CAutists accidentally break the world record in their Quarantine speedrun

47  2019-04-03 by ItsSugar


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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The only mayo people interested in a sub that’s race based are blatant racists. Who would have guessed?!

I love how CAnimals created that sub to cope over BPT and now they're trying to play it off

Half of them are probably bruhposting in bpt too.

Not like they have anything better to do except be fâggots

Automod get in here

I'm untouchable now

no bpt is filled with leftoid mayos not rightoid mayos

I know tax paying rightoids irl who used to wear fubu and gold chains. Bpt is a melting pot of hot takes.

There's no way it isn't a bipartisan effort of mayos to sooth their inner fatherless connection with the b community.

no im pretty sure when that sub took a political turn a while back they forced the rightoids out

I can't stand reading bruhtalk or fauxebonics through text. I'll take your word for it.

"Here's yer mirror!"

RIP to the potential lolcow but it at least gave one last laugh:

oof and yikes

Damn they can't put on a respectable veneer for even a few mins. This is one of the reasons why their cause will continue to fail. A few optics people try to herd thousands of hand-flapping mongs who can't but spout memes and wewuz anywhere there's an open comment box

What a hot take.