whoever wasted time, computing resources, and lines of code to write this steaming pile of shit,

I hope he'll is 5° hotter for your ass

Not worshipping w*men as goddesses means you want to bring fascism to America

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend of coaxedintoasnafu having front page posts with stuff that, while not explicitely supporting the alt-right, lends itself easily to that line of thinking.

If you don't think like me, you must be supporting the alt right

I refuse to aknowledge that CB2 is not a parody sub


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edit: i made this





It's not a good meme if i need a thesaurus to understand

Is circlebroke shit reddit says but somehow worse?

There is a gaggle of subs that have different names, but are essentially the same thing. And I'd be willing to bet that they share a large amount of users, to the point where its the same people interacting in like 6 different subs

There are like 5 transexual chapo*ards that shit all over every CB2 thread. They ruin it for everyone else intentionally

Lmao what the fuck, and about AITA of all subs? I rarely have seen that sub being reasonable. At least the top comment about loli shit is reasonable, and a few comments calling out the OP.

Of course

When did /r/coaxedintoasnafu become so terrible? It's literally just screenshots of reddit comments written in MS Paint

This post is mocking a post that is mocking a post that is mocking a subreddit that often mocks people who mock other people

OP in a nutshell:

active on CB2, NegaReddit and SRD
recently posted a meme which fits this fucking image perfectly.
says chud several times a day

Day of the Circle Fixing when?

I can't decide who's more insufferable, SRDines or CB2 crybabies