Banning slurs is more annoying than funny. Its killing this sub more than normies ever did. Please get a proper sense of humor f-slurs

65  2019-04-03 by BenaGD


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Its funny because its annoying

I now unironically support the slur ban.

We've become more creative due to the ban.

Plus no one can accuse us of being bigots now because we don't use mean words anymore.

The problem is that plenty of actual slurs were missed by the mods. I guess we should report any of those that we see.

shut up you narc


sounds like a slur ๐Ÿค”

I'll report just in case.


Please don't use slurs here. This is a family friendly subreddit you r-slur.

This seems like your idea quietus. A sjws wet dream for drama

You're not wrong. It's been pretty amusing.

It kind of wearing me out. Iโ€™m gonna start copying text and reposting. Maybe if we spam enough they will turn these f@ggot a$$ bots off

Trying to read shit is pretty tiring when it's all m-slur f-slur x-slur. I don't know when the admin heat will be off though and you just know everyone is going to go crazy with the slurs as soon as the bot is turned off.

I've reported 'Albanian'.

no one can accuse us of being bigots now

Imagine believing this is true for any reason in current_year

imagine not having faith in peoplekind.


sir, its current_year + 5

+4 ackshully.

current year plus 4 to be exact

We've become more creative due to the ban.

Just imitating each other does not make us "creative". It just makes us redditors in the short buss.

I disagree.



First letter + "-slur" = pinnacle of creativity? The absolute state of dramacels.

The idea of this is good, but the execution is so bad. A couple of things to make it better:

  1. rotating list of verboten slurs - after a couple of days some new ones get added along with some random words, and a few old ones get removed from the banlist without announcing which ones

  2. cut down the automod message, it's taking up too much Lebensraum

  3. slur is now a slur and a permanent exception to 1

This way you increase creativity and cut down even more seriousposts in 1 strike. The only problem is that it requires some effort from the mods.


no u

Got em

The only problem is that it requires some effort from the mods.

Hahaha good luck with that.

shut up foxtrot alpha golf

This is a great idea. We could turn /r/drama into the internet Oulipo but with a small fraction of the inteligence of the real Oulipo

damn snally. preggos aren't supposed to be so smart.

rotating list

God please no. Its already hard enough to keep up with what's banned especially with the joke slurs the mods slipped in. It'd also fuck with our lolcows too much. I've already seen a few lolcow comments get deleted and this would make the problem even worse. Without pinging we need to take what we can get

As I said, it probably requires too much mod effort, including whitelisting lolcows. Seeing the automod message everywhere is annoying me like crazy too, but if the mods want to keep this shit around they should make it more interesting at the very least.

I think the bot should do more.

Old defense mechanism against newcomers: slurs

New defense mechanism: the sub has devolved to the point people from other subs can't understand us

the sub has devolved to the point people from other subs can't understand us


Ping8ng is much more important than being able to use no no words.

u/BenaGD stop being a phaggit



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I think it was a little funny at first but now that the novelty has worn off it's more annoying. I think the worst part about it is that it seems to encourage seriousposting.

I keep on forgetting so all my comments get removed and I can't be bothered typing up another so that's at least one positive for the sub.

longpost bot should be re-done to just instaban long posts.

If the slur ban is legitimately a problem for you, it's a sign that you need to expand your lexicon, you Mongoloid/fruit/gringo.

I think Mongo-Fruigo was a boss in Banjoo-Tooie.

playing beep-boop games for literal children


It shames me to admit it, but in my younger days, I was unironically a child.

I like how you can still say Fuck though

its not a slur

the slur ban has destroyed hundreds of seriouspost long posts, which is in of itself a fantastic reason to keep her up

Also slaughtered some lolcows in the process. The value in the tradeoff just isn't quite there yet.

Here are some suggestions.

keep her up


some automod rules have penises, and that's ok.

It destroyed one of mine ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Good. ๐Ÿ˜

/r/drama must die for salvation to reach us

It's pretty amusing because it's so rarted.

My only gripe is when it hits lolcows.

I support the ban now because of this post. If people like you are going to whine about it, that's just more drama for us.

I will beat you to death

I can only hope.


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My applause to the guy that said a bunch of slurs that got deleted


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dumb bot

Can I say cunt?

Well yeah banning that would be racist against Ozslurs.

Disagree, it makes us up our insult game. If you don't like it then btfo before I bite my thumb at you

i sport slur ban, this effectively kills the normalfriends

Ok r-slur.