bloodthirsty /r/fuckthealtright mod gets violent post deleted, rallies the troops to fight the nazi reddit admins

180  2019-04-03 by AmericaStrong


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Snappie for president 2020

Will that slimy dirtbag finally be IP banned?

Are you telling me that you condemn the American Allied soldiers who defeated Hitler and the Wehrmacht in Europe in the 1940s?

Oh look, the larpers are stealing glory again, lmao

My main account got temp-banned site wide because I dared to bring up the fact that it wasn't that long ago that we used to just fucking kill Nazis instead of debating them. You know, in that little event called World War II, in which a bunch of these freaks got iced.

Which we all know was famously started by bravely punching Nazis

most those soldrs were whte mles born in 20s

%90 tought wom*n are housewife, col*ured not ppl, no like g-slurs and special not t-slur if knew exist, and much many more old view

they all n*zis by these f-slur standard

worse crime they did not ask consent before kiss

The generation that fought world war 2 would have punched the shit out of these agoraphobic tran zoomers for being a bunch of whiny pussies, but don't tell them that.

The Virgin Allied Infantryman vs. The Chad FuckTheAltRight User

Damned i see you around, y is your grammer such shit? Noncheesburger?

Do these retarded zoomers not know that it was Daddy Stalin who took Berlin?

They think Stalin was a good guy

I’d pay to watch the american heroes of ww2 beat the everloving shit out of these people.

Most of those sóldiers would be considered literal Nazis now, given the views they had.

imagine being an internet m*derator and unironically thinking of yourself on the same level as the allied forces storming normandy

may allah strike them all down

I have family (from the US and USSR) that had the glorious honor of being able to engage with and kill fascists on the battlefield and it's something I'm enormously proud of.

Just disgusting frankly. This dude probably has too much anxiety to leave his house and he wants to LARP about killing Soviets.

God, I wish we could still tag users. THIS IS WHAT IT WAS MADE FOR.

My grandparents were occupied by the fascists and fought them, none of them were positively effected from the war besides surviving it. This larping asshole is romanticizing the suffering of millions just so he can get his justice boner stroked.

This is how we get another war. People think it's some fun activity to do on your off time from moderating commie subs. F-worded r-slurs



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So in their warped minds they the fat pussies that have never been in a fight are American Soldiers fighting the good fight and edgy neck beard losers are Nazi Soldiers. I lack the vocabulary to express how pathetic that is

My main account got temp-banned site wide because I dared to bring up the fact that it wasn't that long ago that we used to just fucking kill Nazis instead of debating them. You know, in that little event called World War II, in which a bunch of these freaks got iced.

Which we all know was famously started by bravely punching Nazis

As far as the admins are concerned, it’s literally open season on jewish people, non-whites, women, and LGBTQ+ people who are just trying to exist. Meanwhile, if you’re a genocide-promoting white nationalist terrorist, you have their full protection and SPONSORSHIP.

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no u

As far as the admins are concerned, it’s literally open season on jewish people, non-w-slurs, w*men, and LGBTQ+ people who are just trying to exist. Meanwhile, if you’re a genocide-promoting w-slur nationalist terrorist, you have their full protection and SPONSORSHIP.

I enjoyed noted cr*zy xirson BelleAriel asking why anyone would care about xir past self.

And once again, its one of the same 5-10 mod accounts that always are the ones behind the dumbest shit on this site. I bet its dubteedub who's behind BPTs closure as well.

He's a 40-something year old mayo. He larps as a revolutionary online with a bunch of teenage edgelords and an old dried up English slag. You just know both of them are very fat.

This is the "point and laugh" flavor of drama, my favorite.

How will the feels brigade destroy le ebul redit natses this time? By locking a post? By crying a bunch? Or by being a bunch of insufferable, hypocritical cunťs?

Homeslice is BEGGING for a sitewide ban at this point. Which he would love, because it'd feed his victim narrative.

The real reason he’s mad is that reddit cracked down on his favorite diaper fetish subs while t_d skates right by. Poor devavrata17, I’ve never been one to kink shame

Spez/Steve Huffman’s open support for Nazis has been public knowledge for years


Rightoids: Reddit admins are far-leftists

Leftoids: Reddit admins are Nazis

Could it be?Are the admins radical centrists?

I knew daddy Spez was one of us all along 😍😍

Don't you remember that one time Spez posted here saying he consented to pinging? I thought that it was common knowledge that he was based and dramapilled.

spez is an alright dude, no idea how you maintain the chill with these permanently-offended MAGA-men, Twitter Jews, and their various allies put for your blood (in Minecraft).

Are the admins radical centrists?

Definitely not

Chapo is not quarantined so he's not

Lmao have they just conveniently forgotten that reddit changed the /r/all algorithm multiple times to try and keep td off the front page until eventually they created /r/popular? Or are they just pretending that doesn't mean anything?

Let’s not forget Spez using his admin rights to edit the comments of TD users to make it look like they were attacking TD mods. He suffered zero consequences for that egregious abuse of power.

He suffered zero consequences for that egregious abuse of power.

That's because it was fucking hilarious.

I still seriously can’t believe he got away with that. If Ellen Pao got caught editing negative comments about herself the uproar would have been unreal.

Devearata is my favourite person to follow on this entire website the dude is completely insane but in a hilarious way.


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Him and the fem@le version of him belleariel are the the top mayos of reddit, by far

I really wonder what he looks like irl.

I doubt he would live up to my expectations tho

If you have ever seen belle, you would likely not wanna see imo

You just KNOW both of them are very fat and have a weird smell.

It's milk. The smell is milk. 🤢

He's supposed to be in his 40's

It's pretty hilarious he and belle love reporting and banning and when it's done to them their first comparison is Nazi Germany and WWII. lol They project so much.

Yup, if I were a loser/psycho I would just lurk their subs and report and a message the admins all day.

Don’t forget KubrickIsMyCopilot idk if he’s a mod anywhere but he posts like 300 comments a day and they are consistently some of the angriest content I’ve seen on reddit

His bantz are fucking terrible and his insults are even worse

Just dripping with boomer humour

It’s where a couple of dozen of the 13yo bussybois from /drama think they can go to harassment-ping because they abused the feature to such a degree on /drama that even the admins concluded that they lacked the maturity to retain the privilege. Same thing happened with /shitpoliticssays.

Just looked at that thread and AGAIN Quietus42 is starting on me. I have not contacted him in over seven days and STILL he continues his vendetta and harassment campaign towards me. Not happy with joining my trolls, starting threads poking fun of me for having mental illness, playing division tactics and veto-ing me from being re-modded to TMOR, he has to continue on and on and and ON.

From now on I am documenting every harassment he makes towards me and reporting it to the admins. I also have documented the PMs I sent both r/Drama asking for them to cease allowing r/loungers a platform to continue stalking and harassing me, as well a correspondence I started with him last Wednesday hoping for a truce.

He wants to pick me apart to impress his new bullying friends instead of leaving me the FUCK alone he can expect to face the consequences. I have had enough of this bs.

I think his insults are the saddest thing about him, and that's a hard decision but the insults (which he absolutely thinks are clever) are teenage edgelord at very best. I sometimes feel bad for him.

The worst part is how many upvotes he gets for them, his echo chamber really strokes his old man ego.

Perhaps he's like us Wenlocks and there's only one person feverishly upvoting himself.

Nah, it's a couple of middle aged singletons, each massaging the ego of the other, egging each other on to ever more ridiculous levels of edginess.

Makes me laugh now how she's cringing around dev, still smarting from Meriatigate.

Devavrata is a personified version of everyone on r/incels in 20 years.

Watching mods try to threaten anyone is the funniest thing to watch

i like how the admin gave him the opportunity to report any other hate speech he saw on other subs, but instead the dude decided to REE about the holocaust

Spez deleted the thread to defend them. When a typical 110 pound Reddit tankie tries to punch someone, it won't end well for the tankie.

Wowza, they do sound incredibly paranoid. Time to go outside for a few hours.

I called out Steve Huffman personally, by name, username ping and all, for this exact shit, called him a "CHUD," "techbro douchebag," and "an enemy of the people" (all of which are not untrue statements btw) and that cowardly little shitbag had my account fucking nuked. At least I think that's why. I had been popping off for weeks in all kinds of comment sections but once I pinged spez, my shit got banned. Not sure if this is even relevant tbh

called him a "CHUD," "techbro douchebag," and "an enemy of the people" (

He said sooo many slurs 😱😱😱.

The admins definitely deleted his account because they were afraid of the truth getting out there and waking-up the sheeple, and not because he was annoying them with his never-ending tantrum.

Imagine typing this out and KNOWING people will give a pat on the back for "standing up to the man" lmao

Not sure if this is even relevant tbh

Probably isn't buddy

*As far as the admins are concerned, it’s literally open season on je₩ish people, non-wites, woamen, and LGBTQ+ people who are just trying to exist. Meanwhile, if you’re a genocide-promoting wite nationalist terrorist, you have their full protection and SPONSORSHIP.


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They seriously are pathetic. I bet most of them are teenagers living with their parents. No adults would acr like them. Have you seen their spelling and grammar? Good lord. Imagine being that angry and bitter in life that you enjoy going online to divide people, create arguing, be mean-spirited, vile human beings.

Makes fun of others spelling and grammar. Misspells "are" and wtf is "create arguing"?

Am I just thick? Because I personally do not understand how they find behaving in such a hateful, manipulative way, entertaining.

I don't usually do the "r/relevantsub" thing here, but this is one of the most r/selfawarewolves things I've ever seen.

I thought it was an elaborate troll for a second. Earlier in the thread she's asking how anyone could defend Nazis after gassing six million Jews, and quite frankly it caught me by surprise because that's like a classic MDE level thing to whip out whenever subject matter like this is brought up.

I really can't tell if we are being trolled...

Not like it'd ever get posted there its thinly-veiled lefty shitpost sub #43

Imagine being that angry and bitter in life that you enjoy going online to divide people, create arguing, be mean-spirited, vile human beings.

Close to self awareness or just projecting?

Couldn't have put it better myself. Except Belle would instantly melt down to a very ugly puddle of slush if her personality disorder afforded her a second of self-awareness.

She's REEEing about admins again, does she not realise that we Wenlocks also report all her call out posts and her continual harrassment of other posters, especially Merari01

She posted a thread yesterday asking for help in creating a new cat sub. Only to be gently informed that r/cats probably has it covered.

She only needed a new cat sub because (brace yourself) she got banned from a fucking cat sub. How the hell does that happen? Fell out with a mod. The range of subs which still allow her to post narrows, week by week. Entertainment for the masses at its finest.

Jesus fucking Christ. Didn't spot that.

How the fuck does an adult engage in an an argument over a cat sub? Guess Belle will always find a way.

did she really get banned from r/cats? lololol She must have raged over a post removal or something.

She posts 'purrfect' at least once a day on any given cat sub. That and other zero-effort cat puns. It's nauseating, but not quite as bad as the free karma subs she used to haunt.

Yes, she does always post "purrfect". And "Aww beautiful". Makes a change from "orange man bad" and "impeach him".

Don't forget the overuse of 'irked', 'petulant' and a misspelt 'schadenfreude'. Last time it was 'scandfreude', which is probably what happens when a Swede laughs at a Norwegian slipping on a patch of ice.

She actually picks these up from things directed at her. I too have marvelled at the schadenfreude misspellings.

Have you ever noticed how they (not just Belle) constantly respond to each other's comments with the thought-provoking


At least she finally got over her "CONservative" spam titles.


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There was the short-lived RepubliSCUM. Even the other (going to use one of Dev's favourite insults here) "tay-tay (tee-hee) g-slur (hoo-hoo)" posters called her out on that one.

Let that sink in. A sad lonely 40 year old man whose only purpose in life is being an internet janny and the best he can come up with as an insult is

tay-tay (tee-hee) g-slur (hoo-hoo)

Yeah, you read that right. He actually wrote that. As an actual attempt to insult someone. Imagine.

kat_bot and I always laugh in discord and agree that Dev and Belle are perfect mirror images of each other. The only difference is Dev seems to at least come up with something original where Belle just parrots whatever group she's trying to impress.

The last time she had a meltdown, Dev just said "ok bye" lol. I'm looking forward to her next meltdown when he does the same and she doxxes him like she did Raasy.

She actually posted " THATS MEEOOOWARVELOUS " the other day, she's a real fucking unit.

She's unironically r-tarded with the mentality of a 10 year old.

Hello my alt, sometime's I forget to reply to myself.

Quadrophenia could be our soundtrack, as for saggy tits cat sub thing, she already mods r/kittens so she already has access to a karma mine but then again the spice must keep flowing...

Have you seen their spelling and grammar? Good lord.

They obviously skip belleariel's posts, or they've read them and they're just blatantly taking the piss.

I was quoting Belle herself.

I should have caught that. It was the "good lord". She usually does "good grief". Hope I haven't "irked" anyone!


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I called out Steve Huffman personally, by name, username ping and all, for this exact shit, called him a "CHUD," "techbro douchebag," and "an enemy of the people" (all of which are not untrue statements btw) and that cowardly little shitbag had my account fucking nuked.

Wow that'll sure show him.

At least I think that's why. I had been popping off for weeks in all kinds of comment sections but once I pinged spez, my shit got banned. Not sure if this is even relevant tbh

Of course it doesn't you fucking schizo

I mean once you call someone a chud, it's over really, they can't fight back.

I was banned from that sub for being a dramz poster. All I did was talking about Ben "Get Me Axe to Hack The Blacks" Garrison and how he sucked.

The admins have way too much time on their hands. My main account got suspended for three days for "brigading" after I posted "PewDiePie is a Nazi, subscribe to T-Series" on the T-Series subreddit, which I'm the head mod of, while it was being brigaded by the PewDiePie sub after a post about it hit r/all.

Hmm yes clearly the admins are spending massive amounts of time on r-slured reddit activity

Couldn't have happened to a bigger sperg.

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TIL I'm already banned on that sub. Oh noze.




lmao of course it's devavrata17


I love those FtAR lolcowmods

He must have gotten temp banned to be this heated over a post removal. lol

lol yeah I copypasta'd it. She seems very proud of herself for banning Quietus. That button of power seems to make her middle-aged 40 year old panties moisten.

I have not contacted him in over seven days

This must have been fucking hard for her lmao

Haha she's still trying to paint herself as the victim. The best part? I even refrained from voting on whether she would be brought back on the TMoR mod team. I literally had nothing to do with it.

Thanks for the ping so I could see her lie and cry some more. It's pretty funny to me now that I know what a piece of shit she is.

You're welcome.

Why was there even talk about letting her back on the TMOR team anyway? I assume everyone at this point knows what a trainwreck she is.

I love how you created drama by not even doing anything :D Keep on keeping on, friendo.

Why was there even talk about letting her back on the TMOR team anyway? I assume everyone at this point knows what a trainwreck she is.

While she was simultaneously trying to get me kicked off the TMoR team, she was begging to be let back on. Obviously, that didn't work out for her.

I love how you created drama by not even doing anything :D Keep on keeping on, friendo.

All I have to do is occasionally comment on a Belle drama thread and she loses what little of her mind the drugs haven't already destroyed. Easiest lolcow I've ever milked.

Lmao amazing :D What a fucking trainwreck.

It's been 7 whole days, and now she's on a mission to stalk her stalkers.

Should we be afraid?

idk, I am kinda wondering if she has a bigger mission to get Merari de-modded or if she has switched focus to that traitor Quietus.

Who am I kidding? She has no job and sits on reddit, so she's probably taken on both missions.

LOL Yeah, she definitely has a wide on for merari01 at the moment, I wonder if he remembers our words of warning about her never forgetting a slight, when he was defending her last.

my favorite was the Slack leak of Merari calling Belle a stupid woman. xD

Good thing you copypasted that comment because she deleted it lmao

lmao as always! Hide everything so you can deny it later!

What do you mean "stalkers"? I thought there we were all just one? One Wenlock ;)

why hello ME stalker!

Hello my favourite alt, dinner in 10 - what condiments do you require?

It's a date, wenlocks.

You shall be air tight within the hour mon cher ;)

We are having a conversation with ourselves evey would find it hilarious, but she has us all blocked, which is another lie as she responds to what we post :)

I really love it when she says 'blocked' and carries on replying. She would no sooner block us (sorry, me!) than she'd get a job!

The only reason I mention she's 40 years old is because she slips some comment into her rants mentioning her age. xD

I'm clutching my sides and I'm one line in.

"Pant bloody seeds."

lmao Oh god, it's devavrata again. The lolcow cometh.

No. Ocrasorm. Spez/Steve Huffman’s open support for Nazis has been public knowledge for years.

This is the kind of thing that, if you told a psychiatrist its equivalent in the real world, the doctor would pick up a pencil and start jotting down a note mid-conversation

No. Ocrasorm. Spez/Steve Huffman’s open support for Nazis has been public knowledge for years.

This is the kind of thing that, if you told a psychiatrist its equivalent in the real world, the doctor would pick up a pencil and start jotting down a note mid-conversation

These people are all extremely mentally ill.