r/blackpeopletwitter is open again for everyone. Virtue signals about racism just like the r/Games mods.

551  2019-04-03 by Plumfruits


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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Woke bot

Whatā€™s the original?

Chapo closing. It's verbatim.


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But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day

Makes a lot of sense now

What kind of ableism do they deal with in their mother's basement?

jesus christ i refuse to believe this is an algorithm

Iā€™m pretty sure somebody said the creator of the bot has a say in it.

Otherwise https://imgur.com/gallery/JJsw3

All you need is the markov chain machine that the SubredditSimulator people use.

will it fit on my desk?

I doubt the creator can have a say in ~10 seconds, which is how long the bot took to make this comment.


Fuck off normie reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Delete and repost until you get a quote that fits, initiate circlejerk #4365 over how sentient the bot is.

Best bot

Bad bot lol...probably one of dem Russian robots

Fuggin deplorable bots on Twitter maga n shit

And they said Terminator was fiction

naked arnold schwarznegger when?

Skynet online

Just fyi I'm picking every snappy quote.

I knew it

something something sentient



How long will this charade go on, snappy?

dark time

Based and hotepilled

Someone got spanked by the admins because a sub that buys lots of gold was doing something controversial?

If this is the case can someone sprinkle a little gold and plat back into r/fatpeoplehate?

theres still /r/fatpeoplestories

That sub is a shadow of its former self.

That sub is a shadow of its former self.

It lost weight.

Just like this sub without pinging or slur-slurs tbh

Damn, dramacoin value gone way down. I wish they kept it, would've been hilarious.

We at least hope the fallout is good

Are you kidding me?

That stickied mod comment is fucking hilarious. Look at the absolute lack of awareness that comes with not seeing that maybe theyā€™re the r-slurs when it comes to this.

Reddit won't keep you from life opportunities



But we already knew the BPT mods were fuckheads.

By now, I'm certain that these people aren't smart enough to know the difference between a conversation and a monologue.

thread closed because šŸ‘ Y'ALL šŸ‘ CAN'T šŸ‘ BEHAVE! šŸ‘


This rings just like that r/games jam a few days back where the mods try to open all our eyes to how horribly toxic reddit can be.

Meanwhile everyone has the justified sense that reddit doesnt matter lmao

This rings just like that r/games jam a few days back where the mods try to open all our eyes to how horribly toxic reddit can be.

what tipped you off einstein was it the explicit reference to /r/games in the post?

Imagine reading the entire fucking thing lmao

it's right there at the top you f slur

I only had to take one glimpse at the post to fully comprehend it and you're mad that you had to read it

or you couldnt splerg out your r slur load fast enough on seeing the thread title, since even a little peak at it and it would be the first thing that stands out

but its ok, youre just pretending to be r slur

Imagine reading even the thread title since it's their too lmao

Imagine being literate

Mods can we add L-slur to the ban list? That word is discriminatory against the B-slurs.

Literacy is obviously a tool of the great white devil.

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Literacy is a tool of the Great W hite Devil.


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Yeah if anything this made me realize that I wasnā€™t that into BPT in the first place and could go without it.

I have a conspiracy theory that this all just happened because the admins came down on them, they wanted to ban mayos the whole time, and only chose April Fool's Day for the sake of plausible deniability. They have been talking about turning BPT into something other than a minstrel show for a while so it seems likely that they were testing the waters


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They have been talking about turning BPT into something other than a minstrel show for a while

Actually doing this would require their normal mods to quit, and they never, ever will.

Arenā€™t they all m*yos?


Like I said, normal people

Implying BPT isnā€™t already a minstrel show?

I know reading simple words is hard, but if you look carefully you can see that was exactly what he said.



Have you considered becoming a Yugioh player? We're also bad at reading much more often than you would think.

This is the most retarded sub I could find so far, Iā€™m self-segregating and going into exile to live among my fellow retards. Iā€™m too poor to afford small pieces of cardboard.

oh sheeeeee-at


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As all things should be

I wonder how low the post submission rate was over the lag 2 days.

J could just go and look, but I don't want to.

The BPT mods really wanted to ban mayos the whole time

Implying thereā€™s something wrong with that

only chose April Fool's Day for the sake of plausible deniability in case it didn't go their way.

Not only plausible deniability but way to come out holier than thou.


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link to that spice?

I donā€™t see this as the same. R/games posted a preachy message. R/bpt caused a major reddit meltdown. It was truly epic. They followed it up with the preaching message, but the original act was pretty cool.


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the greatest injustices of our time:

  • chads

  • calling efeebleophoiles pedos

  • b-people get to call each other n-word but I cant

  • closing down a NEWS AGGREGATION web site and BANNING people over some sjw BULL SHIT about "toxic" CRAPOLA when u didn't even use the nword even though they were totaly acting that way

Comedy gold.

FUUUUUCCCCK šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

I enjoyed the salty fragile mayĆøs literally shaking after being banned šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤.


S E E T H I N G.

They forced so many people to self-dox themselves. Maybe admins intervene?


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Probably not enough roodypoos. They realized their sub is sustained by poor little whitebois who pretend to be b-slur.

roody poo

The Rock says that word needs to make a comeback.


Adm*ns canā€™t fucking do anything right. A sad day for dramacoin


It was amazing not having to actually moderate any posts or comments in this sub for a few days.

I think it would be interesting to have a day a week or month that is just verified users again personally, but I am sure Reddit would blow its top again.

"It was amazing to not have to do all thought policing and virtue signaling I signed up for and instead just shut em all out for lols"

Can he be mod here?

I wonder how many blackbois actually doxxed themselves about this.

Owning the chocos to own the mayos.

Pun intended.

I hear you're not allowed to own them anymore.

Honestly it was hilarious seeing the mayoos getting upset they weren't allowed in.

This is LITERALLY just like the segregation of the 50s u guise

This but unironically.


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I kinda understood the mentality when gamers couldnā€™t post in games, but I have no fucking idea why so many wh-te people are upset they canā€™t post in BPT lmao

Itā€™s really telling they just didnā€™t go to r/wakandapeopletwitter r/BPTCG or r/WholesomeBPT


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Sorry you're completely right. Let me change that for you.

They only reopened the subreddit because they realized only like three actual biscuit lips used the subreddit and everyone else was caspers. Must have been pretty boring with only a few people posting over and over while private.

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Sorry you're completely right. Let me change that for you.

They only reopened the subreddit because they realized only like three actual Africans used the subreddit and everyone else was of European descent. Must have been pretty boring with only a few people posting over and over while private.

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Sorry you're completely right. Let me change that for you.

They only reopened the subreddit because they realized only like three actual DFN used the subreddit and everyone else was DWB. Must have been pretty boring with only a few people posting over and over while private.


Fucking Canadians, I swear

F-slur please (Slurs are bad, k?) and not a leaf šŸ¤·

We ClOsEd ThE sUb To MaYoS bEcAuSe RaCiSm...ApRiL fOoLs (On ApRiL 3Rd) LoL wE'Re ToTaLlY nOt RaCiSt, So We DiD sOmEtHiNg ToTaLlY rAcIsT tHaT wOuLd GeT aNy OtHeR sUb BaNnEd, We JuSt WaNtEd YoU tO sEe WhAt It FeElS lIkE eVeN tHoUgH tHeRe Is No InStItUtIoNaLiZeD rAcIsM aNd We'rE gEnErAtOnS oUt FrOm SlAvErY lOl

I just hope /u/QuarryMan2019 remembers our conversation. There's no going back now.

Iā€™m never going back motherfucker

You're making me so proud son

Thanks dad

no balls tbh, should have stayed closed


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My guess is the admins threatened them, which proves once and for all Reddit mods are below janitors, they're like night janitors.

Cleaning staff, not even janitors.

The probably illegal Mexican maid you pay under the table, minus the pay.

Those are the same things....


They're just like janitors, except janitors get paid

lol as if the sorts of clowns who moderate BPT were ever at risk of depriving themselves of Internet moderator superpowers for more than a few days

With no contract, no healthcare. No wages. Why do they love it so much. Imagine doing a job that eats into your spare time and everyone hates you for no pay. Not even any real world recognition. Just a fucking serf.

i tried to mod once for a large sub and realized i had to spend more than 5 minutes a day doing it. Who has time for that?

They don't even highlight the most important endorsement imaginable, /r/drama's support of their m*yocide efforts šŸ˜ šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬

They included us in their long post saying we were complaining. The reeeeetards didn't notice we support them, we just wanted chaos

Uhm, sweaty, we fully support the m*yocide, unironically.


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I know you, genius, I'm saying they included us as if we were complaining about it going private

Why do you think I was complaining.

I thought you were disagreeing with me. My bad

those magaboomers who sent mildly offensive pms to the mods to increase mayo persecution


I dunno, i think this guy got the message across



In what world is an april fools prank supposed to last until april 3rd?

Guys let's do something that's ridiculous just for virtue signaling. Wow people responding negatively are so racist!

shocked pikachu

Who knew that to be shitty to a whole group of people you just have hold up the actions of a few?


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I cant stop laughing

imagine getting upset over KANGZ segregating themselves VOLUNTARILY


Salty mayo tears, yum yum

welp, i guess brown vs board of education is back on the menu boys!

Ok now this is epic

Obviously, everyone on both sides wants segregation again. Mods are a bunch of pussies.

I was a verified white user. They did not make me apologize. The only thing they asked me to do is explain how I'm an ally. Then they verified me.

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Mayos apologizing for other mayos in every thread, we are truly luck to bear witness to The Great Apologyā„¢ 2k19

saying whites have never been segregated

Are you fucking kidding me? Never segregated? I havenā€™t been aloud to say the N word once in my entire life. And you donā€™t call that segregation? Whites truly are the most oppressed race on earth.

Or something like that whole "Irish need not apply" thing that happened? Nah lets just... Where is the rug...

Same thing in France with Italians and Poles but hey lets forget about that

Or that whole serfdom thing

G-slurs rise up

Also Irish and Polish have been segregated, as well as slavs

Soooo, how many of the mods have verified checkmarks?

This is how people of color feel every day of their lives. Our mothers and fathers constantly worry about our safety every day. The difference is that for us this is never a joke. We cannot turn off the screens of our blackness or unsubscribe from racism. Reddit won't keep you from life opportunities. Hopefully those of you who never understood finally have an understanding of what it was like for our grandparents and what it is still like today.

TFW you were born decades after anyone being denied anything because of their skin color but still need to LARP as an oppressionoid because that's the only way you can excuse your myriad failings as a human being.

Lmao , this is so true

Maybe not a popular opinion but in today's age you get MORE for being a person of color, not less

So many programs, scholarships, professional organizations, etc that specifically exist to solely help them out

Loads of people think this fuck off back to r/unpopularopinion

No u

Be careful committing these thought crimes or youā€™ll be branded as a racist and fascist

Lol when did you sneak across the border?

Do you really think the effects of centuries of slavery and segregation just vanished? that there are no long term effects still being felt by communities to this day?


women managed to shake it off but blacks canā€™t becau

Women where always economically tied to their husbands

Smh, this is what misogyny and f-slur oppression look like in 2019. Go back to the 1920s with your outdated bigotry

But they have a whole word to themselves


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Hey, they are going fo the gold in the reddit oppression Olympics.

BPT: *private for 2 days*


Mayos are truly the weakest condiment.


this but totes serial


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Lol, wanted to agenda shitpost against racists and end up being the origin of /r/SubForWhitePeopleOnly.

Good one for Dramacoin.

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Lol, wanted to agenda shitpost against racists and end up being the origin of /r/SubForWhitePeopleOnly.

Good one for Dramacoin.

We were incredibly blown away with how positive the response to our decision was.


"We are amazed that segregation get such a warm welcome from our community."

bl*ck users will maintain their verified checkmark flairs

The definitive and unlimited N-word ticket. Sure that won't be abused by some smart-ass mayos.

Reddit is segregation lul

Pathetic mayos

Salty racist mayos making themselves known that's a good thing

Is this good for Bitcoin?

While this was done as an April Foolā€™s joke, there was a very real reason behind it more than just some laughs.

It's the type of joke you say when you're not trying to make anyone laugh or care if it's funny


fucking pussies should've kept the mayos out

It truly is impressive how the mods of both subs took a shitty holiday and made it even less bearable.

So how many users ended up being excluded, because I'm pretty sure they're about 90% mayo.


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Given the massive publicity they gave and continue to give /r/SFWPO how much do you want to bet that a mod of /r/bpt is behind it's creation? The top mod's profile reads like an impression of a wh1te supremacist more than a wh1te supremacist.

Stay mad cumskins

BPT mods? yes i agree

Stay mad cumskin

im a coalburner you fucking cu*k

There are no women on the internet

when did I ever say I was a wamen? ;)


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Sorry mom

Now I feel cheated. :/ Can't they make it at least quarantined?

So they say it was an April fools joke, but didnā€™t they post it after April fools? And then they lock this thread saying itā€™s for the exact same reason that ā€œled them to that decisionā€? Doesnā€™t sound like it was a joke at all.

Shutting down societies and making everyone sit through a lecture about morals... where have I seen this before?

Once again, idiots fall for this shit. This is why Redditors are fucking idiots.


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you werenā€™t addicted to Reddit. Youā€™re making a difference, though!

Imagine not supporting mayocide on whity šŸ¤¢

Where they expecting all posters to type the nword every sentence and in ebonics style?

Y'ALL. MAYOS. CAN'T. HANDLE. OUR. DRIB. āœŠšŸæāœŠšŸæāœŠšŸæāœŠšŸæ

they said it was a joke but literally when the sub was closed a mod said "this is not a joke" šŸ¤”

Imagine being so smart that you try to combat racism on your subreddit with even greater racism. Then afterward you glorify it as a good step and defend it.

I hated violence, so I fought back.

I hate knee grows with the passion of 1000 caulk Asian furnaces



Cowards. Keep the wall up.

Well actually this segregation was just a JOKE so that makes it OK.

First we sparked a brand new neo-nazi subreddit /r/SubforWhitePeopleOnly.

First we sparked

We sparked

mfw: https://giphy.com/gifs/london-british-panel-shows-i1jrd0R8wL7pe

me do it: "conversation"

they do it: raycis

The second we pushed them out, they decided to spit racism and slander us.

"hey fuck you pal"

"well fuck you too"

"why would you be so rude to me?"

i do love it so. ban mayos from reddit

Ban everyone with a reddit account from basic necessities (in Minecraft).


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tfw minecraft is the only game not filled with wh*te people nonsense


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This is how people of color feel every day of their lives. Our mothers and fathers constantly worry about our safety every day. The difference is that for us this is never a joke. We cannot turn off the screens of our blackness or unsubscribe from racism. Reddit won't keep you from life opportunities. Hopefully those of you who never understood finally have an understanding of what it was like for our grandparents and what it is still like today.

Shut up y'all wh*te

petition to make 'virtue signalling' a slur

It's time for N8 and the rest of the mayo mods to put their money where their mouths are. Enough of the mayo supremacy there! I demand that they recruit an all black mod team and demod themselves!

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Fight racism with racism. Works every time.*

!Never works!<

I remember when that sub was pure comedy gold, then some joyless ass holes started infecting it with political bullshit and it became like every other damn subreddit


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Lmao Asians siding with chocolate Americans till thereā€™s another LA riot.

Also itā€™s great that the white mods or r/blackpeopletwitter thought itā€™d be a great idea to tag users ethnicity/skin color of its users in their flair. Makes the fourth Reichā€™s job easier

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Lmao Asians siding with black people till thereā€™s another LA riot.

Also itā€™s great that the mayo mods or r/blackpeopletwitter thought itā€™d be a great idea to tag users ethnicity/skin color of its users in their flair. Makes the fourth Reichā€™s job easier

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Lmao Asians siding with chocolate Americans till thereā€™s another LA riot.

Also itā€™s great that the mayo mods or r/blackpeopletwitter thought itā€™d be a great idea to tag users ethnicity/skin color of its users in their flair. Makes the fourth Reichā€™s job easier

Doing a moderation stunt for woke points is quite literally the least impactful form of activism known to man yet is so prevalent on this retarded website. Could these people even name 3 charities they could have donated to instead of wasting everyone's time?

they wouldnt donate, but they'd ask others too

i've only looked at the images so far in the top post about the thread being locked but Damn... those are some Based posts.

ugh, when will these b-slurs learn that mayos are human beings with feelings and we deserve to be fully included in society!

as a whom is 1/32th irish, which is the blacks of europe, I understand what it is like to be a prosecuted minority, and I here by give you all permission to call people the nword


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Automodā€™s been working overtime on these threads lmao


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How do they verify people's blackness? What if someone is mixed race? And why was my last comment removed for saying w h I t e? This is just weird.


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They unironically have blue checkmarks now. 10/10 honkeys triggered and gave themselves the emblem of a*ti$m.

Future conversations will start with, "As a Verified Negro ā„¢.."

Fuck this automod btw

LMAO I became an approved submitter by posting my sisterā€™s DNA test just for fun. Iā€™m literally not black at all

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i cant understand why white people are villianized for some stupid shit some of our ancestors did over a hundred years ago people are trying to move forward but constant blame and hate on all sides is getting us as a species nowhere we are all just little specs on a rock flying through the vast nothingness of space your race has nothing to do with who you are as a person its just because of where you grew up or who your parents are sure there are still alot of old racist fucks in the government and the world but they will die at some point and we as a species need to make sure there not just replaced instead of just separating black people from white people we need to come together and lead by example and show the world that before the color of our skin we are all just humans

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This is still good for Dramacoin

Holy Shit.

Look at that thread with removereddit.

Those mods are genuine racists if they hadn't redefined racism for themselfs.

Aut*stically screech about Chocolates being racist

Call them all n*ggers less than two sentences later.

Why are M*yos so fucking fragile?

I can't even wrap my mind around the smugness of people like that. It must be exhausting being so morally superior.


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I'm glad that Reddit can go back to fetishizing bl*ck people.

This subreddit went straight to the salt mines over a bunch of April Fools jokes.