Some fragile M-slurs started their own sub after being banned from r/BPT.

39  2019-04-03 by Ghdust2


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Mayonnaise Uprising

You know its sad its pretty obvious these mutts mayos are coping hard because of a meme sub i hope they keep themselves safe

mayos fighting mayos over mayos banning mayos from a sub fill of mayos



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Guys is this going to devolve into wh*te nationalism or just show the racism of blackpeopletwitter

First comment:

What’s wrong with hwite nationalism? Every other race is allowed to have their own countries.

And there it is


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MDEfugees literally can't help themselves.

That took less time than I thought. I figured they could go for maybe a day or two pretending to be ironic.


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Can't devolve into something when it was the starting point all along


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im [b-word] and even i don't get it tbh

im an approved submitter on bpt but why tf mayos aint allowed to be proud

im b-word

I doubt it

ask bpt mods lol i have approved submitter

Post a comment there then

Unironically why should anyone be proud of arbitrary characteristics they didn't choose?

This is why m-slurs can never have nice things.

I hope they prove bpt right by being racist because "w*ites" cant behave

They already have and then some. I wonder what it's going to look like in another few days.

that sub smells like turkey bacon and essential oils



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Nice to see a sub for normal people.

I wonder when reddits fragile self-hating admins will ban it.

Thank joo autom*d from keeping boiled chicken reachin our frontlines.

Diverse white people

le 56%

Amerimutt cope the subreddit.

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Lmao it's just another MDE sub.

latino south american here: there's nothing wrong with loving your race and country. fuck the ((media)) saying otherwise.

This was definitely said by a castizo or a criollo.

Latinos and Asians are by far the worst offenders when it comes to sucking m-slur dick like this.

Diverse mayonnaise people

le 56%

Amerimutt cope: the subreddit.

I prefer ‘nilla as the new racist term for whites. Also I want to start calling people my ‘nillas.

I bet everyone who posts there use to post of r/bpt before getting kicked off, too.

Also, is r/whitepeopletwitter not an option? Or aren't they blatantly racist enough?

ths will be fucking Epic bros.

"normal" redditors are noticing the freaking Racism and if this sub gets banned trhery will Be pissed!!!!!!!!!

BPT Verification Process

Do you know your dad?


This sub is going to end up like /pol/ where nobody posting is actually white. It will be the inverse of BPT.

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This will end up like /pol/ where none of the posters are actually w-slur--the exact inverse of BPT. "I'm like 88% Belgian", b-slur please.

twice as many online as subscribers Da fuck?