The Infamous Ruk, Scamming 4 Sympathy?

168  2019-04-03 by collapse_turtle



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LMAO, f-slur automod.

This but unironically

I am so confused by this sub.


Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.


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What's that?


Automod is a programmed mod

It needs to be fixed.


We use Aut now.


LMAO, f-slur automod

I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


  1. She's also made a GoFundMe for this... - Outline

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Holy shit! Snappy get down!

Who is Snappy?


Who's r/Autismshouts?

Katie's sub where she and I can ban ableists and idiots who aren't willing to listen and learn from Autistic people.


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Go away bot!!!


Katie's sub where she and I can ban ableists and idiots who aren't willing to listen and learn from Auts.






You're talking to robots

I don't care. You read it so I'm obviously talking to you as well. Tell the mods to get rid of that stupid bot.


How about you do it yourself, you lazy cunt?

Because I'm fucking busy.


Doing what?

What Katie wants.


What’s she wanting you to do right now?

Get lunch and drive.


What’s for lunch?

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. this thread -,,

  3. uno -,,

  4. dos -,,

  5. tres -,,

  6. r/retardidpol -,,*

  7. the shittiest of shitposts -,,,

  8. Solidarity mohawks -,,

  9. More mohawks -,,

  10. Black eyes for autism -,,

  11. Contacting the alleged rapist to...... -,,

  12. Asperger's List -,,

  13. She's also made a GoFundMe for this... -,,

  14. uno -,,

  15. dos -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Fuck you bot.


leave snappy alone

Fix snappy or I will continue to shout about your stupid bot that tries to be a language cop. I hate all cops, even robot word cops.


There is nothing to fix about snappy

It is AutoModerator that censors posts, Snappy does the exact opposite

Do you know what a direct link is

All albumposters will be judged

updating it rn

You have done well to redeem yourself.

Redemption though sacrifice. Mohawk pics now.


Fuck your album. Fix your stupid hair and post pics for Katie.


They don't know anything because they are a moron who doesn't know how to listen when we speak.


This seems incredibly similar to the nutjobs who post about gangstalking, I wonder if it’s the same thing going on, just a different flavor of it.


Or potentially a few trolls that are fucking with some people who are easy to fuck with. But honestly from the amount of effort and “secrecy” I feel like this is some schizo shit

Split the difference, it's one or more trolls who are -unknowingly- actually genuinely disabled. They pretend so well because it's not really an act.


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why do I get permabanned for making jokes towards capeshitters while you a*tist threaten violence left and right?

Smh, this ain't it chief

I didn't threaten violence. I threatened to destroy all forms of oppression and hierarchy that hurt us. I don't need to touch you to destroy whatever you think you are. You are nothing but an amorphous point of consciousness, a child of God, and a hopelessly lost sinner. Just like everyone else. Identity is nonsense. There is nothing but love and fear. We will make total destroy without firing a single bullet. There will be a baptism of fire through pacifism and love. You might not understand, so you'll have it see it to believe.


We will make total destroy without firing a single bullet.

Make your time.

WiFi here is too shitty for video. Please describe whatever you are trying to say.


Is this ironic?

I want you to cut your dick off

No. I hate rapists and don't trust men. Transwomen do fine without dicks. What do you need yours for?


I use it to pee.

Transwomen pee too. You do not need it. It is a threat to our safety. Cut it off.


Actually I need it to jerk off while the women do the revolution or whatever

Then go give us money because we don't have very much.


What do you think about modern meme culture salle? Do you think the internet was a mistake?

I think you are the actual threat to peoples safety, god-speed on your steady descent into complete madness though.


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Learn some grammar first, schizo. Then we'll talk about your delusions of grandeur

Learn to listen.


I have a suggestion.

It's unlikely that men are going to agree to cut their dicks off.

Here's a genius idea.

Why don't you have a dick surgically put on you!

No. My strapon serves my needs quite well.


Oh you already have one.

Just sew it on then!

Easy peasy patriarchy!

Do you know that you're an asshole and that I want you to cut your dick off?

That's going to be a big no from me, homie.

Then keep your penis far away from me and my friends.


Imagine someone who would voluntarily sleep with an autist.

/u/Masterlawlz, you seeing this shit?

Fuck you.


A blowjob from her sounds like Russian Roulette with a robot.

That bot sucks. Here is an edited version of my comment. Fucking robotic language police.

I know I'm Aut and disabled and have severe PTSD. Do you know that you're an asshole and that I want you to cut your dick off? I generally love transwomen because most of them are Auts. If you're XY and trans yourself, maybe I'll hate you a bit less.


The key difference between autists and robots is that robots can be a productive member of society.

Go fuck yourself.


Thereby proving my point...

Talk to Katie if you want nice. I'm not a friendly person.


It's questionable whether you're a person at all, autismo.


You're boring and played out.

I sure am bored of your low effort comments. Have a nice day.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠴⢿⣧⣤⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣧⣆⣘⡄⢹⣿⣷⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣾⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⢿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⣴⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡀⣾⡿⠀⠉⠉⠛⠋⠛⠛⠚⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢠⣍⠹⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣷⣾⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣟⢻⣿⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⠿⠟⠁⠑⢶⣤⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣬⣿⣿⣿⡿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⠛⠛⢛⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⢿⡿⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Would you have a lesbian relationship with a trans woman with a penis? Telling people to cut their dicks off comes off very violent.

I don't give a fuck what someone identifies as or calls themselves. Gender and sex is nonsense. I care about who they are and what they do. Everything else is just empty words.


Ok, fair enough. Forget the empty words. Would you have a sexual relationship with someone that has a penis and a mohawk?

Based and spergpilled

Post more vagoo.

I'm busy. Post yours and maybe I'll feel like taking more pics. You can also find pics of a bunch of people in our discord's #love channel.


I have seen that you are trying to raise money, and you have said that you have no qualms with sex work; Have you considered doing camshows to raise money?

I'm hoping that won't be necessary.


I guarantee the fine gentleman of r/drama would be happy to shower you with money for the opportunity to listen to you rant live and fingerblast yourself on cam.

Make an offer. We want money for building residential schools for Aut kids like the Deaf schools and refuges for victims of trafficking and other forms of abuse.


In all seriousness, you probably wouldn't make enough from camshows to pay for schools for Auts, but you would earn your patreon goal several times over.

If you manage to set up a legit looking non-profit, you could probably secure government funding for a school for Auts, especially with how hard DeVos is shilling for charter schools.

We spoke to a group of Christians last week who want us to meet with Betsy DeVoss. I'll work on contacting her about it once I get some proper rest and a new place to live.


Here is a resource for starting a nonprofit organization and here is the site for applying for government grants.

No, there is a fucking pedo ring trying to lure both of us back to Flint.


How can I find out about this pedo ring?

Ask Katie about it or wait for her AMA or wait until the feds arrest them all and make a press release or something.


Have you seen a medical professional about these delusions?

Go fuck yourself.


Why would paedophiles lure you anywhere? Are you children?

No, we are Aut and easy to trick because we tend to be very trusting and want to see the best in people. We don't understand social things well enough to really pick up on their manipulation. So we have decided that we cannot trust anyone unless they can prove they are on our side.



Go fuck yourself. This is not at all funny.


Its f-slurring hilarious

I'm really disturbed by this whole thread, but I have tears streaming down my face and my cheat hurts from laughing.


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i can believe the idea of pedophiles fucking a*tistic people to create kids to abuse, quite a few pedophiles abused their own kids

Nice, you're in the perfect place!

Mohawks pics or log off.


They use us to get us pregnant and then take our kids away to use in porn and sell to pedos. Read the posts on the sub.


I guess R Kelly sold his franchise when he got into trouble.

Think of the branding opportunities to have him be the face of your pedo syndicate.

I believe I can fly...

So, why is the pedo ring located in Flint? I mean, wouldn't you want your tism'd pedo ring somewhere that has a consistent supply of drinking water?

And you know the moment you leave your car unlocked that someone is going to steal your small spectrum slave.

Probably because there is so much poverty and so little resources that they can fly under the radar and no one will really investigate things unless people like us make such a big fuss that they cannot ignore us.


I see. Do you have any plans on what to do with the freed auts once the pedo ring is exposed?

I am sure they may not want to leave Flint since many of them don't like change. Perhaps since it's Flint, many could run for local office?


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Once free, people are welcome to do whatever the fuck they want. We will be raising funds to help support them in whatever life they want to make for themselves. I am not taking anyone from one form of slavery to another. I don't own people. I just try to love them and put power and resources in their hands so they can make their own choices and not be slaves to traffickers or poverty.

In the longer term, Katie and I have discussed creating a network of refuges for Auts with schools for Aut children, similar to the Deaf schools. We are a culture and we deserve to have our civil rights be respected by Allistic society. That means schools for us, by us, in honor of our culture and in memory of those we have lost.

My own father was Aut and he died after hurricane Katrina because there were not the appropriate supports in place to help people like him survive in a world that is not friendly to people like us. We don't expect that Allistic society is going to help us much and they are often so ignorant about Autysm and unwilling to shut up and listen to us that we don't really want their help. We will accept resources from them and allow them to come into our spaces if they will respect our culture and values, but we are not going to allow ignorant or disrespectful Neurotypical people to have power in places of safety and refuge for the Neurodiversity community.


That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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So he just died randomly with no cause?

No. There was a cause of death and I don't feel like discussing it right now. It will take more detailed explanation than I have the energy to get into. I'll likely do an episode about him on our podcast.

We have been working closely with Polaris and Homeland Security human trafficking taskforce and some things need to be kept private at this time, such as our legal identities and exact location. Once we get the okay from them, we will release a lot more information, likely to a professional journalist. We are open to meeting and sharing some documents with a journalist now but because the investigation is ongoing, we can't share all details.


As someone who was invited to that discord and spent a few days in it.... I still have no idea what the fuck was going on in there.

Revolutionary Autism.


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Fuck you bot.


Be nice to the robot, it's only doing what the admins order.

The admins can suck my strapon cock if they don't like how I talk. Aut*ism is not a bad word and I'm very angry that your stupid bot keeps deleting our comments for using the correct word for our neurotype.


correct word for our neurotype.

I think there might be some other words that be a better descriptor.

Such as?


That bot sucks.

What is going on is Revolutionary Autysm.


All I want to know is if you are ever going to actually make that podcast.

Yes, we are. Maybe once we get some stronger anxiety meds and can chill the fuck out. We have again blockaded ourselves in a hotel room because Katie is going to get herself arrested or committed with how she keeps having meltdowns in public.

I just found out at the last interview with Homeland Security that her captor was using her accounts to try to manipulate me into joining their "family" and had been doing an extremely good job of it. If it wasn't for a couple horribly wonderful Auts from r/cumtown and r/breadtube discords, we likely would have not figured out what was actually going on before I also got trapped by these fuckers.

I need some time to process all my feelings about this and buy a tape recorder or figure out a phone app that can record for us. Then I'll just record some of the conversations we have been having and post them with no editing because at this point things are such a fucking mess that I don't care how confused you all are going to be. You'll just have to listen to us long enough until you can figure it out. We don't have the spoons to organize this mess in any coherent manner or talk politely.


Also, you can buy spoons pretty cheap at Walmart

It's a disability term.


This f[slur] is beyond fucked in the head, but she's kinda cute.

Shave your head and be hot with me. Long hair is for pussies and pedos.

You're hot which means your opinion matters more. But you're a f[slur] which means your opinion doesn't matter at all. I'm very conflicted.

I'm not sure what f[slur] means. We don't have any stupid automoderator on r/AutismShouts. Post whatever words you want there. But if you make Katie cry, I'll ban you.


F[slur] in this context means you have XX chromosomes. Making mujeres cry is my specialty though I'm not proud of it.

Making everyone laugh is mine. But I will make all of you suffer if you make Katie cry. She's XX so don't you dare fuck with my friend.


Your attempts at charming me have failed you vile witch. But your ability to create drama out of nothing means you deserve to become a mod here.

This is not drama. This is war.


What side are ADHDers are on in this war?

Whatever side they want to be. If they aren't pedos, they are welcome to shave their head and join us.


But why a mohawk? Why not a mullet

Because we said so. Auts make the rules now.


What if we're bald-cels and can't do a mohawk? 😭😭😭

Get a wig or a tattoo.


What do mohawks have to do with pedos? Can we do a fauxhawk or a bi-hawk?

Fact: 7/10 people with mohawks have sexually assaulted someone

And? Just because you have a haircut doesn't mean that I blindly trust you. But it's a sign that you aren't an ignorant suburbanite who follows along with Allistic social norms. I'm still going to vet the fuck out of you before I let you go anywhere near me or my friends who are vulnerable.


I would get a mohawk if you sat on my face


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How much would you donate to help us start a residential school for Aut kids? I have no qualms about sex work, though I won't let anyone touch me unless I'm 100% into it. Many women in my birth family were sex workers.


I dont know, X dollars?

Send me pics of you and a detailed essay about why I should consider even being in the same room as you, let alone touching you.


Romulus is this you you fūcking spërg

Implying I'm not a poorfag 😢

Don't forget this

Lol. In the anarchist community, dogs are a bit of a meme for discussing edge cases of consent. I can see how this may appear very strange without the full context.


lol dude you talked about amymeme having sex with her dog explicitly in the discord. you even took nude photos of yourself with your dog on the red scare discord, but now you're saying that it's about age of consent (which isn't much better lmao)?


Someone else brought up the Amymeme dog sex thing. I simply replied to it based on my understanding of consent after discussing it with anarchists. I don't give a fuck what people do so long as they aren't hurting anyone who isn't into it. I really don't want to discuss the dog thing anymore because it's pretty disgusting in my opinion. If someone wants to get fucked by a dog, they should probably talk to a lawyer because I imagine that it is a crime. But just from an ethical standpoint, it is a debatable issue and you should talk to other people about it who aren't me because honestly it makes me feel really nauseous to think about.

I posted photos of me hugging my dog shortly after waking up before getting dressed for the day.

I don't fuck my dog. That's really gross. Please don't message me again about this topic or I will block you.


Who is u/kxvz?

Who do you think?


I don't know, there are so many people and usernames.

I am confused.

They are the same person.

stop calling your discord " the anarchist community"

I'm referring to the broader community. But I'll call our discord whatever the fuck I want and you can go fuck yourself if you don't like what I have to say. At least we don't ban Auts because we aren't a bunch of pro-idpol leftists on a power trip trying to police language of people who have communication disabilities.

ACAB, and that includes self-identified anarchists who think they have any authority to tell Auts how to speak. It's ableist nonsense and it hurts us. You want actual abolition of oppressive hierarchy, shut your Naut mouth holes and fucking listen to us. We make the rules now.


I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

Go do some self-care.


Shit, that ought to be a longpostbot phrase. /u/snallygaster, who's adding to the list?


Gotta swallow that dogpill


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Delete this fucking bot.



Excuse me xir, you're not even counting the numerous alts they've admitted to using to post on r/@ and stupidpol. They got banned from met@ for saying some wild shit about gender and sex identity, and possibly making happy merchant jokes, then posted about it on stupidpol and got banned and/or fucked off, then came back on alt to talk about the exact same retarded shit, and admitted it was an alt.

Basically, I'm convinced its actually just one or more trolls pretending to be an angery awtist in order to fuck with fringe political groups. If they can get money out the process, why wouldn't they? Exploiting the well-meaning but stupid is a solid grift.

very true (actually i linked in the web archive but for some reason it's fucked up on WayBack Machine)

she's also threatened legal action against me for posting, which is admittedly pretty funny

i'm convinced they're the same person though. they had an argument with pizzashill on the dramacord VC and posted selfies -- same person as the mohawk'd girl in the GoFundMe pic.

if people are interested, read the web archive linked in the post, there's a lot of good shit (even if a lot of it didn't get properly archived)

i'm convinced they're the same person though. they had an argument with pizzashill on the dramacord VC and posted selfies -- same person as the mohawk'd girl in the GoFundMe pic.

That would also prove definitively that they are scamming r/@ then, because they initially posted a picture of the 'victim' of the libertarian-friendly disabled breeding program and its the same person.

I'm confused by your post. Please ask clear questions on r/AutismShouts.

I threatened you for posting private pics of me without my permission because your are rude motherfucker and I hate you.

the only things i ever posted were what was posted in the original stupidpol comment about you. you can check my account history if you don't believe me.

I don't care what you post. I think you are an asshole. But you are spreading Katie's story, so keep it up. 💋


hey, if this turns out to be true and you get news coverage, i will gladly donate $100 to your cause

Will you also get a mohawk for Katie?


Will you also castrate yourself if you have a penis? Because I'm pretty much a man-hating lesbian at this point.


Are you the same weirdo that sent nudes to people in the red scare discord?

Yeah they want money for it because they are capitalists. I want to destroy money. Free nudes is just good praxis.


> Free nudes is just good praxis.


See the discussion about this in the pinned posts on #love in our discord.


Are you medically insured? Are your under a doctor's superstition?

Yes. I'm very angry today. I'm sane and I'll be alright and so will Katie.



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You don't need to end every single comment with r/AutismShouts


Don't tell me what to do. Auts make the rules now.


I wasn't telling you what to do, just letting you know you got your advertisement campaign is already successful.


Alright then. Keep it up. 🥰


Is there anything I could do that would not be too spoon intensive to reassure you? I know Ruk can be a bit overzealous and has a history of what I will call communication difficulties for simplicity's sake, but I and my story are real.

We have met with homeland security twice, I have done a forensic interview, and everything she has recounted is true.

The Mohawk think is her typical overzealousness combined with her concern and protectiveness of me. After the week we have had, I can not fault her for wanting extreme proof of solidarity before trusting people, unlike me, she seems to only just now be realizing that life is not just or fair and the resources she had believed to exist for people in situations like my own are at best just empty words, and are frequently the cause of further problems rather than help.

I also can't fault you for doubting my story, especially given Ruk's history, and I am willing to do what I can within reason and with the spoons have to reassure you if possible.

I love you. You are so much better as talking to NTs. I can only really communicate with anger and Christianity and a bit of Kropotkin scripting.


Have you spoken to the news about your kidnapping?

We have not, under the advice of both Flint and Flint Township PD and homeland security, as there are still ongoing investigation into how to best rescue and assist some other victims.

I also have not had the spoons for interviews beyond those needed by homeland security and the PD. It is on the to-do list, but not while I'm going nonverbal multiple times a day and bolting during flashbacks and other such dangerous things.

Has anything happened to the people that held you? Do they have other people in custody?

It was horrifically botched in ways I can't begin to articulate yet. I do not know yet if the other victims are safe or if my captors are back in custody after the miscommunication/mistaken release.

For both my own sanity worrying about the other victims, and for safety reasons, I will be following the advice of the officers/agents involved and not go further into that until I know everyone is safe, in custody, and I am at least somewhat more emotionally stable.

OMFG Are you Katie? Katie who hurt you?

Yes I am Katie. Lots of people have hurt me. I was born into slavery and then reenslaved by someone I thought I could trust after escaping my parents. Because of the ongoing investigations and the victims still potentially in enslavement, I am not naming my captors at this time.

You do realize no sane educated person would ever believe this right? You also realize there is zero chance you'd be discussing any part, or even alluding to, an on-going human trafficking investigation. You will, rightfully, never see a penny of that gofundme.

Totally a-slur-istic as you post:

"I threatened you for posting private pics of me without my permission because your are rude motherfucker and I hate you."


Then post the opposite:

"I don't care what you post. I think you are an asshole. But you are spreading Katie's story, so keep it up. 💋"

as this perfectly defines a-slur incongruity and d-r-a-m-a. I love this sub!

Any way, my wife loves my p-slur in her g-slur so I am keeping it, thank you. Why don't you bronze yours so we can use it as a d-slur and pray for your salvation from the might god of grift. Peace be with you.

i'm convinced they're the same person though. they had an argument with pizzashill on the dramacord VC and posted selfies -- same person as the mohawk'd girl in the GoFundMe pic.

Don't you people have lives outside of this stuff? Go out and play.

I hope they stay inside and keep spreading Katie's story. We need all the help we can get and I don't give a fuck how bad it makes me look. Laugh at me all you want but if you make Katie cry I will make you cry ten times harder.


Please get Katie in here, there's so much to unwrap here.

I don't control her. She's her own person. Ask her nicely and maybe she will talk to you.


Their mods told me to make an alt. They don't even know how to do basic communicate with one another. You think I have a language disability, try talking to their mod team.

I remember the r/stupidpol thread and the r/drama thread about her and getting really strong Chris Chan vibes from the whole thing. I felt really sorry for her tbh.


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Fuck you stupid bot. Aut is good. It's not a bad word. You are a bad bot and should be deleted.


The r/AutismShouts thread was bizarre.

This whole situation is more insane than I could have ever imagined. But it's true. You'll see it on the news once Katie decides to talk to people. Or we find a journalist who is willing to get a mohawk in order to earn her trust. PM me if you know any journos who care enough to cut their hair for this.


You're spaghetti. Go get a mohawk.


I felt really sorry for her tbh

I think that's their weird grift. If you feel pity, they can leverage it for money or even just emotional support/lulz- hell, i bet it would start to get hard to tell the two apart after doing this bit long enough.

Feel sorry for yourself because you are a cynical moron with an apparent inability to feel empathy.


Who the fuck is Chris Chan? Don't feel sorry for me. I'm good enough. Feel sorry for yourself and for the people who are still enslaved. Better yet, quit typing empty words and go fucking help.



Why are you crying? Please do self-care and post again when you feel better.


Grift really does transcend the spectrum.

ayy, lmao.

It takes all kinds to take all the kinds.

Thanks for posting this here. All media is good media right now. I hate you, but you are spreading Katie's story. I'll kick your ass later when I'm not busy trying to keep Katie from crying.



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I just came here to say that you and Katie probably both have schizophrenia on top of your Atsm, because no pedo organization worth their salt would run anything out of Flint fucking Michigan

No, we have both been professionally evaluated. We are sane. We both have Autysm and complex trauma. She is support level 3 and I am support level 2. Honestly we could both really use a caregiver, but we don't want someone who thinks that being a caregiver means they are better than us or get to have power or hierarchy over us. We want Aut caregivers in a big community of Aut people so we can care for one another without abusive and oppressive hierarchy mentality from ignorant but well-meaning ableists.


We love you. Please come back often.


I'll come back more when you remove that word filter from the bot. I don't like that it keeps deleting my comments for using the correct spelling of the word Autysm.


You'll have to talk to the admins about that.


I don't feel like talking to anybody who thinks they have some kind of authority over language. They allow t_d but don't allow the word of a neurotype? Hypocrits, not worth my time.


You and I are unironically in agreement there.


GoFundMe has a donor protection guarantee. This situation is 100% legit. We have had multiple interviews with Homeland Security human trafficking team. There are photos of badges posted on the fundraiser. It's linked in r/AutismShouts.

I'm confused, we already have a sub here.

Your sub has a stupid bot that tries to police language and won't even let me spell out the rest of the word Aut. I'm not into talking pretty and I'm not into being unable to immediately delete comments and ban anyone I don't feel like listening to.

r/AutismShouts is my sub and Katie's sub. You are welcome to come over there. I'm not playing along with this sub's stupid language cop robot.



What does that mean?


So the school bus you're gonna buy, is it the short variety?

Who is Dina the stuffed dinosaur, and why does she need a search and rescue team?

Dina is a stuffed toy that belongs to Katie since she was a baby. It's one of the only sentimental items that she still had when she was with the trafficker. If you looked at the photos in the current fundraiser, you should be able to tell that it will be hard to find that dinosaur. It's probably full of pathogens because the place she was kept in is pretty much a Superfund site.

If the police or any agencies are willing to empty that hazardous space, she wants them to know about Dina and try to find it and clean it so she can have her stuffed friend back. It's not likely, but it's a sincere wish and I do really hope that they will find Dina and return it to Katie once it is professionally decontaminated.


You'll all get a whole bunch of laughs out of this once you see Katie's AMA. We submitted confidential proof to the mods. It'll also be on the news once Katie (u/DaffodilsTigerlilies) feels like talking to people in person.

In the meantime, you're welcome to ask her polite questions here.

If you make her cry, we will ban you.

for anyone wondering, this is Ruk

I am, and I have no shame about it. I know who I am and I know where my heart is and I will do whatever I need to do to end all oppression. I don't care about using nice words or getting you to like me. I will do anything to help Katie. I don't give a fuck what you think about me. This is about Katie and all the other people who are being abused.

Ruk, I think a Drama AMA could make a real difference in the world. There isn't any other place on Reddit with a bigger platform regarding autism. This sub gets attention even from Guardian writers. Think of all the good you could accomplish with such a platform.

I highly doubt that Katie is going to share her legal identity and the unedited ID from Homeland Security human trafficking taskforce on this sub.


Since when does Homeland Security create identification cards? That is done at the state level unless it is a passport.

Does this mean she is doing an AMA on the AMA sub?

No, their agents have ID badges to prove their identity. I posted a photo of the badge of one of the agents who interviewed us on her GoFundMe. I was told that it might be illegal to freely share the unedited photo online, though that is not at all what I was told by the agent. I do not want to risk legal trouble so I'm not posting the agent's name or photo until I get official permission from them. But you can see the edited photo on her fundraiser which is linked in our sub.

The plan now is to do the AMA on the big sub once we get to a place where we can both catch our breath, rest a bit, and get ready to deal with you internet morons who don't understand us well and want to call us liars. The AMA mods are able to verify the confidential proof, so we want to post there to resolve any questions about the truth of this situation.


The AMA sub is ok but it doesn't have the social media cache that Drama does. An AMA on Drama is essentially like sharing a story on the NYTimes only with more credibility because we do it for free without any extra outside (((influence or agendas))) to change the narrative.

And how would we prove the veracity of this story? Are we supposed to trust your mods? What are your security measures?


Whatever gets sent to modmail stays there. I assume there are police reports of whatever has happened?

There is an active investigation by Homeland Security and they said they cannot give us any information. Flint PD has a case number but wants a mailing address which we don't have. We can send the unedited versions of the docs posted on her fundraiser along with the stuff we sent to AMA.

Can you share any sort of official statement on privacy. I am not going to risk letting you fuckers doxx Katie. Send mohawk pics and I'll consider trying to convince her to send the info here.


we do it for free

Imagine not getting paid to shillpost

Homeland Security doesn’t have ids like that have you confirmed that it was an actual agent with Homeland? This seems fishy are you sure that guys not in on the pedo ring stuff? Stay safe.

Have you interacted much with Homeland Security? Yes, we have verified their ID badges and identities.


Yeah that’s why I think it’s odd it’s not on a state level it’s federal and are you sure you’re contacting the locally mandated center? What number are you calling? Yes my uncle and cousin both work for Homeland.

I'm not telling you private info about this in a public space. I have no way to verify your identity. We are safe and we know who our friends are.


Dude I’m being serious that looks awfully sketchy I’d call Kristjen Nielsen’s office just to verify. Impersonating a federal officer is, of course, a federal offense.

I hope you get all the help you need regardless of your circumstances. Take care.

Thank you. We need all the help we can get, but we don't trust hardly anyone at this point.

Katie's AMA to where? You submitted proof to what sub?

To the big official one.

What the hell is a spoon. Like the utensil?

Look up Spoon Theory. There's a great essay on it if you are capable of using Google search.


Did you teach Katie about spoons theory or did she have access to literature on disabilities throughout the years?

Ask her yourself.



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Go through my post history. My one joy in life so far, my passion and my one permitted semi-freedom, was to discuss aut stuff and disability online.

If anything, I have been educating her on how to speak with allistics about aut stuff in ways accessible and comprehensible to them.

If anything, I have been educating her on how to speak with allistics about aut stuff in ways accessible and comprehensible to them.

yeah, about that

There is also a really good essay. Here's a link.



You're welcome.


It's an r slur coping method for being unable to act like a rational, mature adult.


It does now!


Why are you responding to every comment in this thread? Why are you devoting so much time to whatever is going on here?


No. Revolution.


You're amazing. Never change!

Lmao, this some wild bullshit. Can we prick this f*id in any way?

What? Please post clear questions on our sub where we can ban you if we don't want to listen to you.



Learn how to write a clear question and post it where I told you.


You're not my boss

Fuck bosses. I'm trying to talk to you to be your friend.


You're being hostile, 1 mounth-old account. I'll have you know that my 3rd grade cousin is an epic hacker and that he'll personally delete your fridge.

I have an older account but I'm logged onto this one because r/Anarchism mods told me to make a new account. Then they banned me because they are morons who don't know how to communicate with one another well enough to run a subreddit. There is more info on r/AutismShouts.

Also, I don't have a fridge but if your cousin wants to help us make a blog and a podcast website, we'd appreciate it!


Nice bait, a*tist

Go talk to Katie. u/DaffodilsTigerlilies. I need to drive.


Drive? What the fuck are you doing

Going where Katie wants to go.


I see nothing wrong with this.

I'm getting beaten up again?

Nope, more of a prophylactic warning not to report your comment, it's legit.

Looks like you got your wish, they're present and accounted for in this very thread

I'm in your sub killing your Nauts. All your karma are belong to us.


Please continue to kill us, im enjoying it

Unfortunately I need to log off to go drive. I'll be back later. Katie may continue to post here or on her sub. Don't you dare make her cry.


What about tears of joy?

For what it's worth, I've been on the phone with them every day for the past two weeks and witnessed much of this unfold through that. It doesn't seem like a scam to me.

It's been a really crazy couple of weeks for me--emotionally speaking--because of all this and some other events in my personal life.

I love you. You have a mohawk for Katie. We trust you and you add so much joy and light to our lives.


Stop, and get some help.


I knew from the second I first talked to her by chance on Discord that I wanted to get to know her better roflmao.

I see what you mean.

Fuck Michael Jordan. Get us a meeting with Trump so we can get him to take that stupid orange thing off his head. He can wear a mohawk toupee for Katie from now on.


I love you and thank you <3. She may be my warrior angel but you are the one who can make me smile during anything.

Does it ever get tricky keeping up with all of your alt accounts, or not really since you don't really try that hard to differentiate them? Also, has this been a profitable grift relative to the time invested? I'm wondering if the money is worth going in myself.

If you had taken even 30 seconds to look through my post history, you would know that I am not an alt, and that our writing styles and our topics of choice are very easily distinguishable.

This has been my one and only account since its creation. In interest of good faith and full honesty, I did have another account, in 2011, but I no longer remember the name or password, as I was kept without internet for much of the intervening years.

Has this been a profitable grift, relative to the time invested?

I am unfamiliar with the word grift, I am guessing from context you are making scam accusations?

This is not a scam. Escaping slavery has not been monetarily profitable, nor am I really interested in it being so.

If you have questions to ask in good faith to reassure yourself of the validity of my story, ask them and I will answer if I can. If you are just going to make harassing accusations, I will not be wasting further spoons on you.

I will not be wasting further spoons on you

No no, I'm actually a spoon utility monster, the highest possible good is using spoons to please me and me only.

Good luck hosing the gullible types for money, or emotional support, or whatever it is you get out of pretending to be a half dozen disabled women on reddit.

He makes me smile too. 😉


What's to stop the pedos from getting mohawks?

The scissors that we will use to cut off their mohawks and their dicks.


It's like rabies and water, as the clippers approach their head they just start trembling and convulsing violently and end up dropping the clippers.

That GoFund me is like an awful thriller/roadmovie plot written by a 12 year old.

What I am not sure about is whether this Ruk is delusional and believes this shit or whether she(?) is just exploiting people for sympathy.

What I do know is that Discord servers can unironically fuck with people more than image boards, mainly because they are gated. I wonder when we'll have our first Discord mass shooter.

No, I just suck at communicating with Nauts. u/DaffodilsTigerlilies is Katie and she's much nicer to talk to when she has the spoons for it.


Discord mass shooter.

maybe that Islamic Atomwaffen guy counts


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Go f-slur yourself n-slur c-slur a-slur r-slur

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What are "spoons"

Good find, this is wacky but it makes sense now since I found this sub not too long ago

Munchausen by internet

Thank you! Someone just linked me this as well - Origin of spoon theory

I also found this sub recently

Munchausen by internet

oooo a Munchausen sub, that'll be fun to browse!

There is some good drama, they have lots of "regulars" they post about :D

Lmao mods disabling auto mod for this THANK YOU! 🙏🙏


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we need more autistic babies

and fewer humans overall

i mean...

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boooo i was quoting the op ya r-slur bot

lol i remember this b-slur, she made me an approved submitter on her weird r/@ spinoff subreddit after i made one vaguely left-leaning post in a thread about her. truly bizarre person

Ruk, are you going to ever make that podcast?

I want a goddamned /r/AutismShouts flair.

A few days ago, a group of people from around the world came together to free a slave. It took a lot of work, a lot of prayer, and a lot of luck, but we did it. She has decided on a new name for herself, which is Katie.

Katie is a severely Autistic woman. She was subjected to horrific abuse by her parents, who told her that she was a slave and treated her as one. She was fed every two weeks. At age 18, she ran away. Traumatized and vulnerable, she trusted a stranger who offered her a place to live and stay safe from her parents. This person turned out to be part of a pedophile ring that takes advantage of Autistic women by convincing them to marry them and then breeds them like animals to produce children for child pornography.

Katie was trafficked to Flint, Michigan and kept as a slave in an apartment that I can only describe as hell on Earth. She had six miscarriages and spent another eight years without any friends except for two cats, a neighbor who occasionally saw her and treated her kindly but did not know what was happening, and people she befriended online by sending messages on Reddit using a phone that her captor let her use once her Stockholm syndrome was bad enough that he felt he could trust her somewhat. She didn't have full access, but was able to make posts on r/Autism that he monitored and approved.

I'm one of those friends and when I found out what was happening to Katie, I called the human trafficking hotline to ask for help. We made an escape plan and I took a plane to Flint to help because I knew she would be scared. Because most people don't understand Autism very well, the agencies involved in the escape plan made many mistakes and almost got Katie, her cats, me, and my dog all killed or put back into slavery. Fortunately, we were granted a miracle and are all still alive and free. We are scared because no one is arrested yet, but we hope the feds will catch all the pedophiles soon.

In the meantime, we are both now homeless and living out of a car. I don't have a regular income because I'm also Autistic and have trouble keeping a job. I have a credit card but it doesn't have much room left on it because I've been using it for a lot of things that Katie critically needed, like socks and a new outfit.

Katie still has more basic needs that I would really appreciate help meeting, such as getting her a bra that fits, a good pair of shoes, a warm coat, and medical care. I'd also like for her cats to see a veterinarian because they have bald patches on their skin.

We would love to be able to raise enough money to buy a schoolbus to live in so we can travel and go help other Autistic people who are victims of abuse. Katie knows of four more people in Flint who are still trapped by the same people who trapped her and we would like to be able to rescue them and offer them a place to sleep. We need a bigger vehicle to do that. That would cost more than the current goal, so for right now we will just keep to the basic needs like clothing, medical care, and a veterinarian. I think $5,000 would be enough to get Katie started with the medical and dental care that she really needs.

We are going to reach out to some victim services groups in the future, but right now Katie is not willing to talk to almost anyone because it was agencies like the police who almost got us both killed a few days ago, so we are going to only work directly with the community. We are also contacting newspapers and are waiting for some calls back. Hopefully they may be able to help share Katie's story and get some help so we don't have to live in a car for much longer.

Please pass on this story about Katie and the things she has been through. People really need to know about this problem. If you can spare a few dollars, we would also really appreciate all the help we can get. Thank you.

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A few days ago, a group of people from around the world came together to free a slave. It took a lot of work, a lot of prayer, and a lot of luck, but we did it. She has decided on a new name for herself, which is Katie.

Katie is a severely @utistic woman. She was subjected to horrific abuse by her parents, who told her that she was a slave and treated her as one. She was fed every two weeks. At age 18, she ran away. Traumatized and vulnerable, she trusted a stranger who offered her a place to live and stay safe from her parents. This person turned out to be part of a pedophile ring that takes advantage of @utistic women by convincing them to marry them and then breeds them like animals to produce children for child pornography.

Katie was trafficked to Flint, Michigan and kept as a slave in an apartment that I can only describe as hell on Earth. She had six miscarriages and spent another eight years without any friends except for two cats, a neighbor who occasionally saw her and treated her kindly but did not know what was happening, and people she befriended online by sending messages on Reddit using a phone that her captor let her use once her Stockholm syndrome was bad enough that he felt he could trust her somewhat. She didn't have full access, but was able to make posts on r/@utism that he monitored and approved.

I'm one of those friends and when I found out what was happening to Katie, I called the human trafficking hotline to ask for help. We made an escape plan and I took a plane to Flint to help because I knew she would be scared. Because most people don't understand @utism very well, the agencies involved in the escape plan made many mistakes and almost got Katie, her cats, me, and my dog all killed or put back into slavery. Fortunately, we were granted a miracle and are all still alive and free. We are scared because no one is arrested yet, but we hope the feds will catch all the ped0philes soon.

In the meantime, we are both now homeless and living out of a car. I don't have a regular income because I'm also @utistic and have trouble keeping a job. I have a credit card but it doesn't have much room left on it because I've been using it for a lot of things that Katie critically needed, like socks and a new outfit.

Katie still has more basic needs that I would really appreciate help meeting, such as getting her a bra that fits, a good pair of shoes, a warm coat, and medical care. I'd also like for her cats to see a veterinarian because they have bald patches on their skin.

We would love to be able to raise enough money to buy a schoolbus to live in so we can travel and go help other @utistic people who are victims of abuse. Katie knows of four more people in Flint who are still trapped by the same people who trapped her and we would like to be able to rescue them and offer them a place to sleep. We need a bigger vehicle to do that. That would cost more than the current goal, so for right now we will just keep to the basic needs like clothing, medical care, and a veterinarian. I think $5,000 would be enough to get Katie started with the medical and dental care that she really needs.

We are going to reach out to some victim services groups in the future, but right now Katie is not willing to talk to almost anyone because it was agencies like the police who almost got us both killed a few days ago, so we are going to only work directly with the community. We are also contacting newspapers and are waiting for some calls back. Hopefully they may be able to help share Katie's story and get some help so we don't have to live in a car for much longer.

Please pass on this story about Katie and the things she has been through. People really need to know about this problem. If you can spare a few dollars, we would also really appreciate all the help we can get. Thank you.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Donate to the GoFundMe, guys, she's looking for a sexy time dog like Olga's.

Kind of a Chris Chan situation but with a*tism


it's the sum of all the individual parts that make it interesting


4 days ago, this was posted on r/autism. Instantly called out by many, and then deleted.

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4 days ago this was posted on r/ @utism, was instantly called out, and then they deleted the post.

I deleted it at Katie's insistence because she was extremely upset that the community that has been her only connection to the outside world was calling her a liar. Since then, she's gotten some anxiety meds and is starting to chill out a bit.


Also, u/DaffodilsTigerlilies 's abuser knows her reddit name, so not sure why they would plaster her name all over reddit when trying to save her.

That moron is about to go to prison and likely going to get shanked by a lifer for being a fucking pedo. He's such an idiot that he is still online and trying to sweet talk me into returning to Flint with Katie. I hope he survives whatever they do to him in prison so that he can spend a nice long time being Bubba's slave in an even more painful way than how he made Katie his slave.


She has multiple gofundme's run by sockpuppets, this shit is all a scam

No, there is a single official active one. I deleted the first one when Katie was freaking out on the side of the highway having a panic attack. She's now been seen by a doctor and has anxiety meds. She's still going to need years of therapy.


Yeah except a month or 2 ago you had one for one of your sock puppets that you.based out of Flint. You were asking for donations for food plus another one that I dont remember


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Katie was kept in Flint. We raised $350 on GoFundMe for her community there. Then the details about the trafficking became clear and we did not have the energy to continue with that so I used the rest of my rent money for this month to make it the full $1000 and we got it to a trusted community organizer there. We'll be posting updates about that once we feel safe contacting anyone in Flint.

I have used other accounts on Reddit in the past but got so many people harassing me and downvoting everything I say that I had to make new ones. I've been using u/kxvz since I became a Christian. That one is banned from r/Anarchism and someone told me to make an alt to post about Aut on there, so I also have this account now.

Once I stop getting so many messages on this one I will go back to using kxvz, though I wish the various subs like r/Anarchism and r/Autysm would unban it. I'm on mobile and do not like logging in and out of multiple accounts and it is confusing to be told that I'm banned on kxvz but then to make a different account and that it's ok to post that way. I think that is not allowed by Reddit, but the mods of both r/Anarchism and r/Autysm told me to use a different account so I am really confused why they won't just unban u/kxvz.

I don't honestly think it's worth the energy to try to follow their inconsistent instructions, so I'll be posting on subs that I'm not banned from using kxvz once people stop pinging me on this one.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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A spinny skirt
A spinny ring

I guess a spinny ring will be a Hula Hoop, but WTF is a spinny skirt? :D


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You forgot to update the OP with my new request.

Not into mohawks? How about dick pics for Autystic liberation?

You're welcome to make fun of me but you better step it up and do a good job. That post has been up for hours and you haven't linked it yet. Tsk tsk tsk.

very interesting