Tariq Nasheed of CB2 is upset by BPT excommunication of mayos.

56  2019-04-03 by darkinard


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Fuck it you win.

It's going to be fantastically ironic when I'm the only person left who gives enough of a shit to comment here.

Lmao at cb2 furiously failing to deal with a basketball showing up and reminding them all that they're a bunch of fucking mayos

If the whitoid blackpeopletwitter mods wanted to make a point against racism they would quit, then, give their imaginary internet jobs to basketballs, but good luck getting these losers to give up their petty internet kingdoms

> Quit

You quit jobs, janitors do it for free

Calling them janitors is offensive, I like janitors and they too have their jobs..

I'm African American. DM me if any of you phaggots wanna use my pic to get in. $20 to get custom pic with me holding ur username tho

That's way too steep, man. You're competing with charcoal and lipstick, you gotta keep those expectations in line if you wanna be successful.

Post a pic of your arm and a dank meme.

I mean he has a point, an overly exaggerated point about a minute topic but still it's true.

An m-slur mod decides it'd be funny to ban all m*yos from a digital minstrel show as an April fools joke, this gives the cultural warriors on the other side to point this out and cry double standards about a darkie being allowed to something that'd be culturally unacceptable for them to do.

And while this all is happening the overly progressive myos are patting themselves on the back for not taking offence to a myo speaking on behalf of darkies.

Damm m*yos you cunning.

The Perfidious Mayo has its slimy tentacles in every corner of the world, within every institution, within every soul!

The self loathing apologetic whites in the comments are my favorite part tbh

These self flagellating mayos make me ashamed of being wh*te. Wait...


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Nobody hates mayos like mayos.

this person is the opposite of tariq nasheed

who is tariq nasheed?

Reactionary hotep who writes PUA books. Hates whites, feminists, and liberals.

Latest project is a documentary on the practice of "buck breaking," the systematic and institutionalized anal rape of male slaves by their owners.