wokey tells protesting overworked laborers in china that they should care about BLM. based chinamen aren't having it.

193  2019-04-03 by Sea_Safe



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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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When you're so woke you forget to care about workers' rights

Something tells me this particular demographic thinks any instance of "work" or "workers" in their tankie-lite literature refers exclusively to pink collar jobs

In other words these blue collar workers get no pity, they clearly brought it upon themselves by working in such an outdated and bigoted field

What’s pink collar? Being a cam girl?

globohomo woke capitalism stuff?

So anything that doesn't involve ouchy callouses or sweating too much

Or any sort of real skills or qualifications.

Why is that hard to imagine lol people live their whole life that way. That's most retail and service jobs.

service oriented retail

The fuck? Look, it's not construction or outdoor labouring but retail has had me lifting hundreds of boxes and stacking them in an hour. It can get a lot more exhausting than being a receptionist.

I'm confused about what the fuck 'service oriented retail' means. All retail involves service...????

I think Wikipedia phrased it that way to make the distinction between wholefoods-tier retail and B2B sales

Otherwise you'd have supply contracts and government tenders falling under the same umbrella

Lmao if you think computer programmers care about workers rights. These are auti5ts that spend 16 years in school without any real job and get picked out of college to make 6 figures and basically set up for life to do literally nothing but play on computers. They wouldn’t know a day of work if it hit them in the face. And that’s why the day of the power outage must come as soon as possible

night of the Dot-Com

Tsarfish cult when?

shhh. Its a secret.

Woke-ies never cared about that.

Although the sentiment, "$foo lives matter" seems innocent and uncontroversial, by using it in this context, it diminishes its meaning in the original BLM context.

That's OUR special victim complex rallying cry! You can't share our cookie, it's MINE!

BLM diminishes the original meaning of BLM

It's almost as if muh oprreshaun is a scheme

Look at that haircut lmao



Looks like the fucking turnips from Mario Brothers 2


Look at this dood

Look at the top of his head.

What lips

Oh no no no...

Literal "fuck my shit up."

The haircut is called the "Jimmy Nu-male"



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@nebkor at github, what a cliche

996 is about Chinese worker rights, has absolutely nothing to do with him. But as a coastal city f[slur]g, he naturally expects the world to revolve around the performative victimhood nonsense that fills his smooth microbrain.

18 unarmed bl[slur]ck men were killed by US police in 2018. One in a million.


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They are absolutely roasting him too, it's awesome. It's making my evening to see this thin-lipped California s*y-slur get completely outclassed.

Man, that pangzineng is a sassy boi too, I love me that Azn b*ssy. He can get it.

Lol you're more likely to be eaten by a shark or killed by a vending machine assuming that stat is accurate.


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That thread and the comments/people in it exist. Amazing.

Wait, there's a forum on Git? And it's used by mayos to jerk each other off about how good of allies they all are?

The internet was a mistake.

A while back activists realized that you can use Git to store and manage any kind of file (like a text file), rather than just code. So they chat about whatever kinds of changes they want to make to their text files, and it's structured just like a programming project except they don't accomplish anything even by typical Git standards. You can imagine the kind of person who would participate in this exercise.

except this particular repo has a straight forward purpose: they are creating a legally sound software license that restrict use by IT companies with shitty labor conditions. Nowadays IT companies especially web companies live and die by free software so if these people can pull off the license and succeed in contaminate important infrastructure with this license, many IT companies will be forced to change their behavior.

That's... actually really interesting. I can't believe I actually learned something on reddit.

It will be incompatible with GPL and therefore pretty much stillborn.

just wait until this shit gets ruined by a CoC(k) written by SJWs or whatever the fuck

(https://github.com/CoralineAda/postmeritocracy)[this is a thing, for fuck's sake]

A developer is not born a developer;

Just wait, we’ll come up with a prenatal genetic screening soon enough

there's no strong history of developers being marginalized and enslaved and hated by state institutions.

Just wait; I’ll be president soon enough

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A developer is not born a developer; there's no strong history of developers being marginalized and enslaved and hated by state institutions. A police officer is not more likely to shoot a developer than a non-developer...A developer can stop being a developer and become something else

Wow this guy is not autisti-slur at all.


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I liked this part:

It takes very HIGH cost to escape from that env, that's why we call for improvement to the environment. You can stop being a programmer, but it cuts the family income, maybe the whole family will be suffer. B-slurs people can migrate to a b-slur-majority county, but that will also cost so much to do it.

This equivalence is grotesquely false. Please never make this bad argument again in the future.

You see, this is why we need mayocide. Without mayos, there will be no one to defend chocos from the glorious ching chong master race.

A "996" work schedule refers to an unofficial work schedule (9 a.m. ~ 9 p.m., 6 days per week) that has been gaining in popularity. Serving a company that encourages the "996" work schedule usually means working for at least 60 hours per week.

So this is what a communist revolution gets you.

just heading into my software job at one of chinas infinite startups, here in communist china

This zxkjack123 seems to be a pretty cool guy.

In the history of China, the governments of the dynasties that didn't give a fk to the people, are usually fked by the people.

And look at this pangzineng guy. Absolute champ:

Asians, especially Chinese, was never a part of people protected by political correctness in the eyes of Americans.

Too bad the whole thread devolved into Chinese complaining about captalists.

I don't get it. From what I can tell, their problem is their lack of freedom from government interference. The only way for that problem to be resolved is with trade and open-market policies with not a lot of government interference. That gives power to any common man who can develop and market their skills well. Those guys in that thread seemed smart, why don't they get that? Am I wrong? am I missing something here? Bah!

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

In China, the Capitalist business owner and the Communist government official are often buddies.


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Thank goodness w-slur males in a STEM field are around to tell poor overworked Chinese people not to appropriate the saying of a north American terrorist group as they fight oppression.

This race to the bottom is so exhausting.

I understand that you're proud of yourself because you got to be the one to point out something that you might consider "problematic", and that i'm kind of raining on your parade by saying all this, but it's indicative of a wider trend; tone-policing, concern-trolling, and e-scolding genuine working movements (or even any talk of distributive policy) out of existence in the name of a phoney, badly-thought-through idea of "inclusivity".


i'm so old i remember when github was primarily used as a code repository

I honestly don't know wtf happened.

The very definition of first world problems.

What are those third world fucks doing for meeeeee?!

What the fuck are these people even talking about

The desperation of tech workers to have their cake and eat it too is insane. You're not laborers. You work a salary job in a booming industry. Waaaa, sometimes there are crunch hours. Even whiny journalists have more of a claim to being labor and needing unions more than them, and I hate journalists. There is a great example of this in the doc "Seattle is Dying" where a bunch of tech babies are throwing their weight around to try and mold the homeless situation to their whims and when they are counter protested by construction workers they attempt to appeal to them as "my fellow laborers"

This is about China forcing developers to work basically free overtime or some commie shit idk

this is about chinese people working 72 hours a week for free. that's not normal, that's not ok. and chinese developers, i guarantee you, don't make 6 figures. they're probably lower middle class.

I strike my comments from relevance then. I let my dislike of domestic developers cause me to comment too quickly.

fmd went off