r/blackpeopletwitter is now private

392  2019-04-03 by Plumfruits


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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Snappy with the relevant comment about these losers not being able to post in BPT




Do better

Be better.

Feel better.

Platitude better.

Shid better.

Pis better.

Cheddar better.

I don't know how this works.

XD so random


Suck ur mom




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When an entire race of Y’alls cannot behave.

Lame. They should have waited for mayo preservationists to take the bait.

Bit surprised KiA didn't post a thread about it.

reparations when

What's the seasoning?

I mean...

So is the minstrel show finally over?


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Shame. A basketball-american exclusive bpt sounded kinda nice

so the darkie sub went dark eh

Ex deeee

Ban all pun makers.

read this as 'darkseid club' 3 times

I need a fucking nap.

shut your mouth r-slur capesh*t f-slur

by allah i will beat you with my shoe

i too enjoy stories that exist solely to look cool and have no real people. what a nerd amirite

You think the person who wrote that thought it would look 'cool'?


How could you possibly think anyone here or elsewhere cares to hear about your sad illiteracy

Wait are we supposed to expect people to care about what we say here?

Minorities are starting to segregate themselves

Is this good or bad


You think you're funny, huh? You think you're funny saying 'yes' to a non 'yes or no' question? I bet you think you're really witty saying that rehashed meme again. Well you aren't. You aren't funny. You aren't hilarious in the slightest. I didn't laugh. I didn't grin, I didn't even exhale out of my nose. Your joke wasn't funny. Your joke was shit. It's stale and shitty. If you're going to make a joke, make an original one or at least improve the one you're taking. This was low effort. Step up your game, or just don't make jokes in the comment section at all.






Hahahahhaa get it it's a subreddit chain hahahhahaha !!!!111!1111!1

This but dudebussylmaoronically



shillbot sentient

aw shit, don't set off someone named Milton. Straight up serial killer name, I bet this guy is wearing the other guys face like a mask already.

It's a reference to mah friendly n-slur Friedman

Oh yeah! Grandfather of the year you mean? That guy is a handless pro.



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W slur alert

Whįte is a slur, but wigger isnt

Well yea there’s nothing wrong with wigger what are you trying to imply?

mayocide now.

I’m as long as you kill me first

It's good because now we dont have to smell them but bad because we lost out on all that tasty food 😭🌮🌯🍲🍣

What food, they're black remember.

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Mayos don't make tasty food

Radical centrist take this.


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Perfect, equality, centrism.

Tbh Soul Food is good, but I can live without it.

Now if the Koreans and Thai segregate themselves, that’s when it’s time to get a tan and start squinting more

Tbh Soul Food is good

What is it with burgers and their love for deep fried glop?

Solid objects leaving your a-slur is the same as something entering it, which is g-slur.

I like my excrements to be watery, that was I feel less g-slur.

Solid objects leaving your a-slur is the same as something entering it

Do you mean droppping logs in the morning is basically reverse dildoing your b-slur? 😬😬

Yes, especially if you enjoy it

Based and b-slur pilled

Bussy isn't a slur😋

But w h i t e is. This sub lol.

If you one day find yourself in the southern end of a freedom loving country, go ahead and try fried pickles and fried green tomatoes. Oh and while you’re at it try some fried Oreos as well

You’ll get it

try fried pickles


and fried green tomatoes

Yeah, why not??

try some fried Oreos as well

Jesus christ, literally why??

you’ll get it

Well, I'll be in burgerland this coming June, might just try it.

Oh, and it's over for milk-n-cookiecels

Make sure to split the fried Oreos with someone, they were created by and for fat people so no normal person can ingest that much sugar in one sitting.


will do, surely.

am northern fatty.

Even I can hardly eat that stuff ~_~

Literally my standard for when I go to burgerland, I usually just order an appetizer and a salad and the waitress looks like I’m depriving myself. No, I just can’t eat a literal bucket of fried whateverthefuck and still feel human.


“Weak”, he types, wheezing https://i.imgur.com/DgiHI4U.jpg

I'm almost underweight, but in terrible shape, so your comment isn't wrong.

You want, like, the real answer?

We still got dumb caveman brains left over from like 10000 years ago when hunter-gathering was all the rage. Back then, large sources of fat and sugar were rare, but important to survival because of how calorically dense they are. So our dumb caveman brains essentially fetishized fat and sugar, to try and make us devour it whenever we came across it, like the filthy beasts we are on the inside.

Well, since then, both sugar and fat have gotten much easier to produce, but our dumb caveman brains dont realize that. So while you might know on a factual basis a deep fried oreo is literally one of the nutritionally worst things you can shove down your gullet, the dumb caveman part of you will taste the massive amount of fat and sugar and tell you to never fucking stop eating it.

And to be honest, they're pretty fucking good.

I love fried green tomatoes so much but live in socal and don't know how to make it happen. 😣

I was down in Miami for a Christmas vacation and they were literally everywhere, now I have to search for em. Had good luck at whiskey/bourbon bars

I found them once in a bar in San Diego! But that was probably eight years ago. I'd make the damn things myself if I could find a way to buy green tomatoes. I asked at a farmers market once and they thought I was crazy.

Just buy some tomatillos and pronounce it wrong while cooking them and your good to go

I found them at the Whistle Stop Café.

Oh awesome! Thank you

Tomatillos do the trick...in a pinch.

Is this a thing? Two people have now said that and now I'm considering it. But taking advice from here is so tragic.

Uh. Fry some tomatoes, r-slur.

fried green tomatoes

Greeks already did the "frying tomatoes" thing better with domokeftedes.

If you’re going to bring up fried Greek food and not even mention saganaki you are already wrong


Based and fetapilled

I can never tell the difference between Greek food and side characters on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

did you forget fried ice cream?

or fried candy bars?

I can already feel my arteries clogging, it's been a while since I was at a fair in the south.

Deep fried Twinkie or gtfo

Fuck I love fried oreos. Try chicken-on-a-stick too while you're at it

Is that like a corn dog but with fried chicken? Because I am *about that *

😏 it's chicken, potatoes, onions, and pickles fried on a kebab. You ever try crawfish? Yeehaw

You have opened my mind, friend

Hell yeah I've sucked the heads of a few, better than lobster by a mile. But round here we belong to the Church of Old Bay

You know how Amricans always say Taco Bell gives them the shits? Well, all Amricans barely get any fibre in their diets, so as soon as a single bean passes through their body it just expels it full force.

This, but unironically

burger cuisine is mostly the corn syrup lobby at work

I feel like a fucking superhuman because this doesn't happen to me. I thought it was just an exaggerated joke like "haha shitty processed food makes me bleed out my ass" until I met people that actually happens to every time

Me, my boyfriend, and two of our friends got sonic one night and the next day all three of them had the shits and I was fine. Damn weaklings btfo by cheesy tots smh


Should food = Denny’s

Denny's is the Jimmy Fallon of restaurants.

I only like it when I’m drunk or high?


Soul food isn't spicy at all yet bl*ck Americans talk like you need to have a super godly spice tolerance to be able to eat it when poking fun at mayos for their supposed intolerance of spices.

Italians, Greeks, Hungarians and Spaniards put more spices in their cooking than any soul food dish yet they say mayos don't spice shit.

Now Jamaican food on the other hand...that is some pretty fiery shit.

Seriously, I’ve never had Soul Food that was actually spicy, and I’ve had soul food recommended by a guy that runs a AA museum and wears funny Africa clothes.

If you want a lot of good spice, you have to hit up Mexicans or Thai people. They know their spice.

Indians too, of course. They eat the hottest chilis like they're chewing gum.

Funny how the hottest pepper on record (The Carolina Reaper) was breeded by a mayo from South Carolina.


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From my wife's alma mater!

Akshully, its the Bitch T at over 300 million Scoville units

It really isn't for the most part. It's just greasy as all hell and a lot of it stinks. I think soul food is really overrated, the novelty is gone when you've grown up on it and your grandma made her whole house smell like farts every single week by boiling cabbage or greens your entire childhood

They're talking about how they over season everything and butter the shit out of it

That's why I carry hot sauce in my purse...in case I run into any n-egros.

Seoul Food, sweaty.


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whïte is now verboten?!

Oh god I’m not Korean but I would pay so much money for Korean cooking classes

One reason I’ll never leave Southern California: I can get pre-marinated Korean meats at H-mart for super cheap 😍

Omg super H mart is one of the greatest things to have ever happened to me

whypite poepl aint even Season they chicken lol

No need to be racist here, leave it to them.

They are way too much into pale peoples women to ever let that happen

Richard Spencer approved

Ummm v v good

Good for the rest of us

Just the natural process of life


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You think blackpeopletwitter isn't a bunch of LARPing m-slurs?


wiggers are a minority?

where were you when digital blackface died

Unfortunately r/hiphopheads is still open

Xanax will sort out that problem sooner or later

It is not like you can die with that shit though

Xanax will definitely kill you, it just takes a bit of alcohol and other stuff to help the process

Which is the same as saying Xanax doesn't kill you unless you mix it with something else. Ergo, Xanax doesn't kill you.

Bullets don't kill, it's the traumatic injury and blood loss that'll get ya.

Dude, just Google how many deaths per year occur as consequence of overdosing on benzodiazepines (such as alprazolam aka Xanax). I am waiting.

Shane Darke: The main findings were there had been a major increase in the number of cases presenting with alprazolam and, more importantly, a major increase in the number of cases where alprazolam was contributing to death. We had three cases where it was present in 1997. By 2012, there were 86 cases, representing 1 in 20 cases that presented to the Department of Forensic Medicine.

Marion Downey: What were the deaths? What were the main types of deaths?

Shane Darke: The main types of deaths were overdose deaths and the two major ones, mostly, overwhelming, accidental overdoses. People that weren’t intending to die but using alprazolam in conjunction with other drugs, in particular such as the opiates or alcohol, were indeed dying.

Yikes. Turns out Xanax, by itself or conjunction with alcohol, can be lethal. I wonder if that’s what I literally said? 🤔

In clinical studies in rats, the LD50 — the dose that caused half of the rats to die — ranged from 331 to 2,171 mg per kilogram of body weight. This suggests that a person would have to take several thousand times the maximum prescribed dose to fatally overdose.

Find me one case of someone dying from Xanax alone. You can't because it's not possible

How do you really think this? Lol

Are you still waiting or are you now coping?

Xancels seething

You’re a soundcloud rapper we get it

What? You can die from straight up withdrawing on Xanax.

Benzo withdrawl can certainly kill you

Benzo withdrawal will kill you. Opiate addicts are pussies, that withdrawal won't give you deadly seizures.

Yes the community that unironically believes that you can inly like hip hop if you're a woke-ass y'all poster.

Yep. I sincerely enjoy hiphop, but the subreddit has been garbage for at least the last 5 years.

Oh no. I can longer pretend to be poc and say the n-word.

Literally my only reason to live

What's the point now really ?

I feel like singing something similar to this song.

Fo' shizzle my n-slur.


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im just salty bc i tried verifying and they havent responded yet

Huh, I probably can make a passable blackhand with some soot, if that's what they require lmao.

You can probably find someone at fiverr to take a picture for you.

Okay lmao

Fucking baaaaaaste, seeing all the mayos cry about this "racism" is funny as fuck

imagine being so upset about not being able to post and comment on a sub that you cry about it all over reddit

I'm pretty sure plenty of them are just happy we've reverted to 1950s style segregation again. Separate but equal!


Seething? I'm just glad I get a turn on the basketball court now and my own water fountain.

It's a subreddit that's not meant for you, what's so hard to understand lol

They can get fountains meant for them too!

Wow its justt he same!

Why would I want into that shithole? Lmao NooseTits provides half their content, why would anyone want in?

Why are you crying about your whoteboi oppression then lol

Whose crying? Lol Are we reading the same comments?

Cope, cry more whyte boi

Why is it not suprising that a m-slur t-slur is also an r-slur 🤔

Lmao you're fucking retarded

Lmao you're fucking retarded

So woke that you accidentally segregate again

It's not a horseshoe, it's a straight up circle. Like the typical dramanauts family tree.

dr king LITERALLY died for this shit

I'm sure hes spinning in his grave so hard right now we could harness him as a perpetual motion machine for unlimited power.

nah its more like they made a restaurant only for blacks but still eat at every other restaurant.

These are the same people that claim not to care about leddit or take it too seriously

I wish they could just admit that they care. I have no shame in admitting that I love browsing through internet drama, why are they so scared to admit they wanna shitpost with the cool kids?

I unironically love this sub.

These are the same people that claim not to care about leddit or take it too seriously

Unlike you, who totally for-real doesn't take it seriously

Cucking you daily is serious business to me hun

how else am I able to say the n-slur now 😭😭😭


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I was one of those people. Now I’m just fucking embarrassed of myself

Putting the word racism in quote Mark's doesn't actually make it stop being racism

But you would know that already of course, being a racist.

racism against mayos


Sorry I triggered you

Why would you ever trigger me? You're one of my favorite whiteys here

Oh look honey the mayo is salty

You can't be racist against mayos, they're subhuman.

Why is it okay to call people racial slurs on Reddit now?


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God bless those BPT mods and getting a bunch of black people to time stamp how black they are. It is FPH all over again.

yeah, that was in bad state. i can't believe a bunch of fragile white mods who cry racism everywhere would do that.

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Crying about a double standard; if a subredit made the same rule and said "white only" the CEO of Reddit will personally ban it in two minutes and make a huge public apology. And in three minutes Twitter will ban anyone that visited it.

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Crying about a double standard; if a subredit made the same rule and said "mayos only" the CEO of Reddit will personally ban it in two minutes and make a huge public apology. And in three minutes Twitter will ban anyone that visited it. However some chocolates saying "chocolate only" is fine apparently in 2019.

I wouldn't really care tbh

We know. Because you are a racist.

I'm not arsed, it's literally just screencaps of some dude saying "wypipo be like X beyoncerollinghereyes.gif"

Right, this move shouldn't anger anyone

Who is angry this is hilarious.


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Most people seem to be laughing at them not crying but ok.


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filthy wh*tes deserve as much

Can i say color wHiT*? Otherwhise this is pretty ridicoulous.

Did you just assume that colors hue?


will they get their own water fountains?

Separate 👏🏿 but 👏🏿 equal! 👏🏿

They've got their own memefountain at /r/WhitePeopleTwitter

Based and JimCrowPilled.



That sub was very dehumanising and hurtful.

It was also pretty racist towards whites

DAE white people are the worst

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DAE wh*te people are the worst

You can't be racist against non-people.

This but unironically

This but ironically .. or possibly ironmaidenally

Get the fuck out allfugee.

He's been deported

Are you actualy an Arab or just larping

Separate but equal

But how am I supposed to enjoy Reddit's biggest minstrel show now?

/r/NBA is still open


So, is racism dead now?


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If you're not banned from /r/blackpeopletwitter already you're using it wrong

i got banned from that shithole within a week


I got banned from there lmao


careful what you do with this information.

Never been on it, but I've been banned from /r/aznidentity for saying that Asians need to pay reparations to mayos for what the Mongols did in Eastern Europe.

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

Based Chinggis did nothing wrong.


I'm bummed I have definitely laughed at their content. But I am not going to apologize for something I can't control just to see content. That is fucking stupid.

r/whitepeoplepassingncardabecausetheysecretlywanttobeblack went private?

W-slurs went into the wrong hood.

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Wtf I love segregation now!

I forgot to buy dramacoin. Y'ALL told my ass smh.

Lmao probably got spanked by the admins

first this, then next it's Rape Camps For Mayoes 2020, smdh

Why are M-slurs so fragile



nice. ebin

Honkeys will never recover

Mayocide stage 2 has commenced

I'm happy for blck folks that get to browse their sub without mayo nonsense, but at the same time I'm angry that whte self-flagellating Chapos get to feel smug about "chuds" being banned

Good, the sub was shit anyways tbh

God damn the drama sub is triggered over this.

not really

I unironically love this. All those semi-woke wannabe-nigga hyspanyc and hwhyte kids crying in hysterics and being branded as nazis and far-right by their racial overlords.

this was some good drama, too bad the mods pussied out.

And nothing of value was lost.


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Now they’ve shut themselves in over there does that mean all our house prices go up? 🤔

Should get banned for condoning hate.

As if Reddit cares if someone is racist towards whites. Reminder that r/fragilejewishredditor is quarantined but r/fragilewhiteredditor isn't

and nothing of value was lost

There's always twitter where these self hating wh*tes can go to get woke points anyways.

As a black man I am in and we are doing good without mayos

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Imagine if whitepeopletwitter did that. Insanity.

They realized their whole sub including the mods are whiter than gluten free cocaine.

dae hate yankees?

So this definitely is not a extension of April fools?


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Now it's open to everyone again and they're saying it was a joke, citing the B R A V E stance /r/games took, and saying they wanted to do something similar to highlight the racism that had been prevalent in BPT... against b-slur people.

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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It'd be funny af if BPT got nuked or quarentined before us


Ugh I wasn't allowed to enjoy Black Panther and now I can't do bpt.

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It’s open again

I kind of feel bad for them. It's like the lightly skinned (fuck you auto mod you are making this sub confusing as shit, you fuck.) people over at /games figured out a way to trick them into segregating themselves.

They realized it though and opened the sub up again lol

What are you even talking about? They added the verification thing for past reasons nothing to do with games. And it was a long april fools joke/expirement. It was never going to last.



They are really, really addicted to race though.

Real talk, n-slurs shouldn’t be comparing someone’s complexion to food when they out there looking like a burnt piece of toast.

But I’ll allow it because it’s kinda hilarious.

Ay you hol up so you be sayin wipipo don like it when we be raycis an shiet


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We recently made a change to our BPT that it would be for “rgb 0 0 0 people only.”

First we sparked a brand new neo-nazi subreddit /r/Subforrgb255255255PeopleOnly. I guess reddit showed us how not racist they are by... being incredibly racist.

pot kettle rgb 0 0 0 👀

But how will I get my Laquisha and Tyrone twitter posts for the day? It's a sad day.


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